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Books by Topic starting with E

Largo Winch Introduction to Finance, Olivier Bossard, 2020, Dupuis, $27.50, Economics [LargoWinch2019], (ISBN: 9791034750467).
Edge City, Terry LaBan, Patty LaBan, 2007, Andrews McMeel, $12.95, Edge City [EdgeCity2007], (ISBN: 0740763563).
The Edison Files: Notes From the Lab, John Hambrock, 2010, Liddle Press, $21.95, Edison Lee [Edison2010], (ISBN: 0615399908).
The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee: The Second Edison Lee Collection, John Hambrock, 2018, Liddle Press, $20.45, Edison Lee [Edison2018], (ISBN: 0692100598).
Einstein For Beginners, Joseph Schwartz, Michael McGuinness, 1979, Pantheon Books, $7.95, Education [Einstein1979], (ISBN: 0679725105).
The Manga Guide to Databases, Mana Takahashi, Shoko Azuma, 2009, Ohmsha and No Starch Press, $19.95, Education [Manga2009a], (ISBN: 1593271905).
The Manga Guide to Electricity, Kazuhiro Fujitaki, Matsuda, Trend-Pro, 2009, Ohmsha and No Starch Press, $19.95, Education [Manga2009b], (ISBN: 1593271972).
Eggbert, Laf, 1960, Simon & Schuster (Fireside), $1.98, Eggbert [Eggbert1960], (ISBN: 067122042X).
To the Heart of the Storm, Will Eisner, 1991, DC Comics, $14.95, Eisner [Eisner1991a], (ISBN: 1563896796).
Will Eisner Reader, Will Eisner, 1991, Kitchen Sink Press, $9.95, Eisner [Eisner1991b], (ISBN: 0878161295).
Life on Another Planet, Will Eisner, 1995, Kitchen Sink Press, $12.95, Eisner [Eisner1995a], (ISBN: 0878163700).
Dropsie Avenue: The Neighborhood, Will Eisner, 1995, Kitchen Sink Press, $15.95, Eisner [Eisner1995b], (ISBN: 0878163484).
Moby Dick, Will Eisner, 1998, NBM, $7.95, Eisner [Eisner1998b], (ISBN: 1561632945).
The Last Knight: An Introduction to Don Quixote, Will Eisner, 2000, NBM, $7.95, Eisner [Eisner2000a], (ISBN: 1561632538).
Last Day in Vietnam: A Memory, Will Eisner, 2000, Dark Horse, $10.95, Eisner [Eisner2000b], (ISBN: 1569715009).
Sundiata: A Legend of Africa, Will Eisner, 2002, NBM, $15.95, Eisner [Eisner2002], (ISBN: 1561633321).
Fagin the Jew, Will Eisner, 2003, Doubleday, $16.95, Eisner [Eisner2003], (ISBN: 0385510098).
The Plot: The Secret Story of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Will Eisner, 2005, W.W. Norton, $14.95, Eisner [Eisner2005b], (ISBN: 0393328600).
The Elderberries, Phil Frank, Joe Troise, 2008, Andrews McMeel, $12.99, The Elderberries [Elder2008], (ISBN: 0740773682).
An Enola Holmes Mystery: 1. The Case of the Missing Marquess, Serena Blasco, 2018, Eurocomics, $14.99, Enoloa Holmes [SherlockEnola2015], (ISBN: 1684053366).
An Enola Holmes Mystery: 2. The Case of the Left-Handed Lady, Serena Blasco, 2019, Eurocomics, $14.99, Enoloa Holmes [SherlockEnola2016], (ISBN: 1684054729).
An Enola Holmes Mystery: 3. The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets, Serena Blasco, 2020, Eurocomics, $14.99, Enoloa Holmes [SherlockEnola2020], (ISBN: 168405642X).
Enola Holmes Mycroft's Danerous Game, Nancy Springer, Mickey George, Giorgia Sposito, 2022, Legendary Comics, $14.99, Enoloa Holmes [SherlockEnola2022], (ISBN: 1681160889).
Robinsonia, Eric Maltaite, 2000, Eurotica, $11.95, Eric Maltaite [Maltaite2000], (ISBN: 1561632554).
The 1001 Nights of Scheherazade, Eric Maltaite, 2002, Eurotica, $12.95, Eric Maltaite [Maltaite2002], (ISBN: 1561633216).
Erik the Viking, Terry Jones, 1989, Robson Books, $9.95, Erik the Viking [Erik1989], (ISBN: 0860516318).
Trust Me!, Bud Grace, 1990, Avon, $5.95, Ernie [Ernie1990], (ISBN: 038076069X).
Ernie: Out of Control, Bud Grace, 1996, Andrews & McMeel, $9.95, Ernie [Ernie1996], (ISBN: 0836221230).
Ex Machina Volume 1: The First Hundred Days (Issues 1-5), Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, Tom Feister, J.D. Mettler, 2004, WildStorm, $9.99, Ex Machina [ExMachina2004-1], (ISBN: 1401206123).
Ex Machina Volume 2: Tag (Issues 6-10), Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, Tom Feister, 2005, WildStorm, $12.99, Ex Machina [ExMachina2005-2], (ISBN: 1401206263).
Ex Machina Volume 3: Fact v. Fiction (Issues 11-16), Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, Tom Feister, J.D. Mettler, 2006, WildStorm, $12.99, Ex Machina [ExMachina2006-3], (ISBN: 1401209882).
Ex Machina Volume 4: March To War (Issues 17-20), Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, Tom Feister, Chris Sprouse, Karl Story, J.D. Mettler, 2006, WildStorm, $12.99, Ex Machina [ExMachina2006-4], (ISBN: 1401209971).
Ex Machina Volume 5: Smoke Smoke (Issues 21-25), Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, Tom Feister, J.D. Mettler, 2007, WildStorm, $12.99, Ex Machina [ExMachina2007-5], (ISBN: 1401213227).
Ex Machina Volume 6: Power Down (Issues 26-29), Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, Tom Feister, J.D. Mettler, 2008, WildStorm, $12.99, Ex Machina [ExMachina2008-6], (ISBN: 1401214983).
Ex Machina Deluxe Edition Book Four (Issues 30-40), Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, 2011, WildStorm, $29.99, Ex Machina [ExMachina2011-7.8], (ISBN: 1401228453).
Ex Machina Book Five (Issues 41-50), Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, 2011, Vertigo, $19.99, Ex Machina [ExMachina2015-9.10], (ISBN: 1401254225).
Queen of the Universe Part Two: Dare to Dream, Sam Hurt, 2014, First Existential Courage Printing, $14.95, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-10], (ISBN: 0984893229).
Queen of the Universe Part Three: Still at Large, Sam Hurt, 2015, First Existential Courage Printing, $14.95, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-11], (ISBN: 0984893237).
I'm Pretty Sure I've Got My Death-Ray in Here Somewhere (Autographed), Sam Hurt, 1982, Charles McGarry, $4.95, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-1], (ISBN: 0961166002).
Eyebeam, Therefore I am, Sam Hurt, 1984, Sam Hurt, $4.95, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-2], (ISBN: 0961166010).
Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Tweed, Sam Hurt, 1985, Blunt Books, $5.95, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-3], (ISBN: 0961166029).
Our Eyebeams Twisted, Sam Hurt, 1985, Blunt Books, $6.95, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-4], (ISBN: 0961166037).
The Mind's Eyebeam (Autographed), Sam Hurt, 1986, Andrews, McMeel & Parker, $5.95, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-5], (ISBN: 0836220862).
Eyebeam: Teetering on the Blink, Sam Hurt, 1988, Texas Monthly Press, $6.95, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-6], (ISBN: 087719100X).
Eyebeam: Render Unto Peaches, Sam Hurt, 1988, Texas Monthly Press, $6.95, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-7], (ISBN: 0877191158).
Eyebeam Returns, Sam Hurt, 2011, Existential Courage Printing, $33.94, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-8], (ISBN: 0984893202).
Queen of the Universe Part One: Setting Things Straight, Sam Hurt, 2012, First Existential Courage Printing, $14.95, Eyebeam [Eyebeam-9], (ISBN: 0984893210).
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