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Books by Topic starting with J

Louder and Funnier: After-Dinner Speeches and Other Mistakes, Burr Shafer, 1951, Vanguard Press, $7.50, J. Wesley Smith [Shafer1951].
The Wonderful World of J. Wesley Smith, Burr Shafer, 1960, Vanguard Press, $6.00, J. Wesley Smith [Shafer1960a], (ISBN: 0814901999).
The Wonderful World of J. Wesley Smith, Burr Shafer, 1960, Scholastic Book Service, $0.50, J. Wesley Smith [Shafer1960b].
Lost Cause: The True Story of Famed Texas Gunslinger John Wesley Hardin, Jack Jackson, 1999, Kitchen Sink Press, $22.95, Jack Jackson [Jackson1999a], (ISBN: 087816619X).
Indian Lover: Sam Houston & the Cherokees, Jack Jackson, 1999, Mojo Press, $14.95, Jack Jackson [Jackson1999b], (ISBN: 1885418205).
Comanche Moon, Jack Jackson, 2003, Reed Graphica, $14.95, Jack Jackson [Jackson2003], (ISBN: 1594290032).
Jack, Jacky and the Juniors Volume 2, Jan Kruis, 1979, Joop Wiggers Productions, $3.50, Jack, Jacky and the Juniors [Jack1979], (ISBN: 9063370199).
If You Didn't Want Grits, How Come You Ordered Breakfast?, Jake Vest, 1990, Sentinel Communications Company, $10.95, Jake [Jake1990], (ISBN: 0941263177).
James Bond: Licence To Kill, Mike Grell, 1989, Eclipse Books, $7.95, James Bond [Bond1989a], (ISBN: 0913035912).
James Bond: Permission to Die No. 2, Mike Grell, 1989, Eclipse Books, $3.95, James Bond [Bond1989c].
Ian Fleming's James Bond 007: Serpent's Tooth, Doug Moench, Paul Gulacy, 1995, Dark Horse Comics, $15.95, James Bond [Bond1995], (ISBN: 1878574787).
James Bond 007: The Man With the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, Jim Lawrence, Yaroslav Horak, 2004, Titan Books, $16.95, James Bond [Bond2004a], (ISBN: 1840236906).
James Bond 007: Octopussy, Ian Fleming, Jim Lawrence, Yaroslav Horak, 2004, Titan Books, $16.95, James Bond [Bond2004b], (ISBN: 1840237430).
James Bond 007: On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Ian Fleming, Henry Gammidge, John McLusky, 2004, Titan Books, $17.95, James Bond [Bond2004c], (ISBN: 1840236744).
James Bond 007: Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, Henry Gammidge, John McLusky, 2004, Titan Books, $17.95, James Bond [Bond2004d], (ISBN: 1840239085).
James Bond 007: Casino Royale, Ian Fleming, Anthony Hern, Henry Gammidge, John McLusky, 2005, Titan Books, $16.95, James Bond [Bond2005a], (ISBN: 1840238437).
James Bond 007: Dr. No, Ian Fleming, Henry Gammidge, John McLusky, 2005, Titan Books, $16.95, James Bond [Bond2005b], (ISBN: 1845760891).
James Bond 007: The Spy Who Loved Me, Ian Fleming, Jim Lawrence, Yaroslav Horak, 2005, Titan Books, $19.95, James Bond [Bond2005c], (ISBN: 184576174X).
James Bond 007: Colonel Sun, Kingsley Amis, Jim Lawrence, Yaroslav Horak, 2005, Titan Books, $19.95, James Bond [Bond2005d], (ISBN: 1845761758).
James Bond 007: The Golden Ghost, Ian Fleming, Jim Lawrence, Yaroslav Horak, 2006, Titan Books, $17.95, James Bond [Bond2006a], (ISBN: 1845762614).
James Bond 007: Trouble Spot, Ian Fleming, Jim Lawrence, Yaroslav Horak, 2006, Titan Books, $19.95, James Bond [Bond2006b], (ISBN: 184576269X).
James Bond 007: The Phoenix Project, Ian Fleming, Jim Lawrence, Yaroslav Horak, 2007, Titan Books, $19.95, James Bond [Bond2007a], (ISBN: 1845763122).
James Bond 007: Death Wing, Ian Fleming, Jim Lawrence, Yaroslav Horak, 2007, Titan Books, $19.95, James Bond [Bond2007b], (ISBN: 1845765176).
James Bond 007: Shark Bait, Ian Fleming, Jim Lawrence, Yaroslav Horak, North, 2008, Titan Books, $19.95, James Bond [Bond2008a], (ISBN: 1845765915).
James Bond 007: The Paradise Plot, Ian Fleming, Jim Lawrence, John McLusky, 2008, Titan Books, $19.95, James Bond [Bond2008b], (ISBN: 1845767160).
James Bond 007: The Girl Machine, Ian Fleming, Jim Lawrence, Yaroslav Horak, 2009, Titan Books, $19.95, James Bond [Bond2009a], (ISBN: 1848561121).
James Bond in Vargr, Warren Ellis, Jason Mastors, 2016, Dynamite Entertainment, $19.99, James Bond [Bond2016], (ISBN: 1606909010).
James Bond in Eidolon, Warren Ellis, Jason Mastors, 2017, Dynamite Entertainment, $24.99, James Bond [Bond2017a], (ISBN: 1524102725).
Black Box, Benjamin Percy, Rapha Lobosco, Chris O'Halloran, 2017, Dynamite Entertainment, $24.99, James Bond [Bond2017b], (ISBN: 1524104094).
Hammerhead, Andy Diggle, Luca Casalanguida, 2017, Dynamite Entertainment, $24.99, James Bond [Bond2017c], (ISBN: 1524103225).
Casino Royale, Van Jensen, Dennis Calero, 2018, Dynamite Entertainment, $24.99, James Bond [Bond2018], (ISBN: 1524100684).
James Bond Origin, Volume One, Jeff Parker, Bob Q, Roman Stevens, Jordan Boyd, Jordie Bellaire, Simon Bowland, 2019, Dynamite Entertainment, $24.99, James Bond [Bond2019], (ISBN: 1524109762).
James Bond Origin, Volume Two, Jeff Parker, Ibrahim Moustafa, Roman Stevens, Michael Garland, Simon Bowland, 2020, Dynamite Entertainment, $24.99, James Bond [Bond2020], (ISBN: 1524112682).
James, Mark Tonra, 2002, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, James [James2002], (ISBN: 0740721968).
Hey, James!, Mark Tonra, 2003, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, James [James2003], (ISBN: 0740733087).
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen, Nancy Butler, Hugo Petrus, 2010, Marvel, $14.99, Jane Austen [Austen2010], (ISBN: 0785139168).
Jane's World, Paige Braddock, 2001, Plan Nine, $12.95, Jane's World [Jane2001], (ISBN: 1929462360).
Jane's World: Volume 1, Paige Braddock, 2003, Girl Twirl Comics, $12.95, Jane's World [Jane2003], (ISBN: 0974245003).
Jane's World: Volume 3, Paige Braddock, 2005, Girl Twirl Comics, $15.95, Jane's World [Jane2005a], (ISBN: 0974245070).
Jane's World: Volume 4, Paige Braddock, 2005, Girl Twirl Comics, $15.00, Jane's World [Jane2005b], (ISBN: 0976670739).
Jane at War (3 Sep 1939 - 25 Jun 1945), Pett, 1995, Pedigree Books, $17.95, Jane [Jane1939], (ISBN: 1874507457).
The Misadventures of Jane, Pett, 2009, Titan Books, $19.95, Jane [Jane2009], (ISBN: 1848561679).
The Yellow Jar: Two Tales From Japanese Tradition, Volume 1, Patrick Atangan, 2002, (NBM) Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine, $12.95, Japan [Atangan2002], (ISBN: 1561633313).
Silk Tapestry and Other Chinese Folktales, Volume 2, Patrick Atangan, 2004, (NBM) Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine, $12.95, Japan [Atangan2004], (ISBN: 1561634034).
Tree of Love, Volume 3, Patrick Atangan, 2005, (NBM) Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine, $12.95, Japan [Atangan2005], (ISBN: 1561634387).
Let's Speak English, Mary Cagle, 2013, Hiveworks, $28.00, Japan [Cagle2013], (ISBN: 1946698008).
Japan Unbuttoned, Tuttle, Kuwata, 1954, Charles E. Tuttle Company, $2.95, Japan [Japan1954].
It's Better With Your Shoes Off, Anne Cleveland, 1985, Charles E. Tuttle Company, $3.98, Japan [Japan1955], (ISBN: 0804811970).
We Loved Every Minute or Life in "Western" Japan, Sanae Yamazaki, 1958, Charles E. Tuttle Company, $3.00, Japan [Japan1958].
Japan Inc.: An Introduction to Japanese Economics (The Comic Book), Shotaro Isninomori, 1988, University of California Press, $10.95, Japan [Japan1988], (ISBN: 0520062892).
The Best Cartoons of Nippon '95, 1995, Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the Omiya City Humor Center, $7.00, Japan [Japan1995].
Japan Inc.: An Introduction to Japanese Economics Volume 2 (The Comic Book), Shotaro Isninomori, 1996, Lancaster Press, $17.95, Japan [Japan1996], (ISBN: 1573210064).
Jasper, James Simpkins, 1960, Rinehart & Company, $2.50, Jasper [Jasper1960].
Jenny Sparks: The Secret History of The Authority, Mark Millar, John McCrea, James Hodgkins, Ian Hannin, 2001, WildStorm Productions, $14.95, Jenny Sparks [Sparks2000], (ISBN: 1563897695).
Jerome K. Jerome Bloche Vol. 1: The Shadow Killer, Alain Dodler, Pierre Makyo, Serge Le Tendre, 2017, IDW Publishing, $14.99, Jerome Bloche [Dodier2017], (ISBN: 1631409026).
Jet Scott Volume 1, Jerry Robinson, Sheldon Stark, 2010, Dark Horse, $34.95, Jet Scott [JetScott-01], (ISBN: 1595822879).
Jet Scott Volume 2, Jerry Robinson, Sheldon Stark, 2010, Dark Horse, $34.99, Jet Scott [JetScott-02], (ISBN: 1595825193).
The Valley of the Cobras, Herge, 1986, Methuen, $3.35, Jo, Zette, Jocko [TintinH1986], (ISBN: 0416596703).
The Stratoship H.22/Part One: Mr. Pump's Legacy, Herge, 1990, Mammoth, $9.95, Jo, Zette, Jocko [TintinH1990a], (ISBN: 0749705418).
The Stratoship H.22/Part Two: Destination New York, Herge, 1990, Mammoth, $9.95, Jo, Zette, Jocko [TintinH1990b], (ISBN: 0749705310).
The Secret Ray: Double Volume, Herge, 1994, Casterman, $25.95, Jo, Zette, Jocko [TintinH1994], (ISBN: 0951279955).
Joan Book I, Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, 2000, Comics One, $14.95, Joan of Arc [Joan-01], (ISBN: 1588990907).
Joan Book II, Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, 2000, Comics One, $14.95, Joan of Arc [Joan-02], (ISBN: 1588990915).
Joan Book III, Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, 2000, Comics One, $14.95, Joan of Arc [Joan-03], (ISBN: 1588990923).
Joe Palooka in the Land of Forgotten Men The Foreign Legion!, Ham Fisher, 1992, Classic Comic Strips, $15.95, Joe Palooka [Palooka1992].
The Black Arrow, Peyo, 1995, Fantasy Flight Publishing, $8.95, Johan & Peewit [Peyo1995], (ISBN: 1887911502).
John Darling: Take One [PPB], Tom Armstrong, Tom Batiuk, 1979, Tempo Books, $43.99, John Darling [Darling1979], (ISBN: 0448171678).
Voyage Into The Deep: The Saga of Jules Verne and Captain Nemo, Francois Riviere, Serge Micheli, 2004, Harry N. Abrams, $16.95, Jules Verne [Verne2004], (ISBN: 0810948303).
Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne, Gary Gianni, 2009, Flesk Publications, $24.95, Jules Verne [Verne2009], (ISBN: 1933865083).
Volume One: Neekibo, Dieter, Plessix, 1989, Heavy Metal, $14.95, Julien Boisvert [Boisvert1989], (ISBN: 0878162267).
Volume Two: Grisnoir, Dieter, Plessix, 1991, Heavy Metal, $14.95, Julien Boisvert [Boisvert1991], (ISBN: 0878162275).
The Heart of Juliet Jones Dailies Volume 1 (9 Mar 1953 - 13 Aug 1955), Stan Drake, 2008, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Juliet Jones [Juliet-1], (ISBN: 1606438913).
The Heart of Juliet Jones Dailies Volume 2 (15 Aug 1955 - 30 Nov 1957), Stan Drake, 2009, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Juliet Jones [Juliet-2], (ISBN: 1615390782).
The Heart of Juliet Jones Dailies Volume 3 (2 Dec 1957 - 23 Jan 1960), Stan Drake, 2010, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Juliet Jones [Juliet-3], (ISBN: 1616587490).
The Heart of Juliet Jones Sundays Volume 4 (2 May 1954 - 3 Aug 1958), Stan Drake, 2014, Classic Comics Press, $24.95, Juliet Jones [Juliet-4], (ISBN: 0985928484).
JumpStart: A Love Story, Robb Armstrong, 1995, HarperPerennial, $12.00, Jump Start [JumpStart1995], (ISBN: 0060951397).
JumpStart, Robb Armstrong, 1997, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Jump Start [JumpStart1997], (ISBN: 0836236610).
Twins ... Twice the Fun, Robb Armstrong, 2007, Journey, $17.95, Jump Start [JumpStart2007], (ISBN: 0979817110).
On a Roll: A JumpStart Treasury, Robb Armstrong, 2020, Andrews McMeel, $19.99, Jump Start [JumpStart2020], (ISBN: 1524861626).
Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book Stories, P. Craig Russell, 1997, (NBM) Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine, $16.95, Jungle Book [Russell1997], (ISBN: 1561631523).
Jurassic Park, Simonson, Kane, Perez, 1993, Topps Comics, $9.95, Jurassic Park [JurassicPark1993], (ISBN: 1883313023).
Just Say Uncle Book The Complete 2013 GoComics Dailies, Dan Pavelich, 2013, Indigogo, $22.00, Just Say Uncle [JustSayUncle2013].
Just Say Uncle Book The Complete 2014 GoComics Dailies, Dan Pavelich, 2014, Indigogo, $25.00, Just Say Uncle [JustSayUncle2014].
Just Say Uncle Book The Complete 2015 GoComics Dailies, Dan Pavelich, 2015, Indigogo, $26.00, Just Say Uncle [JustSayUncle2015].
JLA: A League of One, Christopher Moeller, 2000, DC Comics, $14.95, Justice League [JLA2000], (ISBN: 1563895811).
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