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Books by Topic starting with K

Fear of a Black Marker, Keith Knight, 2000, Manic Press, $11.95, K Chronicles [Keith2000], (ISBN: 0916397637).
The Complete K Chronicles, Keith Knight, 2008, Dark Horse, $24.95, K Chronicles [Keith2008], (ISBN: 1593079435).
Kabuki Masks of the Noh, David Mack, 1998, Image Comics, $10.95, Kabuki [Kabuki1998b], (ISBN: 1887279997).
Kabuki Skin Deep, David Mack, 1998, Image Comics, $9.95, Kabuki [Kabuki1998c], (ISBN: 1582401500).
Karl Volume 1: The Spatlese Rider: The Story of a Famous Wine, Kunkel, M. Apitz, 1993, AK Publishers, $5.95, Karl [Karl1993], (ISBN: 3925771034).
Dr. Katz Professional Therapist: Hey, I've Got My Own Problems, Bill Braudis, Dick Truxaw, 1997, Pocket Books, $10.00, Katz [Katz1997], (ISBN: 0671007580).
Kelly Green: The Complete Collection, Stan Drake, Leonard Starr, 2016, Classic Comics Press, $59.95, Kelly Green [KellyGreen2016], (ISBN: 0990412024).
Kevin & Kell: Quest for Content, Bill Holbrook, 1997, Online Features Syndicate, $11.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-01], (ISBN: 0966067606).
Kevin & Kell: Seen Anything Unusual, Bill Holbrook, 1998, Online Features Syndicate, $11.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-02], (ISBN: 0966067614).
Kevin & Kell: Accepting Domestication, Bill Holbrook, 1999, Online Features Syndicate, $12.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-03], (ISBN: 0966067665).
Kevin & Kell: Run Free!, Bill Holbrook, 1999, Plan Nine, $12.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-04], (ISBN: 096606769X).
Kevin & Kell: For the Birds, Bill Holbrook, 2000, Plan Nine, $12.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-05], (ISBN: 1929462182).
Kevin & Kell #6: Election Night Fever, Bill Holbrook, 2001, Plan Nine, $12.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-06], (ISBN: 1929462298).
Kevin & Kell #7: Booth Bunnies, Bill Holbrook, 2001, Plan Nine, $12.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-07], (ISBN: 1929462263).
Kevin & Kell #8: Carrots and Sticks, Bill Holbrook, 2003, Plan Nine, $17.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-08], (ISBN: 1929462301).
Kevin & Kell #9: Straight Outta Computers, Bill Holbrook, 2003, Plan Nine, $17.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-09], (ISBN: 1929462875).
Kevin & Kell #10: Oh, the Humanity!, Bill Holbrook, 2005, Moonbase Press, $14.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-10], (ISBN: 1939544009).
Kevin & Kell #11: Iron Rabbit, Bill Holbrook, 2006, Moonbase Press, $14.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-11].
Kevin & Kell #12: Yo Momma!, Bill Holbrook, 2007, Moonbase Press, $15.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-12], (ISBN: 0974891533).
Kevin & Kell #13: Pregnant Paws, Bill Holbrook, 2008, Moonbase Press, $15.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-13], (ISBN: 0974891525).
Kevin & Kell #14: Rules of Engagement, Bill Holbrook, 2009, Moonbase Press, $15.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-14], (ISBN: 0974891584).
Kevin & Kell #15: On Strike!, Bill Holbrook, 2010, Moonbase Press, $15.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-15].
Kevin & Kell #16: Honeymoon 2.0, Bill Holbrook, 2011, Moonbase Press, $15.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-16], (ISBN: 1935933108).
Kevin & Kell #17: Alpha Female, Bill Holbrook, 2010, Pencil Rough Productions, $19.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-17], (ISBN: 1939544076).
Kevin & Kell #18: Predator Camp, Bill Holbrook, 2011, Pencil Rough Productions, $19.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-18], (ISBN: 1939544106).
Kevin & Kell #19: Mouscar, Bill Holbrook, 2012, Pencil Rough Productions, $19.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-19], (ISBN: 1939544157).
Kevin & Kell #20: Sheep Dip, Bill Holbrook, 2013, Pencil Rough Productions, $19.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-20], (ISBN: 193954422X).
Kevin & Kell #21: Hoofbeats, Bill Holbrook, 2014, Pencil Rough Productions, $19.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-21], (ISBN: 1939544297).
Paper Trained 2015, Bill Holbrook, 2015, Pencil Rough Productions, $19.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-22], (ISBN: 1939544327).
Little Shop of Carnivores 2016, Bill Holbrook, 2016, Pencil Rough Productions, $19.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-23], (ISBN: 1939544351).
Turvy 2017, Bill Holbrook, 2017, Pencil Rough Productions, $19.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-24], (ISBN: 1939544386).
Mouse Mom 2018, Bill Holbrook, 2018, Pencil Rough Productions, $19.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-25], (ISBN: 1939544416).
Revenge Served Wild 2019, Bill Holbrook, 2019, Pencil Rough Productions, $22.99, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell-26], (ISBN: 1939544424).
Kevin & Kell: Origin of the Species, Bill Holbrook, 2008, Bill Holbrook, $7.95, Kevin & Kell [KevinKell1999c].
Kid Beowulf: The Blood-Bound Oath, Alexis E. Fajardo, 2016, Andrews McMeel, $10.99, Kid Beowulf [KidBeowulf2016], (ISBN: 1449475892).
Kid Beowulf: The Song of Roland, Alexis E. Fajardo, 2017, Andrews McMeel, $12.99, Kid Beowulf [KidBeowulf2017], (ISBN: 1449475906).
Kid Beowulf: The Tarpeian Rock, Alexis E. Fajardo, 2021, Kid Beowulf Comics, $19.99, Kid Beowulf [KidBeowulf2021], (ISBN: 0990950557).
Kid Beowulf: Songs and Sagas, Alexis E. Fajardo, 2021, Kid Beowulf Comics, $19.99, Kid Beowulf [KidBeowulf2023], (ISBN: 9798985999907).
Kill 6 Billion Demons: Book One, Tom Parkinson-Morgan, 2016, Image Comics, $14.99, Kill 6 Billion Demons [Kill6BillionDemons01], (ISBN: 1534300147).
Kill 6 Billion Demons: Book Two: Wielder of Names, Tom Parkinson-Morgan, 2018, Image Comics, $14.99, Kill 6 Billion Demons [Kill6BillionDemons02], (ISBN: 1534306455).
Kill 6 Billion Demons: Book Three: Seeker of Thrones, Tom Parkinson-Morgan, 2019, Image Comics, $16.99, Kill 6 Billion Demons [Kill6BillionDemons03], (ISBN: 1534312013).
Kill 6 Billion Demons: Book Four: King of Swords, Tom Parkinson-Morgan, 2021, Image Comics, $17.99, Kill 6 Billion Demons [Kill6BillionDemons04], (ISBN: 1534319131).
King Aroo Volume One Complete Comics 1950-1952, Jack Kent, 2010, IDW Publishing, $39.99, King Aroo [Aroo2010], (ISBN: 1600105815).
Kiskaloo, Chris Sanders, 2008, Chris Sanders, $14.95, Kiskaloo [Kiskaloo2008], (ISBN: 0979780918).
Kit 'n' Carlyle, Larry Wright, 1982, Wallaby Books, $4.95, Kit 'n' Carlyle [KitnCarlyle1982], (ISBN: 0671456873).
Take Me Away From All This!!, John Steventon, 2002, Lulu.com, $10.99, Knight and Day [Knight2002].
3 Knights in India, John Steventon, 2006, HappyGlyphs.com, $12.00, Knight and Day [Knight2006], (ISBN: 1411687396).
The Koky Sundays: 1979-1981, Richard O'Brien, Mort Gerberg, 2007, Lulu.com, $17.92, Koky [Koky2007].
Krazy and Ignatz: Daily Strips (1 Jan 1921 - 31 Dec 1921), George Herriman, 2003, Pacific Comics Club, $12.95, Krazy Kat [Krazy1921a].
Krazy and Ignatz: Volume 2 1922, George Herriman, 2004, Pacific Comics Club, $12.95, Krazy Kat [Krazy1922a].
Krazy and Ignatz: 1923, George Herriman, 2005, Pacific Comics Club, $12.95, Krazy Kat [Krazy1923a].
Krazy & Ignatz 1925-1926, George Herriman, 2002, Fantagraphics Books, $14.95, Krazy Kat [Krazy2002a], (ISBN: 1560973862).
Krazy & Ignatz 1927-1928, George Herriman, 2002, Fantagraphics Books, $14.95, Krazy Kat [Krazy2002b], (ISBN: 1560975075).
Krazy & Ignatz 1929-1930, George Herriman, 2003, Fantagraphics Books, $14.95, Krazy Kat [Krazy2003a], (ISBN: 1560975296).
Preacher, Doug Marlette, 1984, Thomas Nelson, $4.95, Kudzu [Kudzu1984], (ISBN: 0840758952).
Chocolate is my Life, Doug Marlette, 1987, Peachtree Publishers, $3.00, Kudzu [Kudzu1987a], (ISBN: 0934601313).
'Til Stress Do Us Part, Doug Marlette, 1989, Longstreet Press, $6.95, Kudzu [Kudzu1989a], (ISBN: 0929264150).
A Doublewide with a View, Doug Marlette, 1989, Longstreet Press, $9.95, Kudzu [Kudzu1989b], (ISBN: 0929264614).
Even White Boys get the Blues: Kudzu's First Ten Years, Doug Marlette, 1992, Times Books, $12.95, Kudzu [Kudzu1992], (ISBN: 0812920724).
Gone with the Kudzu, Doug Marlette, 1995, Rutledge Hill Press, $9.95, Kudzu [Kudzu1995], (ISBN: 1558533362).
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