Completely MAD: A History of the Comic Book and Magazine, Maria Reidelbach, 1991, Little, Brown, $24.95, Mad
[Mad1991], (ISBN: 0316738913).
MAD about Comic Strips, Nick Meglin, John Ficarra, 2003, MAD Books, $12.95, Mad
[Mad2003], (ISBN: 1401200958).
The Madam & Eve Collection, S. Francis, H. Dugmore, Rico, 1993, David Philip Publishers, $15.00, Madam and Eve
[MademEve1993], (ISBN: 086486440X).
Madam & Eve: Free at Last, S. Francis, H. Dugmore, Rico, 1994, Penguin Books, $15.00, Madam and Eve
[MademEve1994], (ISBN: 0140248331).
Madam & Eve: All Aboard for the Gravy Train, S. Francis, H. Dugmore, Rico, 1995, Penguin Books, $15.00, Madam and Eve
[MademEve1995], (ISBN: 0140256520).
Madam & Eve: Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation, S. Francis, H. Dugmore, S. Rico, 1996, Penguin Books, $15.00, Madam and Eve
[MademEve1996], (ISBN: 0140264205).
Madams are from Mars, Maids are from Venus, S. Francis, H. Dugmore, Rico, 1997, Penguin Books, $15.00, Madam and Eve
[MademEve1997], (ISBN: 0140266569).
Madam & Eve's Greatest Hits, S. Francis, H. Dugmore, Rico, 1997, Penguin Books, $15.00, Madam and Eve
[MademEve1997a], (ISBN: 014027068X).
Madam & Eve's Greatest Hits, S. Francis, H. Dugmore, Rico, 1997, Penguin Books, $15.00, Madam and Eve
[MademEve1997b], (ISBN: 0140282416).
It's a Jungle Out There, S. Francis, H. Dugmore, Rico, 1998, David Philip Publishers, $15.00, Madam and Eve
[MademEve1998b], (ISBN: 0864864116).
International Maid of Mystery, S. Francis, H. Dugmore, Rico, 1999, David Philip Publishers, $15.00, Madam and Eve
[MademEve1999], (ISBN: 0864864434).
The Maidtrix, S. Francis, Rico, 2003, Rapid Phase, $17.20, Madam and Eve
[MademEve2003], (ISBN: 0620307099).
Gin and Tonic for the Soul, S. Francis, Rico, 2004, Rapid Phase, $19.38, Madam and Eve
[MademEve2004], (ISBN: 0620325755).
Life is Just a Series of Naps and Snacks: Magnificatz Collection #1, Steve Ogden, 2019, Wishtales, $18.99, Magnificatz
[Magnificatz2019], (ISBN: 1096466376).
Mai: The Psychic Girl Volume 1, Kazuya Kudo, Ryoichi Ikegami, 1989, Viz Comics, $16.95, Mai
[Mai1989-1], (ISBN: 0929279255).
Mai: The Psychic Girl Volume 2, Kazuya Kudo, Ryoichi Ikegami, 1989, Viz Comics, $16.95, Mai
[Mai1989-2], (ISBN: 0929279247).
Mai: The Psychic Girl Volume 3, Kazuya Kudo, Ryoichi Ikegami, 1989, Viz Comics, $16.95, Mai
[Mai1989-3], (ISBN: 0929279271).
Mai: The Psychic Girl Volume 4, Kazuya Kudo, Ryoichi Ikegami, 1989, Viz Comics, $16.95, Mai
[Mai1989-4], (ISBN: 092927928X).
Maitena: Women on the Edge 1, Maitena Burundarena, 2001, Riverhead Books, $12.00, Maitena
[Maitena2001-1], (ISBN: 159448080X).
Maitena: Women on the Edge 2, Maitena Burundarena, 2004, Riverhead Books, $12.00, Maitena
[Maitena2004-2], (ISBN: 159448094X).
Maitena: Women on the Edge 3, Maitena Burundarena, 2005, Riverhead Books, $12.00, Maitena
[Maitena2005-3], (ISBN: 1594480958).
Maitena: Women on the Edge 4, Maitena Burundarena, 2005, Riverhead Books, $15.00, Maitena
[Maitena2005-4], (ISBN: 1594481016).
Maitena: Women on the Edge 5, Maitena Burundarena, 2005, Riverhead Books, $15.00, Maitena
[Maitena2005-5], (ISBN: 1594480974).
Making It: A Survival Guide For Today, Keith Robinson, 1988, Perennial Library, Harper & Row, $11.00, Making It
[MakingIt1988], (ISBN: 0060962542).
5 Years of Making It, Keith Robinson, 1992, The Copy Shop, $8.95, Making It
Mallard Fillmore, Bruce Tinsley, 1995, Andrews & McMeel, $7.95, Mallard Filmore
[Mallard1995], (ISBN: 0836207785).
Mallard Fillmore .... On the Stump, Bruce Tinsley, 1996, Andrews & McMeel, $8.95, Mallard Filmore
[Mallard1996], (ISBN: 0836213114).
Mama Taxi, Deni Brown, Gavin Thomson, 2009, Double Storey, $12.95, Mama Taxi
[MamaTaxi2009], (ISBN: 177013073X).
Mama's Boyz: As American As Sweet Potato Pie, Jerry Craft, 1997, American Pub. Co., $9.95, Mama's Boyz
[Mama1997], (ISBN: 0965696707).
The Man With No Name: Sinners and Saints, Christos Gage, Wellington Dias, Simon Bowland, 2009, Dynamite Entertainment, $19.99, The Man With No Name
[Man2009], (ISBN: 1606900129).
Mandrake the Magician Feature Book 18 (13 Sep 1937 - 29 Jan 1938), Lee Falk, Phil Davis, 1993, Pacific Comics Club, $9.50, Mandrake
Mandrake the Magician Feature Book 19 (31 Jan 1938 - 8 Jun 1938), Lee Falk, Phil Davis, 1993, Pacific Comics Club, $9.50, Mandrake
Mandrake the Magician Feature Book 23 (1938), Lee Falk, Phil Davis, 1993, Pacific Comics Club, $4.95, Mandrake
Ultimate Mandrake Sundays, Volume One (30 Jan 1955 - 25 Nov 1956), Lee Falk, Phil Davis, 1989, Pioneer Books, $25.00, Mandrake
Mandrake the Magician, Lee Falk, Fred Fredericks, 1987, Budget Books Pty, $4.95, Mandrake
[Mandrake1987], (ISBN: 0868018007).
Mandrake the Magician: The Hidden Kingdom of Murderers, Lee Falk, Phil Davis, 2016, Titan Comics, $39.99, Mandrake
[Mandrake2016a], (ISBN: 0857685724).
Mandrake the Magician: The Dailies Volume 1 - The Cobra, Lee Falk, Phil Davis, 2016, Titan Comics, $39.99, Mandrake
[Mandrake2016b], (ISBN: 1782766901).
Mandrake the Magician: The Fred Fredricks Dailies Volume 1 1965-1967: The Return of Evil - The Cobra, Lee Falk, Fred Fredericks, 2017, Titan Comics, $49.99, Mandrake
[Mandrake2017], (ISBN: 178276691X).
Mandrake the Magician: The Fred Fredricks Sundays Volume 1: The Meeting of Mandrake and Lothar, Lee Falk, Fred Fredericks, 2018, Titan Comics, $49.99, Mandrake
[Mandrake2018], (ISBN: 1782766928).
Legacy of Mandrake The Magician, Erica Schultz, Diego Giribaldi, Ramon Bunge, 2021, Stonebot Comics, $12.95, Mandrake
[Mandrake2021], (ISBN: 1732797692).
Futaba-kun Change: Volume 1 A Whole New You!, Hiroahi Aro, 1999, Studio Ironcat, $15.95, Manga
[Aro-1], (ISBN: 1929090005).
Futaba-kun Change: Volume 2 Who Wears The Pants?, Hiroahi Aro, 1990, Studio Ironcat, $15.95, Manga
[Aro-2], (ISBN: 1929090013).
Futaba-kun Change: Volume 3 Laying Down the Smack, Hiroahi Aro, 2000, Studio Ironcat, $15.95, Manga
[Aro-3], (ISBN: 1929090072).
Futaba-kun Change: Volume 4 Bring it On!, Hiroahi Aro, 2001, Studio Ironcat, $15.95, Manga
[Aro-4], (ISBN: 1929090110).
Futaba-kun Change: Volume 5 How Ya Like Me Now?, Hiroahi Aro, 2001, Studio Ironcat, $15.95, Manga
[Aro-5], (ISBN: 1929090153).
Futaba-kun Change: Volume 6 Secrets Revealed!, Hiroahi Aro, 2002, Studio Ironcat, $15.95, Manga
[Aro-6], (ISBN: 1929090242).
Futaba-kun Change: Volume 7 To Win My Heart, Hiroahi Aro, 2002, I.C. Entertainment, $11.95, Manga
[Aro-7], (ISBN: 1929090277).
Futaba-kun Change: Volume 8 U.F.O. Unidentified Foreign Origin, Hiroahi Aro, 2003, I.C. Entertainment, $11.95, Manga
[Aro-8], (ISBN: 1929090285).
What the Font?! - A Manga Guide to Western Typeface, Kuniichi Ashiya, 2020, Seven Seas, $13.99, Manga
[Font2020], (ISBN: 1645056392).
The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo, 2017, Ten Speed Press, $14.99, Manga
[Kondo2017], (ISBN: 0399580530).
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo, Drew Weing, 2018, First Second, $10.99, Margo Maloo
[Maloo-01], (ISBN: 1250188261).
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo: The Monster Mall, Drew Weing, 2018, First Second, $9.99, Margo Maloo
[Maloo-02], (ISBN: 1250268923).
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo: The Tangled Web, Drew Weing, 2021, First Second, $15.99, Margo Maloo
[Maloo-03], (ISBN: 1250206839).
Top Dog: Marmaduke at 50, Brad Anderson, 2003, Ballantine, $24.95, Marmaduke
[Marmaduke2003], (ISBN: 0345464540).
All I Really Need to Know I Learned While Still in Diapers, Tom Armstrong, 1991, Avon, $5.95, Marvin
[Marvin1991], (ISBN: 0380764326).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume One (10 Feb 1957 - 11 Jan 1958), Leonard Starr, 2006, Classic Comics Press, $19.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-01], (ISBN: 1424310237).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Two (12 Jan 1958 - 19 Apr 1959), Leonard Starr, 2006, Classic Comics Press, $21.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-02], (ISBN: 1424326621).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Three (20 Apr 1959 - 12 Jun 1960), Leonard Starr, 2007, Classic Comics Press, $21.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-03], (ISBN: 160402609X).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Four (13 Jun 1960 - 17 Sep 1961), Leonard Starr, 2008, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-04], (ISBN: 1605850772).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Five (18 Sep 1961 - 9 Mar 1963), Leonard Starr, 2008, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-05], (ISBN: 1606438905).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Six (10 Mar 1963 - 11 Oct 1964), Leonard Starr, 2009, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-06], (ISBN: 1615390774).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Seven (12 Oct 1964 - 4 May 1966), Leonard Starr, 2010, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-07], (ISBN: 1616587482).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Eight (5 May 1966 - 19 Nov 1967), Leonard Starr, 2011, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-08], (ISBN: 1450737536).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Nine (20 Nov 1967 - 10 May 1969), Leonard Starr, 2012, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-09], (ISBN: 1450780628).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Ten (11 May 1969 - 31 Oct 1970), Leonard Starr, 2012, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-10], (ISBN: 1467518131).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Eleven (1 Nov 1970 - 11 Jun 1972), Leonard Starr, 2013, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-11], (ISBN: 0985928417).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Twelve (12 Jun 1972 - 13 Jan 1974), Leonard Starr, 2014, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-12], (ISBN: 0985928441).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Thirteen (14 Jan 1974 - 8 Nov 1975), Leonard Starr, 2014, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-13], (ISBN: 0985928476).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Fourteen (9 Nov 1975 - 18 Sep 1977), Leonard Starr, 2015, Classic Comics Press, $25.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-14], (ISBN: 0990412032).
Mary Perkins On Stage: Volume Fifteen (19 Sep 1977 - 9 Sep 1979), Leonard Starr, 2016, Classic Comics Press, $25.95, Mary Perkins
[MaryPerkins-15], (ISBN: 0990412040).
Searching and Other Stories of Mary Worth, Karen Moy, Joe Giella, 2014, Lulu.com, $15.20, Mary Worth
[MaryWorth2014], (ISBN: 131228501X).
The Night Before Christmask, Rick Geary, 1994, Dark Horse Comics, $9.95, The Mask
[Mask1994b], (ISBN: 1569710546).
The Mask Summer Vacation, Rick Geary, 1995, Dark Horse Comics, $10.95, The Mask
[Mask1995a], (ISBN: 156971102X).
The Mask in School Spirits, Rick Geary, 1995, Dark Horse Comics, $10.95, The Mask
[Mask1995b], (ISBN: 1569711216).
Maxine!, Marian Henley, 1987, New American Library (Plume), $3.48, Maxine
[Henley1987], (ISBN: 0452259991).
Laughing Gas: The Best of Maxine!, Marian Henley, 2003, Republic of Texas, $21.95, Maxine
[Henley2003], (ISBN: 1556229321).
Melisande, Margery Sharp, Roy McKie, 1960, Little, Brown, $7.95, Melisande
The Men in Black, Lowell Cunningham, Sandy Carruthers, 1990, Malibu Graphics, $7.95, Men In Black
[MenInBlack1990], (ISBN: 0944735606).
Mermaid Project Episode 1, Leo, Corine Jamar, Fred Simon, 2017, Cinebook, $11.95, Mermaid Project
[Leo-Mer1], (ISBN: 184918402X).
Mermaid Project Episode 2, Leo, Corine Jamar, Fred Simon, 2017, Cinebook, $11.95, Mermaid Project
[Leo-Mer2], (ISBN: 1849184038).
Mermaid Project Episode 3, Leo, Corine Jamar, Fred Simon, 2017, Cinebook, $11.95, Mermaid Project
[Leo-Mer3], (ISBN: 1849184127).
Mermaid Project Episode 4, Leo, Corine Jamar, Fred Simon, 2018, Cinebook, $11.95, Mermaid Project
[Leo-Mer4], (ISBN: 1849184135).
Mermaid Project Episode 5, Leo, Corine Jamar, Fred Simon, 2020, Cinebook, $11.95, Mermaid Project
[Leo-Mer5], (ISBN: 1849184259).
What's Michael? Book Two, Makoto Kobayashi, 1990, Eclipse Books, $9.95, Michael
[Michael1990b], (ISBN: 1560600780).
What's Michael? Michael's Album, Makoto Kobayashi, 1997, Dark Horse, $5.95, Michael
[Michael1997a], (ISBN: 1569712476).
What's Michael? Living Together, Makoto Kobayashi, 1997, Dark Horse, $5.95, Michael
[Michael1997b], (ISBN: 1569712484).
What's Michael? Off the Deep End, Makoto Kobayashi, 1997, Dark Horse, $5.95, Michael
[Michael1997c], (ISBN: 1569712492).
What's Michael? Michael's Mambo, Makoto Kobayashi, 1998, Dark Horse, $5.95, Michael
[Michael1998], (ISBN: 1569712506).
What's Michael? Michael's Favorite Spot, Makoto Kobayashi, 2002, Dark Horse, $8.95, Michael
[Michael2002a], (ISBN: 1569715572).
What's Michael? A Hard Day's Life, Makoto Kobayashi, 2002, Dark Horse, $8.95, Michael
[Michael2002b], (ISBN: 1569717443).
What's Michael? Fat Cat in the City, Makoto Kobayashi, 2003, Dark Horse, $8.95, Michael
[Michael2003a], (ISBN: 1569719144).
What's Michael? The Ideal Cat, Makoto Kobayashi, 2004, Dark Horse, $8.95, Michael
[Michael2004a], (ISBN: 1593071205).
Michael Musculus et Lapis Sapientiae {Latin}, Carolus Egger, 1984, European Language Institute, $47.50, Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse, Disney, 1978, Abbeville Press, $19.95, Mickey Mouse
[DisneyMickey1978], (ISBN: 0896590054).
The Malcolm Willits Collection of Mickey Mouse Paintings by Floyd Gottfredson, Howard Lowery, 1993, Howard Lowery, $0.01, Mickey Mouse
The Middle Age: Volume One Sword Troubles, Steve Conley, 2019, Steve Conley, $19.99, The Middle Age
[MiddleAge2019], (ISBN: 1732897018).
The Middle Age: Volume Two Better Than Nothing, Steve Conley, 2020, Steve Conley, $38.00, The Middle Age
[MiddleAge2020], (ISBN: 1732897042).
The Middle Age: Volume Three: So Many Questions, Steve Conley, 2024, Steve Conley, $39.00, The Middle Age
[MiddleAge2024], (ISBN: 1732897077).
From the Files of Mike Hammer: The Complete Dailies and Sundays (26 Apr 1953 - 20 Mar 1954), Mickey Spilland, Ed Robbins, 2013, Hermes Press, $49.99, Mike Hammer
[Hammer1953], (ISBN: 1613450257).
Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer: The Night I Died, Max Allan Collins, Marcelo Salaza, Marcio Freire, 2018, Titan Comics, $16.99, Mike Hammer
[Hammer2018], (ISBN: 1785866443).
The Snowman, Milo Manara, 1990, Catalan Communications, $9.95, Milo Manara
[Manara1990], (ISBN: 087416124X).
Mirth of Yore -- Cartoons of Fantasy, James B. King, 1990, Starlance, $7.95, Mirth of Yore
[Mirth1990], (ISBN: 0962703001).
Male Call, Milton Caniff, 1987, Kitchen Sink Press, $9.95, Miss Lace
[Caniff1945b], (ISBN: 0878160272).
Boffo, Joe Martin, 1986, Turnbull & Willoughby, $4.95, Mister Boffo
[Boffo1986], (ISBN: 0943084385).
Unclear on the Concept, Joe Martin, 1989, Little, Brown, $6.95, Mister Boffo
[Boffo1989], (ISBN: 0316548596).
Mister Boffo Shrink Wrapped, Joe Martin, 1995, Andrews & McMeel, $10.95, Mister Boffo
[Boffo1995], (ISBN: 0836217772).
Mister Boffo The First Decade, Joe Martin, 1996, Andrews & McMeel, $9.95, Mister Boffo
[Boffo1996], (ISBN: 0836214420).
Media Mania, Jack Ohman, 1996, Macmillan, $9.95, Mixed Media
[MixedMedia1996], (ISBN: 0028608496).
Comics Revue #9 presents Modesty Blaise: The Junk Men, Peter O'Donnell, 1980, Comics Revue, $5.95, Modesty Blaise
Modesty Blaise, Peter O'Donnell, Dick Giordano, 1994, DC Comics, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty1994], (ISBN: 1563891786).
Comics Revue presents Modesty Blaise: Cry Wolf, Peter O'Donnell, 1995, Comics Revue, $5.95, Modesty Blaise
Modesty Blaise: Live Bait, Peter O'Donnell, Romero, 2002, Manuscript Press, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2002], (ISBN: 0936414111).
Modesty Blaise: Lady in the Dark, Peter O'Donnell, Romero, 2003, Manuscript Press, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2003], (ISBN: 093641412X).
Modesty Blaise: The Gabriel Set-up, Peter O'Donnell, Jim Holdaway, 2004, Titan Books, $16.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2004a], (ISBN: 1840236582).
Modesty Blaise: Mister Sun, Peter O'Donnell, Jim Holdaway, 2004, Titan Books, $16.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2004b], (ISBN: 184023721X).
Modesty Blaise: Top Traitor, Peter O'Donnell, Jim Holdaway, 2004, Titan Books, $16.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2004c], (ISBN: 1840236841).
Modesty Blaise: The Black Pearl, Peter O'Donnell, Jim Holdaway, 2004, Titan Books, $16.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2004d], (ISBN: 1840238429).
Modesty Blaise: Bad Suki, Peter O'Donnell, Jim Holdaway, 2005, Titan Books, $16.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2005a], (ISBN: 184023864X).
Modesty Blaise: The Hell Makers, Peter O'Donnell, Jim Holdaway, 2005, Titan Books, $16.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2005b], (ISBN: 1840238658).
Modesty Blaise: The Green-Eyed Monster, Peter O'Donnell, Jim Holdaway, 2005, Titan Books, $16.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2005c], (ISBN: 1840238666).
Modesty Blaise: The Gallows Bird, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2006, Titan Books, $17.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2006a], (ISBN: 1840238682).
Modesty Blaise: Cry Wolf, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2006, Titan Books, $16.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2006b], (ISBN: 1840238690).
Modesty Blaise: The Puppet Master, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2006, Titan Books, $16.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2006c], (ISBN: 1840238674).
Modesty Blaise: The Inca Trail, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2007, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2007a], (ISBN: 184576417X).
Modesty Blaise: Death Trap, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2007, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2007b], (ISBN: 1845764188).
Modesty Blaise: Yellowstone Booty, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, John Burns, 2008, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2008a], (ISBN: 1845764196).
Modesty Blaise: Green Cobra, Peter O'Donnell, John Burns, Pat Wright, 2008, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2008b], (ISBN: 184576420X).
Modesty Blaise: The Lady Killers, Peter O'Donnell, Neville Colvin, 2009, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2009a], (ISBN: 1848561067).
Modesty Blaise: The Scarlet Maiden, Peter O'Donnell, Neville Colvin, 2009, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2009b], (ISBN: 1848561075).
Modesty Blaise: Death in Slow Motion, Peter O'Donnell, Neville Colvin, 2010, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2010a], (ISBN: 1848561083).
Modesty Blaise: The Grim Joker, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2014, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2014a], (ISBN: 1781167117).
Modesty Blaise: The Young Mistress, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2014, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2014b], (ISBN: 1781167095).
Modesty Blaise: The Killing Distance, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2015, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2015], (ISBN: 1781167125).
Modesty Blaise: Ripper Jax, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2016, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2016a], (ISBN: 1783298588).
Modesty Blaise: The Murder Frame, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2016, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2016b], (ISBN: 1783298596).
Modesty Blaise: Children of Lucifer, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2017, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2017a], (ISBN: 178329860X).
Modesty Blaise: The Killing Game, Peter O'Donnell, Enric Badia Romero, 2017, Titan Books, $19.95, Modesty Blaise
[Modesty2017b], (ISBN: 1785653008).
Molly and the Bear, Bob Scott, 2016, Cameron + Company, $24.95, Molly and the Bear
[Molly2016], (ISBN: 1937359859).
Monsieur Charlatan, Angeliki Salamaliki, 2017, Indigogo, $25.14, Monsieur Charlatan
Morgan Calabrese: The Movie, N. Leigh Dunlap, 1987, New Victoria Publishers, $5.95, Morgan Calabrese
[Morgan1987], (ISBN: 0934678146).
The Mysterious Manuscript, Lars Jakobsen, 2012, Graphic Universe, $6.95, Mortensen's Escapades
[Jakobsen1994a], (ISBN: 0822594099).
The Santa Fe Jail, Lars Jakobsen, 2012, Graphic Universe, $6.95, Mortensen's Escapades
[Jakobsen1994b], (ISBN: 0822594218).
Oh God! It's Grimm, Mike Peters, 1988, Day Dream, $8.95, Mother Goose & Grimm
[Mother1988a], (ISBN: 1558240640).
The Ultimate Mother Goose and Grimm: A 20 Year Treasury, Mike Peters, 2005, Andrews McMeel, $16.95, Mother Goose & Grimm
[Mother2005], (ISBN: 0740750089).
Motley the Cat from Wright Angles, Larry Wright, 1988, Stabur Press, $5.95, Motley the Cat
[Motley1988], (ISBN: 0941613097).
Motor Girl: Real Life, Terry Moore, 2017, Abstract Studio, $15.99, Motor Girl
[Strangers2017a], (ISBN: 1892597632).
Motor Girl: No Man Left Behind, Terry Moore, 2017, Abstract Studio, $15.99, Motor Girl
[Strangers2017b], (ISBN: 1892597659).
Cowboys & Aliens, Scott Rosenberg, 2011, It Books, $15.99, Movie (Cowboys & Aliens)
[Movie2006b], (ISBN: 0062079077).
Lost in Space, 1998, Dark Horse Comics, $7.95, Movie (Lost in Space)
[Movie1998], (ISBN: 1569713413).
Monsters, Inc., Pixar, 2002, TokyoPop, $7.99, Movie (Monsters, Inc.)
[Movie2002], (ISBN: 1591820758).
Prince of Persia, Jordan Mechner, A.B. Sima, LeUyen Pham, Alex Puvilland, 2008, First Second, $7.99, Movie (Prince of Persia)
[Persia2008], (ISBN: 1596436026).
The Tale of Despereaux, Matt Smith, David Tilton, 2008, Candlewick Press, $9.99, Movie (The Tale of Despereaux)
[Despereaux2008], (ISBN: 0763640751).
The Strange World of Mr. Mum [PPB], Phillips, 1960, Pocket Books, $0.35, Mr. Mum
Mr. Potato Head Unplugged, Jim Davis, Brett Koth, 2002, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, Mr. Potato Head
[PotatoHead2002], (ISBN: 0740726676).
The Files of Ms. Tree: Volume Three: The Mike Mist Case Book, Max Collins, Terry Beatty, Gary Kato, 1986, Renegade Press, $7.00, Ms. Tree
[Tree1986], (ISBN: 0940031027).
Ms. Tree: One Mean Mother, Max Allan Collins, Terry Beatty, 2019, Titan Comics, $24.99, Ms. Tree
[Tree2019], (ISBN: 1787730514).
Ms. Tree Vol. 2: Skeleton in the Closet, Max Allan Collins, Terry Beatty, 2020, Titan Comics, $29.99, Ms. Tree
[Tree2020], (ISBN: 1787730522).
Ms. Tree Vol. 3: The Cold Dish, Max Allan Collins, Terry Beatty, 2021, Titan Comics, $24.99, Ms. Tree
[Tree2021], (ISBN: 1787730530).
The Mummy, Jolley, Harris, 1993, Dark Horse, $4.95, Mummy
The Mummy: The Rise and Fall of Xango's Ax, Joshua Jabcuga, Stephen Mooney, 1998, IDW Publishing, $17.99, Mummy
[Universal2008], (ISBN: 1600102522).
Mutations Episode 1, Leo, Corine Jamar, Fred Simon, 2020, Cinebook, $15.95, Mutations
[Leo-Mut1], (ISBN: 1849185506).
Mutations Episode 2, Leo, Corine Jamar, Fred Simon, 2021, Cinebook, $15.95, Mutations
[Leo-Mut2], (ISBN: 1800440111).
The Early Years of Mutt and Jeff, Bud Fisher, 2007, (NBM) Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine, $24.95, Mutt and Jeff
[Mutt2007], (ISBN: 1561635022).
Mutts, Patrick McDonnell, 1996, Andrews & McMeel, $9.95, Mutts
[Mutts1996], (ISBN: 0836210255).
Mutts II: Cats and Dogs, Patrick McDonnell, 1997, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Mutts
[Mutts1997], (ISBN: 0836237323).
Mutts III: More Shtuff, Patrick McDonnell, 1998, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Mutts
[Mutts1998], (ISBN: 0836268237).
Yesh! Mutts IV, Patrick McDonnell, 1999, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Mutts
[Mutts1999a], (ISBN: 0836282868).
Mutts Sundays, Patrick McDonnell, 1999, Andrews McMeel, $12.95, Mutts
[Mutts1999b], (ISBN: 0740700103).
Mutts V: Our Mutts, Patrick McDonnell, 2000, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Mutts
[Mutts2000], (ISBN: 0740704567).
Mutts Six: A Little Look-See, Patrick McDonnell, 2001, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, Mutts
[Mutts2001a], (ISBN: 0740713949).
Mutts Sunday Mornings, Patrick McDonnell, 2001, Andrews McMeel, $12.95, Mutts
[Mutts2001b], (ISBN: 0740718533).
Mutts What Now, Patrick McDonnell, 2002, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, Mutts
[Mutts2002], (ISBN: 0740723219).
Mutts No. Eight: I Want To Be The Kitty!, Patrick McDonnell, 2003, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, Mutts
[Mutts2003a], (ISBN: 0740733052).
Mutts: The Comic Art of Patrick McDonnell, Patrick McDonell, 2003, Harry N. Abrams, $45.00, Mutts
[Mutts2003b], (ISBN: 0810946165).
Mutts Sunday Afternoons, Patrick McDonnell, 2004, Andrews McMeel, $12.95, Mutts
[Mutts2004a], (ISBN: 0740741411).
Mutts 9: Dog-Eared, Patrick McDonnell, 2004, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, Mutts
[Mutts2004b], (ISBN: 0740747401).
Mutts 10: Who Let the Cat Out?, Patrick McDonnell, 2005, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, Mutts
[Mutts2005a], (ISBN: 0740750062).
Mutts Sunday Evenings, Patrick McDonnell, 2005, Andrews McMeel, $12.95, Mutts
[Mutts2005b], (ISBN: 0740755358).
Everyday Mutts, Patrick McDonnell, 2006, Andrews McMeel, $16.95, Mutts
[Mutts2006], (ISBN: 0740761978).
Animal Friendly, Patrick McDonnell, 2007, Andrews McMeel, $16.95, Mutts
[Mutts2007a], (ISBN: 0740765566).
The Best of Mutts, Patrick McDonnell, 2007, Andrews McMeel, $24.95, Mutts
[Mutts2007b], (ISBN: 0740768441).
Playtime, Patrick McDonnell, 2015, Andrews McMeel, $33.05, Mutts
[Mutts2015], (ISBN: 060637826X).
A Fantastic Voyage into Greek Mythology, Sofia Souli, Markos Sigalas, 1998, Michalis Toubis Editions, $4.95, Mythology
[Greek1998], (ISBN: 960540253X).