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Books by Topic starting with C

Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Volume 1, Mark Schultz, 1993, Kitchen Sink Press, $14.95, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs [Schultz1993a], (ISBN: 087816071X).
Time in Overdrive: Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Volume 3, Mark Schultz, 1993, Kitchen Sink Press, $29.95, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs [Schultz1993b], (ISBN: 0878162135).
Calamities of Nature, Tony Piro, 2011, Spiffy Studios, $23.00, Calamities of Nature [Calamities2008], (ISBN: 1463764545).
Bacon's Not a Food, It's a Lifestyle, Tony Piro, 2011, Spiffy Studios, $20.00, Calamities of Nature [Calamities2011], (ISBN: 1463581890).
Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson, 1987, Andrews, McMeel & Parker, $8.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1987], (ISBN: 0836220889).
Something Under the Bed is Drooling, Bill Watterson, 1988, Andrews & McMeel, $6.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1988a], (ISBN: 0836218256).
The Essential Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson, 1988, Andrews & McMeel, $12.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1988b], (ISBN: 0836218051).
Yukon Ho!, Bill Watterson, 1989, Andrews & McMeel, $8.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1989a], (ISBN: 0836218353).
The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book, Bill Watterson, 1989, Andrews & McMeel, $7.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1989b], (ISBN: 0836218523).
Wierdos From Another Planet!, Bill Watterson, 1990, Andrews & McMeel, $7.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1990a], (ISBN: 0836218620).
The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson, 1990, Andrews & McMeel, $12.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1990b], (ISBN: 0836218221).
The Revenge of the Baby-Sat, Bill Watterson, 1991, Andrews & McMeel, $8.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1991a], (ISBN: 0836218663).
Scientific Progress Goes "Boink", Bill Watterson, 1991, Andrews & McMeel, $8.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1991b], (ISBN: 0836218787).
Tommy & Tigern: Tigertrobbel! {Norwegian}, Bill Watterson, 1991, Semic Nordisk Forlag AS, $4.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1991c], (ISBN: 8253510772).
Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons, Bill Watterson, 1992, Andrews & McMeel, $8.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1992a], (ISBN: 0836218833).
Calvin et Hobbes 7: Que Fait la Police? {French}, Bill Watterson, 1997, Hors Collection, $16.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1992b], (ISBN: 2258036429).
The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson, 1992, Andrews & McMeel, $12.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1992c], (ISBN: 0836218981).
The Days Are Just Packed, Bill Watterson, 1993, Andrews & McMeel, $12.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1993], (ISBN: 0836217357).
Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat, Bill Watterson, 1994, Andrews & McMeel, $12.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1994], (ISBN: 0836217691).
The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book, Bill Watterson, 1995, Andrews & McMeel, $14.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1995], (ISBN: 0836204387).
There's Treasure Everywhere, Bill Watterson, 1996, Andrews & McMeel, $14.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1996a], (ISBN: 0836213122).
It's a Magical World, Bill Watterson, 1996, Andrews & McMeel, $14.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin1996b], (ISBN: 0836221362).
Calvin and Hobbes: Sunday Pages 1985-1995, Bill Watterson, 2001, Andrews McMeel, $12.95, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin2001], (ISBN: 0740721356).
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes (Boxed Set), Bill Watterson, 2005, Andrews McMeel, $150.00, Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin2005], (ISBN: 0740748475).
The Lighter Side of Campus Life, 1986, CampusLife Books, $2.00, Campus Life [Campus1986], (ISBN: 084233808X).
Candorville: Thank God for Culture Clash, Darrin Bell, 2005, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, Candorville [Candorville2005], (ISBN: 0740754424).
Another Stereotype Bites the Dust, Darrin Bell, 2006, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, Candorville [Candorville2006], (ISBN: 0740760416).
Katrina's Ghost, Darrin Bell, 2009, Bell Cartoons, $19.95, Candorville [Candorville2009], (ISBN: 0557178339).
The Compleat Cannon, Wallace Wood, 2001, Fantagraphics Books, $19.95, Cannon [Wood2001], (ISBN: 1560974257).
Hurricane Isle and Other Adventures: The Best of Captain Easy and Wash Tubbs, Roy Crane, 2015, Fantagraphics Books, $39.99, Captain Easy and Wash Tubbs [Crane2015], (ISBN: 1606998099).
The Power of Shazam!, Jerry Ordway, 1994, DC Comics, $19.95, Captain Marvel [Marvel1994], (ISBN: 1563890852).
Comic Strip Showcase 4 Featuring Captain Midnight (29 Jun 1942 - 20 Mar 1943), 1943, Arcadia Publications, $7.95, Captain Midnight [CaptainMidnight1943], (ISBN: 093882905X).
Voila Careme: The Gastronomic Adventures of History's Greatest Chef, Adam Gopnik, Jack Huberman, 1980, St. Martin's Press, $4.95, Careme [Gopnik1980], (ISBN: 0312850980).
Coo-Coo #1 (Facsimile Edition), Carl Barks, E.A. Sumner, 1998, Bruce Hamilton Company, $10.00, Carl Barks [Barks1932].
The Unexpurgated Carl Barks, Carl Barks, 1997, Hamilton Comics, $9.95, Carl Barks [Barks1997], (ISBN: 1574600230).
Carmichael, Dave Eastman, 1959, Rinehart & Company, $5.95, Carmichael [Carmichael1959].
Caroline in the City, Fred Barron, Marco Pennette, Dottie Dartland, 1997, Boulevard Books, $8.00, Caroline in the City [Caroline1997], (ISBN: 1572972963).
Clean Cartoonists' Dirty Drawings, Craig Yoe, 2007, Last Gasp, $19.95, Cartoonists [Yoe2007], (ISBN: 086719653X).
Cartoons of the Roaring Twenties: Volume 1, R.C. Harvey (Editor), 1991, Fantagraphics Books, $8.95, Cartoons (20s) [Harvey1991], (ISBN: 1560970510).
Cartoons of the Roaring Twenties: Volume 2, R.C. Harvey (Editor), 1992, Fantagraphics Books, $8.95, Cartoons (20s) [Harvey1992], (ISBN: 1560970790).
Come As You Are, Abner Dean, 1952, Simon & Schuster, $25.00, Cartoons (Abner Dean) [Dean1952].
Choices: A Pro-Choice Benefit Comic, Trina Robbins (Editor), 1990, Angry Isis Press, $4.00, Cartoons (Abortion) [Choices1990].
Accountants, How Do I Love Thee?, James Peterson, 2017, Shutterfly, $8.65, Cartoons (Accounting) [Shutterfly2017].
Accounting Again, James Peterson, 2019, Shutterfly, $15.00, Cartoons (Accounting) [Shutterfly2019].
Alain's Steeplechase, Alain, 1957, Simon & Schuster, $13.50, Cartoons (Alain) [Alain1957].
Rejections, Alan Dunn, 1931, Alfred A. Knopf, $27.50, Cartoons (Alan Dunn) [DunnA1931].
Who's Paying for this Cab?, Alan Dunn, 1945, Simon & Schuster, $10.00, Cartoons (Alan Dunn) [DunnA1945].
East of Fifth: The Story of an Apartment House, Alan Dunn, 1948, Simon & Schuster, $13.00, Cartoons (Alan Dunn) [DunnA1948].
Should It Gurgle?, Alan Dunn, 1956, Simon & Schuster, $5.00, Cartoons (Alan Dunn) [DunnA1956].
Is There Intelligent Life on Earth?, Alan Dunn, 1960, Simon & Schuster, $5.25, Cartoons (Alan Dunn) [DunnA1960].
A Portfolio of Social Cartoons 1957-1968, Alan Dunn, 1968, Simon & Schuster, $5.95, Cartoons (Alan Dunn) [DunnA1968].
Antique Comic Book Stories and Adventures, 1965?, Merrimack Publishing, $4.95, Cartoons (Antique) [Antique1965].
Anton's Amusement Arcade, Antonia Yeoman, H. Underwood Thompson, 1947, Collins, $13.50, Cartoons (Anton) [Anton1947].
Aunt's in your Pants: Memoirs of a Dirty Old Woman, Sergio Aragones, 2020, About Comics, $9.99, Cartoons (Aragones) [Groo-00], (ISBN: 1949996131).
Mad's Sergio Aragones on Parade, Sergio Aragones, 1978, Mad Big Book, $4.98, Cartoons (Aragones) [Groo-01], (ISBN: 0446970972).
Buzz & Bell, Space Cadets, Sergio Aragones, 1978, Platinum Editions, $9.95, Cartoons (Aragones) [Groo-02], (ISBN: 156398007X).
Smokehouse Five, Sergio Aragones, 1991, Platinum Editions, $4.98, Cartoons (Aragones) [Groo-03], (ISBN: 156398024X).
Louder Than Words, Sergio Aragones, 1998, Dark Horse Comics, $12.95, Cartoons (Aragones) [Groo-04], (ISBN: 156971343X).
Boogeyman, Sergio Aragones, 1999, Dark Horse Comics, $9.95, Cartoons (Aragones) [Groo-05], (ISBN: 156971374X).
Actions Speak, Sergio Aragones, 2002, Dark Horse Comics, $13.95, Cartoons (Aragones) [Groo-06], (ISBN: 1569717583).
Archi-toons: Funniness, Comedy & Delight, Richard T. Bynum Jr., 2003, Wiley-Academy, $25.00, Cartoons (Architecture) [Bynum2003], (ISBN: 0470854065).
Peter Arno's Parade, Peter Arno, 1929, Horace Liveright, $5.50, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1929].
Peter Arno's Hullabaloo, Peter Arno, 1930, Horace Liveright, $16.00, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1930].
Peter Arno's Circus, Peter Arno, 1931, Horace Liveright, $13.50, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1931].
Peter Arno's Favorites, Peter Arno, 1932, Blue Ribbon Books, $10.00, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1932].
For Members Only, Peter Arno, 1935, Simon & Schuster, $20.50, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1935].
Peter Arno's Cartoon Revue, Peter Arno, 1941, Simon & Schuster, $30.00, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1941].
Man in the Shower, Peter Arno, 1944, Simon & Schuster, $3.00, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1944].
The Peter Arno Pocket Book (No. 155,377,541), Peter Arno, 1945, Pocket Books, $3.25, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1945].
Sizzling Platter, Peter Arno, 1949, Simon & Schuster, $3.00, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1949].
Ladies & Gentlemen, Peter Arno, 1951, Simon & Schuster, $5.00, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1951].
Hell of a Way to Run a Railroad, Peter Arno, 1956, Simon & Schuster, $10.00, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1956].
Lady in the Shower, Peter Arno, 1967, Simon & Schuster, $25.00, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1967].
Peter Arno, Peter Arno, 1979, HarperPerennial, $6.48, Cartoons (Arno) [Arno1979], (ISBN: 0825304016).
Artoons, Pablo Helguera, 2009, Jorge Pinto Books, $14.95, Cartoons (Art) [Artoons2009], (ISBN: 1934978108).
Art Afterpieces, Ward Kimball, 1975, Price, Stern, Sloan, $3.50, Cartoons (Art) [Kimball1975], (ISBN: 0843103663).
You've Got Me in the Nursery, Lawrence Lariar, 1958, Dodd, Mead, $7.50, Cartoons (Babies) [Lariar1958].
Blessed Event, Bill O'Malley, 1954, Prentice-Hall, $5.00, Cartoons (Babies) [OMalley1954].
David, We're Pregnant, Lynn Johnston, 1977, Meadowbrook Press, $2.95, Cartoons (Baby) [Johnston1977a], (ISBN: 0915658046).
Hi Mom! Hi Dad!, Lynn Johnston, 1977, Meadowbrook Press, $3.95, Cartoons (Baby) [Johnston1977b], (ISBN: 0915658062).
Do They Every Grow Up?, Lynn Johnston, 1978, Meadowbrook Press, $5.95, Cartoons (Baby) [Johnston1978], (ISBN: 0915658100).
Oh My Heck!, Pat Bagley, 1988, Signature Books, $5.95, Cartoons (Bagley) [Bagley1988], (ISBN: 0941214680).
Slightly Overdrawn, Thomas L. Stix (Editor), 1950, Simon & Schuster, $2.00, Cartoons (Banks) [Stix1950].
Barron's Book of Cartoons, 1999, Prentice-Hall, $22.00, Cartoons (Barron's) [Barron1999], (ISBN: 0735201420).
The Best of Barron, Sid Barron, 1985, Lester & Orpen Dennys, $5.95, Cartoons (Barron) [Barron1985], (ISBN: 088619055X).
Kings Don't Carry Money, C. Barsotti, 1981, Dodd, Mead, $8.95, Cartoons (Barsotti) [Barsotti1981], (ISBN: 0517475065).
Barsotti's Texas, C. Barsotti, 1986, Texas Monthly Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Barsotti) [Barsotti1986], (ISBN: 0877190356).
The Best of Barsotti, C. Barsotti, 1989, Ravette Books, $6.95, Cartoons (Barsotti) [Barsotti1989], (ISBN: 1853041815).
The Essential Charles Barsotti, Lee Lorenz (Editor), 1998, Workman Publishing, $10.95, Cartoons (Barsotti) [Barsotti1998], (ISBN: 0761109528).
From the Very Big Desk of ..., Charles Barsotti, 2006, Bulfinch Press, $19.95, Cartoons (Barsotti) [Barsotti2006], (ISBN: 0821257935).
They Moved My Bowl, Charles Barsotti, 2007, Little, Brown, $19.99, Cartoons (Barsotti) [Barsotti2007], (ISBN: 0316113085).
Play Ball!, S. Gross, Jim Charlton (Editor), 1991, HarperPerennial, $8.95, Cartoons (Baseball) [Gross1991], (ISBN: 0060965983).
Sister, Stanley, Janice Berenstain, 1955, Henry Schuman, $12.95, Cartoons (Berenstain) [Berenstain1955b].
It's All in the Family -- McCalls, Stan, Jan Berenstain, 1958, E.P. Dutton, $5.00, Cartoons (Berenstain) [Berenstain1958].
Have a Baby, My Wife Just Had a Cigar, Stan, Jan Berenstain, 1960, Dell, $1.00, Cartoons (Berenstain) [Berenstain1960b].
Call Me Mrs., Stan, Jan Berenstain, 1961, Macmillan, $3.00, Cartoons (Berenstain) [Berenstain1961b].
Flipsville -- Squaresville, Stan, Jan Berenstain, 1965, Delacorte Press, $5.95, Cartoons (Berenstain) [Berenstain1965].
It's All in the Family -- Good Housekeeping, Stan, Jan Berenstain, 1985, Ballantine, $5.95, Cartoons (Berenstain) [Berenstain1985], (ISBN: 0345326938).
Child's Play: Cartoon Art of Stan and Jan Berenstain, Mike Berenstain, 2008, Harry N. Abrams, $35.00, Cartoons (Berenstain) [Berenstain2008], (ISBN: 0810972603).
Berry's World, Jim Berry, 1967, Four Winds Press, $5.95, Cartoons (Berry) [Berry1967].
The Best of Best Cartoons, Lawrence Lariar, 1961, Crown, $9.50, Cartoons (Best of Best) [Best1961].
Best Cartoons of the Year, Lawrence Lariar, 1942, Crown, $18.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1942].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1943, Lawrence Lariar, 1943, Crown, $5.95, Cartoons (Best) [Best1943].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1944, Lawrence Lariar, 1944, Crown, $6.50, Cartoons (Best) [Best1944].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1945, Lawrence Lariar, 1945, Crown, $8.50, Cartoons (Best) [Best1945].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1946, Lawrence Lariar, 1946, Crown, $10.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1946].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1947, Lawrence Lariar, 1947, Crown, $4.50, Cartoons (Best) [Best1947].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1948, Lawrence Lariar, 1948, Crown, $29.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1948].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1949, Lawrence Lariar, 1949, Crown, $30.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1949].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1950, Lawrence Lariar, 1950, Crown, $4.50, Cartoons (Best) [Best1950].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1951, Lawrence Lariar, 1951, Crown, $30.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1951].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1952, Lawrence Lariar, 1952, Crown, $1.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1952].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1953, Lawrence Lariar, 1953, Crown, $3.95, Cartoons (Best) [Best1953].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1954, Lawrence Lariar, 1954, Crown, $7.50, Cartoons (Best) [Best1954].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1955, Lawrence Lariar, 1955, Crown, $4.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1955].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1956, Lawrence Lariar, 1956, Crown, $4.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1956].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1957, Lawrence Lariar, 1957, Crown, $7.50, Cartoons (Best) [Best1957].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1958, Lawrence Lariar, 1958, Crown, $8.50, Cartoons (Best) [Best1958].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1959, Lawrence Lariar, 1959, Crown, $4.50, Cartoons (Best) [Best1959].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1960, Lawrence Lariar, 1960, Crown, $4.95, Cartoons (Best) [Best1960].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1962, Lawrence Lariar, 1962, Crown, $20.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1962].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1963, Lawrence Lariar, 1963, Crown, $10.50, Cartoons (Best) [Best1963].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1964, Lawrence Lariar, 1964, Crown, $22.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1964].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1965, Lawrence Lariar, 1965, Crown, $5.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1965].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1966, Lawrence Lariar, 1966, Crown, $3.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1966].
Best Cartoons of the Year, Lawrence Lariar, 1967, Dodd, Mead, $4.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1967].
Best Cartoons of the Year, Lawrence Lariar, 1968, Dodd, Mead, $5.95, Cartoons (Best) [Best1968a].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1969, Lawrence Lariar, 1969, Dodd, Mead, $3.00, Cartoons (Best) [Best1969].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1970, Lawrence Lariar, 1970, Dodd, Mead, $5.95, Cartoons (Best) [Best1970], (ISBN: 0396062679).
Best Cartoons of the Year 1970, Lawrence Lariar, 1970, Dell, $1.95, Cartoons (Best) [Best1970p].
Best Cartoons of the Year 1971, Lawrence Lariar, 1971, Dodd, Mead, $10.50, Cartoons (Best) [Best1971], (ISBN: 0396064310).
The Pin-Up Art of Bill Wenzel, Alex Chun (Editor), 2005, Fantagraphics Books, $18.95, Cartoons (Bill Wenzel) [Wenzel2005], (ISBN: 1560976586).
The Crazy World of Bird Watching, Peter Rigby, 1986, Exley, $5.50, Cartoons (Birds) [Crazy1986b], (ISBN: 1850150532).
Tut! Tut! The Birthday Book, 1936, Maxwell Droke, $10.00, Cartoons (Birthday) [Droke1936a].
Knock Knock Featuring Enoch Knox, Bob Dunn, 1936, Whitman Publishing, $8.95, Cartoons (Bob Dunn) [Dunn1936].
Battered Lawyers and Other Good Ideas, Simon Bond, 1990, HarperCollins, $7.95, Cartoons (Bond) [BondS1990], (ISBN: 0002235838).
The Ultimate Cartoon Book of Book Cartoons, Bob Eckstein (Editor), 2019, Princeton Architectural Press, $19.95, Cartoons (Books) [Eckstein2019], (ISBN: 1616898046).
Books, Books, Books, S. Gross, Jim Charlton (Editor), 1988, Harper & Row, $13.95, Cartoons (Books) [Gross1988], (ISBN: 0060160047).
Think Good Thoughts About a Pussycat, George Booth, 1975, Avon, $4.95, Cartoons (Booth) [Booth1975], (ISBN: 0380007622).
Pussycats Need Love, Too, George Booth, 1980, Dodd, Mead, $8.95, Cartoons (Booth) [Booth1980], (ISBN: 0396079067).
Omnibooth: The Best of George Booth, George Booth, 1984, Congdon & Weed, $9.00, Cartoons (Booth) [Booth1984], (ISBN: 0312926138).
Booth Again!, George Booth, 1989, Andrews and McMeel, $7.95, Cartoons (Booth) [Booth1989], (ISBN: 0836218434).
The Essential George Booth, Lee Lorenz (Editor), 1998, Workman Publishing, $10.95, Cartoons (Booth) [Booth1998], (ISBN: 0761112510).
Gopher Baroque and Other Beastly Conceits, Sandra Boynton, 1979, E.P. Dutton, $6.95, Cartoons (Boynton) [Boynton1979], (ISBN: 0525034692).
Where I'm Coming From, Barbara Brandon, 1993, Andrews & McMeel, $8.95, Cartoons (Brandon) [Brandon1993], (ISBN: 0836280164).
Where I'm Still Coming From, Barbara Brandon, 1994, Andrews & McMeel, $8.95, Cartoons (Brandon) [Brandon1994], (ISBN: 0836280512).
Frustration, Claire Bretecher, 1987, Grove Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Bretecher) [Bretecher1987], (ISBN: 0802130267).
Sure You Can "Do It Yourself", Brickman, 1955, Arlrich Publishing, $6.95, Cartoons (Brickman) [Brickman1955].
When the Wind Blows, Raymond Briggs, 1982, Schocken Books, $4.95, Cartoons (Briggs) [Briggs1982], (ISBN: 0140094199).
Ethel & Ernest, Raymond Briggs, 1998, Jonathan Cape, $30.00, Cartoons (Briggs) [Briggs1998], (ISBN: 0224046624).
Round the Bend, Russell Brockbank, 1948, Temple Press Books, $10.95, Cartoons (Brockbank) [Brockbank1948].
The Brockbank Omnibus, Russell Brockbank, 1957, Perpetua Books, $7.48, Cartoons (Brockbank) [Brockbank1957].
101 Brockbank Cartoons, Russell Brockbank, 2008, Citron Presse, $12.95, Cartoons (Brockbank) [Brockbank2008], (ISBN: 1844256472).
Buddha Laughing: A Tricycle Book of Cartoons, 1999, Bell Tower, $4.95, Cartoons (Buddha) [Tricycle1999], (ISBN: 060980409X).
Someday It'll All Be... Who's? The Lighter Side of the Family Business, Leon Danco, Donald Jonovic (Editors), 1990, Center for Family Business, $10.00, Cartoons (Business) [Danco1990], (ISBN: 0960361456).
Insincerely Yours, Dana Fradon, 1978, Charles Scribner's Sons, $1.25, Cartoons (Business) [Fradon1978], (ISBN: 0684155788).
Enough Time? The Pattern of Executive Life, Eric Hodgins, 1959, Doubleday, $5.00, Cartoons (Business) [Hodgins1959].
Lost in the Wilds of Canada, John Cadiz, 1997, McClelland & Stewart, $14.06, Cartoons (Canada) [Cadiz1997], (ISBN: 0771018282).
I Don't Care What It's Shaped Like ..., William Canty, 1982, Bilinda Publishing, $1.98, Cartoons (Cape Cod) [Canty1982].
Howie Schneider Unshucked, Howie Schneider, 2002, O Cape Publications, $11.95, Cartoons (Cape Cod) [Schneider2002], (ISBN: 0965328392).
All I Need to Know I Learned From my Cat, Suzy Becker, 1990, Workman Publishing, $5.95, Cartoons (Cats) [Becker1990], (ISBN: 0894808249).
Great Comic Cats, Bill Blackbeard, Malcolm Whyte, 1981, Troubador Press, $7.48, Cartoons (Cats) [Blackbeard1981], (ISBN: 0898440106).
Cat Getting Out Of A Bag And Other Observations, Jeffrey Brown, 2007, Chronicle Books, $14.95, Cartoons (Cats) [Brown2007], (ISBN: 0811858227).
Cats Are People, Too, Dave Coverly, 2020, Square Fish, $16.99, Cartoons (Cats) [Speed2020b], (ISBN: 1250186285).
If Cats Could Talk, P.C. Vey, 1991, Plume, $3.50, Cartoons (Cats) [Vey1991], (ISBN: 0452266424).
Kitty Libber: Cat Cartoons by Women, Rosalind Warren (Editor), 1992, The Crossing Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Cats) [Warren1992a], (ISBN: 0895945398).
When Cats Talk Back, Roz Warren (Editor), 1999, Hysteria, $7.95, Cartoons (Cats) [Warren1999], (ISBN: 1887166610).
Because I'm the Child Here and I Said So, Pat Byrnes, 2006, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Cartoons (Children) [Byrnes2006], (ISBN: 0740757385).
A New Account of World Tales: Kaleidoscope of the Wei-Jin Era, Liu Yiqing, 1990, Asiapac Books, $5.00, Cartoons (China) [China1990], (ISBN: 9971985527).
University 2: The Angry Years, Frank Cho, 1996, 12 Angry Monkeys, $11.95, Cartoons (Cho) [Cho1996].
Liberty Meadows: Eden Book 1, Frank Cho, 2002, Image Comics, $14.95, Cartoons (Cho) [Cho2002], (ISBN: 1582402604).
Liberty Meadows: Eden Book 1, Frank Cho, 2004, Image Comics, $19.95, Cartoons (Cho) [Cho2004], (ISBN: 1582403902).
What do Women REALLY Want? Chocolate!, Donna Barstow, 2004, NBM, $12.95, Cartoons (Chocolate) [Barstow2004], (ISBN: 1561633836).
I Could Be Dreaming, Chon Day, 1945, Robert M. McBride & Company, $12.95, Cartoons (Chon Day) [DayC1945].
Ho! Ho! Ho!, S. Gross, Jim Charlton (Editor), 1990, Viking, $16.95, Cartoons (Christmas) [Gross1990b], (ISBN: 0670835080).
The Cartoons of Cobean, Sam Cobean, 1952, Harper & Brothers, $3.50, Cartoons (Cobean) [Cobean1952].
Coe's Crosstown Carnival, Roland Coe, 1935, New York Post, $25.00, Cartoons (Coe) [Coe1935].
Jack Cole and Plastic Man, Art Spiegelman, Chip Kidd, 2001, Chronicle Books, $19.95, Cartoons (Cole) [Cole2001], (ISBN: 0811831795).
The Classic Pin-Up Art of Jack Cole, Alex Chun (Editor), 2004, Fantagraphics Books, $19.99, Cartoons (Cole) [Cole2004], (ISBN: 1560975598).
Betsy and Me, Jack Cole, 2007, Fantagraphics Books, $14.95, Cartoons (Cole) [Cole2007], (ISBN: 1560978783).
The American Cartoon Album, Bob Abel, 1974, Dodd, Mead, $2.00, Cartoons (Collection) [Abel1974], (ISBN: 0396070280).
Cartoon Treasury, Lucy Black Johnson, Pyke Johnson III (Editors), 1955, Doubleday, $12.50, Cartoons (Collection) [Johnson1955].
Cartoon Treasury, Lucy Black Johnson, Pyke Johnson Jr. (Editors), 1956, Collins, $14.00, Cartoons (Collection) [Johnson1956].
Doodles by Dean, Dean Norman, 1956, Dean Norman, $3.00, Cartoons (College) [Norman1956].
It's a Funny World!, Gurney Williams (Editor), 1943, Robert M. McBride & Company, $3.95, Cartoons (Colliers) [Colliers1943].
Collier's Kids, Gurney Williams (Editor), 1952, Henry Holt & Company, $15.00, Cartoons (Colliers) [Colliers1952].
Where the Buffalo Roam, Hans Bjordahl, 1990, Hans Bjordahl, $2.98, Cartoons (Colorado) [Bjordahl1990], (ISBN: 0962757004).
Where the Buffalo Roam: Artists in the Real World, Hans Bjordahl, 1993, Shadow Culture, $6.50, Cartoons (Colorado) [Bjordahl1993], (ISBN: 0962757012).
Was It Worth It?, Michael Ricci, Joseph George Szabo (Editors), 1992, WittyWorld Publications, $9.95, Cartoons (Columbus) [Columbus1992], (ISBN: 0963160001).
The World's Greatest Computer Cartoons, Mark Bryant (Editor), 1993, Exley, $4.99, Cartoons (Computers) [Bryant1993b], (ISBN: 1850154414).
E-mail This Book!, The Cartoon Bank, 1996, Alfred A. Knopf, $17.00, Cartoons (Computers) [CartoonBank1996], (ISBN: 0679450858).
Computer Crazy, Daniel Le Noury, 1984, Sybex, $5.95, Cartoons (Computers) [Computers1984b], (ISBN: 089588173X).
Corey Ford's Guide to Thimking, Corey Ford, 1961, Doubleday, $10.00, Cartoons (Computers) [Ford1961].
Cowpokes, Ace Reid, 1958, Ace Reid Enterprises, $2.95, Cartoons (Cowpokes) [Reid1958].
More Cowpokes, Ace Reid, 1960, Ace Reid Enterprises, $2.50, Cartoons (Cowpokes) [Reid1960], (ISBN: 0917207017).
Them Cowpokes, Ace Reid, 1962, Cowpokes Enterprises, $2.50, Cartoons (Cowpokes) [Reid1962], (ISBN: 0917207033).
Cowpokes Comin' Yore Way, Ace Reid, 1966, Ace Reid Enterprises, $2.95, Cartoons (Cowpokes) [Reid1966].
Cowpokes Home Remedies, Ace Reid, 1971, Ace Reid Enterprises, $2.95, Cartoons (Cowpokes) [Reid1971].
Cowpokes Ride Again, Ace Reid, 1974, Ace Reid Enterprises, $1.95, Cartoons (Cowpokes) [Reid1974].
Ace Reid and the Cowpokes Cartoons, Ace Reid, 1999, University of Texas Press, $19.95, Cartoons (Cowpokes) [Reid1999], (ISBN: 0292770979).
Crime Crushers, Wally Davis, 1985, Fragments West/The Valentine Press, $4.95, Cartoons (Crime) [Davis1985], (ISBN: 0916063089).
Everyone's A Critic: The Ultimate Cartoon Book, Bob Eckstein (Editor), 2020, Princeton Architectural Press, $19.95, Cartoons (Critics) [Eckstein2020], (ISBN: 1616898534).
Scotch and Toilet Water?, Leo Cullum, 2003, Harry N. Abrams, $18.95, Cartoons (Cullum) [Cullum2003], (ISBN: 0810944391).
Tequila Mockingbird, Leo Cullum, 2004, Harry N. Abrams, $19.95, Cartoons (Cullum) [Cullum2004a], (ISBN: 0810948478).
Cockatiels For Two, Leo Cullum, 2004, Harry N. Abrams, $19.95, Cartoons (Cullum) [Cullum2004b], (ISBN: 0810949660).
Suture Self, Leo Cullum, 2009, Andrews McMeel, $12.99, Cartoons (Cullum) [Cullum2009], (ISBN: 0740780158).
Now That You Can Walk, Go Get Me A Beer, The Cartoon Bank, 1994, Fireside, $9.00, Cartoons (Dads) [CartoonBank1994], (ISBN: 0671879626).
Birds, Beasts and Bostonians, Francis W. Dahl, 1954, Little, Brown, $8.00, Cartoons (Dahl) [Dahl1954].
The Pin-Up Art of Dan DeCarlo, Alex Chun (Editor), 2005, Fantagraphics Books, $18.95, Cartoons (Dan DeCarlo) [Decarlo2005], (ISBN: 1560976195).
Dan DeCarlo's Jetta, Craig Yoe (Editor), 2010, IDW Publishing, $21.99, Cartoons (Dan DeCarlo) [Decarlo2010], (ISBN: 1600106463).
The Vermont Mind II: Completely Undercoated Cartoons, Jeff Danziger, 1982, Lanser Press, $2.48, Cartoons (Danziger) [Danziger1982a], (ISBN: 0960390081).
Death by Laughter, Harry Bliss, 2008, Abrams Image, $14.95, Cartoons (Death) [Bliss2008], (ISBN: 0810970848).
Last Laughs, Mort Gerberg (Editor), 2007, Scribner, $22.95, Cartoons (Death) [Gerberg2007], (ISBN: 141655100X).
The Dedini Gallery, Eldon Dedini, 1961, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, $6.50, Cartoons (Dedini) [Dedini1961].
A Much, Much Better World, Eldon Dedini, 1985, Microsoft Press, $3.50, Cartoons (Dedini) [Dedini1985], (ISBN: 0914845500).
An Orgy of Playboy's Eldon Dedini, Eldon Dedini, 2006, Fantagraphics Books, $39.95, Cartoons (Dedini) [Dedini2006], (ISBN: 1560977272).
How to Balance the Federal Budget, Rick Detorie, 1986, Contemporary Books, $3.95, Cartoons (Detorie) [Detorie1986a], (ISBN: 0809250918).
The Coast-to-Coast Joke Book, Rick Detorie, 1986, Contemporary Books, $4.95, Cartoons (Detorie) [Detorie1986b], (ISBN: 0809250306).
Bone Sharps, Cowboys, and Thunder Lizards, Jim Ottaviani, Big Time Attic, 2005, General Tektronics Labs, $22.95, Cartoons (Dinosaur) [Ottaviani2005], (ISBN: 0966010663).
The Art of Doug Sneyd, Doug Sneyd, 2016, Dark Horse, $19.99, Cartoons (Doug Sneyd) [Sneyd2016], (ISBN: 1506700861).
Nipper, Doug Wright, 2010, Drawn & Quarterly Books, $16.95, Cartoons (Doug Wright) [WrightDg2010], (ISBN: 1770460195).
You've Got Me on the Rocks, Lawrence Lariar, 1956, Dodd, Mead, $4.00, Cartoons (Drinking) [Lariar1956a].
Duck Fever: Duck Hunting Cartoons, Bruce Cochran, 1992, Willow Creek Press, $7.95, Cartoons (Ducks) [Cochran1992], (ISBN: 1559711825).
Clean Air, Clean Water and Other Memories, Bill Dana, 1991, Price, Stern, Sloan, $6.95, Cartoons (Ecology) [Dana1991], (ISBN: 0843128860).
Earthtoons: The First Book of Eco-humor, Stan Eales, 1991, Warner Books, $9.99, Cartoons (Ecology) [Eales1991], (ISBN: 0446393614).
God Would Have Done It If He'd Had the Money, George Fisher, 1983, Arkansas Wildlife Federation Conservation Foundation, $3.95, Cartoons (Ecology) [FisherG1983], (ISBN: 091454649X).
No Laughing Matter: The Cartoonist Focuses on Air Pollution, Public Health Service, 1966, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, $1.98, Cartoons (Ecology) [Government1966].
How Green Is My Planet?, Mark Lynch, 1990, Orin Books, $8.99, Cartoons (Ecology) [Lynch1990], (ISBN: 0207169438).
The Cartoon Introduction to Economics: Volume One: Microeconomics, Grady Klein, Yoram Bauman, 2010, Hill and Wang, $17.95, Cartoons (Economics) [Klein2010], (ISBN: 0809094819).
Biblical Economics in Comics, Vic Lockman, 1985, Lockman, $8.95, Cartoons (Economics) [Lockman1985], (ISBN: 0936175001).
Back to the Drawing Board Again, Bill Eddy, 1962, Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company, $8.00, Cartoons (Eddy) [Eddy1962].
Time Out for Laughter, 1953, Scott, Foresman, $2.50, Cartoons (Education) [Education1953].
The Elephant Book, Robert Leydenfrost, 1979, The Permanent Press, $3.95, Cartoons (Elephants) [Leydenfrost1979], (ISBN: 0932966039).
Esquire Cartoon Album, 1957, Esquire, $20.00, Cartoons (Esquire) [Esquire1957].
What Would Satan do?, Pat Byrnes, 2005, Harry N. Abrams, $14.95, Cartoons (Evil) [Byrnes2005], (ISBN: 0810992434).
Phobias & Therapies, Joseph Farris, 1977, Grosset & Dunlap, $5.95, Cartoons (Farris) [Farris1977], (ISBN: 0448143623).
Just a Cog in the Wheel, Joseph Farris, 1989, Bob Adams, $8.95, Cartoons (Farris) [Farris1989a], (ISBN: 155850902X).
They're a Very Successful Family!: The Vagaries and Vicissitudes of Upscaling it in Suburbia, Joseph Farris, 1989, Spectacle Lane Press, $4.50, Cartoons (Farris) [Farris1989b], (ISBN: 0930753089).
Feiffer's Album, Jules Feiffer, 1963, Random House, $6.00, Cartoons (Feiffer) [Feiffer1963].
Feiffer on Civil Rights, Jules Feiffer, 1966, Anti-Defamation League, $10.00, Cartoons (Feiffer) [Feiffer1966].
Feiffer's Marriage Manual, Jules Feiffer, 1967, Random House, $2.95, Cartoons (Feiffer) [Feiffer1967].
Jules Feiffer's America: From Eisenhower to Reagan, Steven Heller (Editor), 1982, Alfred A. Knopf, $7.95, Cartoons (Feiffer) [Feiffer1982], (ISBN: 039471279X).
Feiffer's Children, Jules Feiffer, 1986, Andrews, McMeel & Parker, $6.95, Cartoons (Feiffer) [Feiffer1986], (ISBN: 0836220749).
Ronald Reagan in Movie America, Jules Feiffer, 1988, Andrews & McMeel, $7.95, Cartoons (Feiffer) [Feiffer1988a], (ISBN: 0836218299).
Feiffer: The Collected Works, Volume One: Clifford, Jules Feiffer, 1988, Fantagraphics Books, $9.95, Cartoons (Feiffer) [Feiffer1988b], (ISBN: 0930193407).
Meanwhile ..., Jules Feiffer, 1997, Michael Di Capua Books, $14.95, Cartoons (Feiffer) [Feiffer1997], (ISBN: 0062051555).
By the Side of the Road, Jules Feiffer, 2002, Michael Di Capua Books, $15.95, Cartoons (Feiffer) [Feiffer2002], (ISBN: 0786809086).
Right On Sister!, Mort Gerberg, 1971, Grosset & Dunlap, $1.25, Cartoons (Feminism) [Gerberg1971], (ISBN: 044802215X).
ffundamental ffolkes, Michael Ffolkes, 1985, Costello, $5.95, Cartoons (ffolkes) [Ffolkes1985], (ISBN: 0710430051).
White Like She, Bob Fingerman, 1998, Fantagraphics Books, $12.95, Cartoons (Fingerman) [Fingerman1998], (ISBN: 1560973412).
Ed Fisher's First Folio, Ed Fisher, 1959, Macmillan, $6.00, Cartoons (Fisher) [Fisher1959].
Ed Fisher's Domesday Book, Ed Fisher, 1961, St. Martin's Press, $12.00, Cartoons (Fisher) [Fisher1961].
Maestro, Please!, Ed Fisher, 1992, Applause, $7.95, Cartoons (Fisher) [Fisher1992], (ISBN: 1557831084).
You've Got Me on the Hook, Lawrence Lariar, 1954, Dodd, Mead, $7.00, Cartoons (Fishing) [Lariar1954b].
Agony Airlines, Paul Parton, 1987, Village Publishing, $3.50, Cartoons (Flying) [Parton1987].
More There I Was ..., Bob Stevens, 1974, Aero, $5.98, Cartoons (Flying) [Stevens1974], (ISBN: 0816868255).
There I Was ... Flat on my Back, Bob Stevens, 1975, Aero, $12.95, Cartoons (Flying) [Stevens1975], (ISBN: 0830689540).
The Girls, Franklin Folger, 1961, Doubleday, $1.98, Cartoons (Folger) [Folger1961].
All You Can Eat, S. Gross (Editor), 1987, Harper & Row, $3.98, Cartoons (Food) [Gross1987a], (ISBN: 0060158077).
Food Food Food, S. Gross (Editor), 1989, Perennial Library, Harper & Row, $7.95, Cartoons (Food) [Gross1987b], (ISBN: 0060916389).
Taboo, Charles Preston, 1966, Trident Press, $7.00, Cartoons (Forbidden) [Preston1966a].
Love from France, Brant House (Editor), 1955, A. A. Wyn, $4.00, Cartoons (France) [Cartoons1955].
French Cartoons of the 20th Century, Keene Wallis, 1945, International Humor Publication, $7.00, Cartoons (France) [French1945].
Liberte Cherie, Bosc, Lauzier, Maurice Henry, Mose, Trez, 1955, Fernan Hazan, $0.48, Cartoons (France) [French1955].
French Lovers are Lovely, Edmund Swinglehurst (Editor), 1957, Arco Publications, $6.00, Cartoons (France) [French1957].
The Man In The Cannibal Pot, Gahan Wilson, 1967, Avon, $12.95, Cartoons (Gahan Wilson) [WilsonG1970].
Playboy's Gahan Wilson, Gahan Wilson, 1980, Wideview Books, $5.75, Cartoons (Gahan Wilson) [WilsonG1980], (ISBN: 0872236005).
Gahan Wilson's America, Gahan Wilson, 1985, Simon & Schuster, $10.00, Cartoons (Gahan Wilson) [WilsonG1985], (ISBN: 067155512X).
Gahan Wilson's Still Weird, Gahan Wilson, 1994, Forge|Tom Doherty Associates, $13.95, Cartoons (Gahan Wilson) [WilsonG1994], (ISBN: 0312857799).
Gahan Wilson's Even Weirder, Gahan Wilson, 1996, Forge|Tom Doherty Associates, $16.95, Cartoons (Gahan Wilson) [WilsonG1996], (ISBN: 031285885X).
Gahan Wilson's Gravediggers Party, Gahan Wilson, 2002, ibooks, $9.95, Cartoons (Gahan Wilson) [WilsonG2002], (ISBN: 0743445481).
The Best of Gahan Wilson, Gahan Wilson, 2004, Underwood Books, $15.00, Cartoons (Gahan Wilson) [WilsonG2004], (ISBN: 1887424873).
Gahan Wilson's Monster Collection, Gahan Wilson, 2005, Barnes & Noble Books, $7.98, Cartoons (Gahan Wilson) [WilsonG2005], (ISBN: 0760773041).
Gahan Wilson: 50 Years of Playboy Cartoons (Boxed Set), Gahan Wilson, 2011, Fantagraphics Books, $125.00, Cartoons (Gahan Wilson) [WilsonG2011], (ISBN: 1606992988).
Sunday Comics, Gahan Wilson, 2013, Fantagraphics Books, $29.99, Cartoons (Gahan Wilson) [WilsonG2013], (ISBN: 1606996126).
Gardner Rea's Sideshow, Gardner Rea, 1945, Robert M. McBride & Company, $10.00, Cartoons (Gardner Rea) [Rea1945].
Drawing Room Only, Garrett Price, 1946, Coward-McCann, $9.95, Cartoons (Garrett Price) [PriceG1946].
Good Humor Man, George Price, 1940, Farrar & Rinehart, $18.00, Cartoons (Geo. Price) [Price1940].
It's Smart to be People, George Price, 1942, Farrar & Rinehart, $4.50, Cartoons (Geo. Price) [Price1942].
Is It Anyone We Know?, George Price, 1944, Murray Hill Books, $6.50, Cartoons (Geo. Price) [Price1944a].
Cartoons By George Price [PPB], George Price, 1944, Superior Reprint by the Military Service Publishing Co, $0.25, Cartoons (Geo. Price) [Price1944b].
We Buy Old Gold, George Price, 1951, Henry Schuman, $5.25, Cartoons (Geo. Price) [Price1951a].
George Price's Ice Cold War, George Price, 1951, Henry Schuman, $12.50, Cartoons (Geo. Price) [Price1951b].
George Price's Characters, George Price, 1955, Simon & Schuster, $20.00, Cartoons (Geo. Price) [Price1955].
My Dear 500 Friends, George Price, 1963, Simon & Schuster, $10.00, Cartoons (Geo. Price) [Price1963].
Browse at your own Risk, George Price, 1977, Simon & Schuster, $10.00, Cartoons (Geo. Price) [Price1977], (ISBN: 0671228161).
The World of George Price: A 55-year Retrospective, George Price, 1988, Perennial Library, $12.95, Cartoons (Geo. Price) [Price1988], (ISBN: 0060972645).
The World's Greatest Golf Cartoons, Mark Bryant (Editor), 1993, Exley, $5.95, Cartoons (Golf) [Bryant1993c], (ISBN: 1850154392).
Just Fore Laughs, Richard Dennison, 2005, Perigee, $14.95, Cartoons (Golf) [Dennison2005], (ISBN: 0399531513).
Golf Fore Fun, Bill O'Malley, 1953, Prentice-Hall, $6.00, Cartoons (Golf) [OMalley1953].
Golf in the Comic Strips: A Historic Collection of Classic Cartoons, Howard Ziehm, 1997, General Publishing Group, $29.95, Cartoons (Golf) [Ziehm1997], (ISBN: 1575440539).
The Cartoon History of the Universe, Volumes 1 to 7, Larry Gonick, 1990, Doubleday, $14.95, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick-01], (ISBN: 0385265204).
The Cartoon History of the Universe II, Volumes 8 to 13, Larry Gonick, 1994, Doubleday, $15.95, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick-02], (ISBN: 0385420935).
The Cartoon History of the Universe III, Volumes 14 to 19, Larry Gonick, 2002, Norton, $35.00, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick-03], (ISBN: 0393051846).
The Cartoon Guide to Physics, Larry Gonick, Art Huffman, 1990, HarperPerennial, $13.00, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick1990], (ISBN: 0062731009).
The Cartoon History of the United States, Larry Gonick, 1991, HarperPerennial, $4.76, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick1991a], (ISBN: 0062730983).
The Cartoon Guide to Computer, Larry Gonick, 1991, HarperCollins, $12.00, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick1991b], (ISBN: 0062730975).
The Cartoon Guide to Genetics [Updated Edition], Larry Gonick, Mark Wheelis, 1991, HarperPerennial, $12.00, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick1991c], (ISBN: 0062730991).
The Cartoon Guide to (Non)Communication, Larry Gonick, 1993, HarperPerennial, $13.00, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick1993a], (ISBN: 006273217X).
The Cartoon Guide to Statistics, Larry Gonick, Woollcott Smith, 1993, HarperPerennial, $14.00, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick1993b], (ISBN: 0062731025).
The Cartoon Guide to the Environment, Larry Gonick, 1996, HarperPerennial, $14.00, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick1996], (ISBN: 0062732749).
The Cartoon Guide to Sex, Larry Gonick, Christine Devault, 1999, HarperCollins, $14.95, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick1999], (ISBN: 0062734318).
The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry, Larry Gonick, Craig Criddle, 2005, HarperCollins, $16.95, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick2005], (ISBN: 0060936770).
The Cartoon History of the Modern World: Part I From Columbus to the U.S. Constitution, Larry Gonick, 2007, Collins, $17.95, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick2007], (ISBN: 0060760044).
The Cartoon History of the Modern World: Part II From the Bastille to Baghdad, Larry Gonick, 2009, Harper, $18.99, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick2009], (ISBN: 0060760087).
The Cartoon Guide to Algebra, Larry Gonick, 2015, William Morrow, $18.99, Cartoons (Gonick) [Gonick2015], (ISBN: 0062202693).
Government Issue: Comics for the People, 1940s-2000s, Richard L Graham, 2011, Abrams ComicArts, $29.95, Cartoons (Government) [Government2011], (ISBN: 1419700782).
Please Sir, I've Broken My Arm ..., Alex Graham, 1959, Nicholas Vane, $8.00, Cartoons (Graham) [Graham1959].
Normally I Never Touch It: People at Parties, Alex Graham, 1968, Geoffrey Bles, $4.00, Cartoons (Graham) [Graham1968], (ISBN: 0713802243).
I am Blind and My Dog is Dead, S. Gross, 1977, Dodd, Mead, $1.25, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1977], (ISBN: 0396074731).
More Gross, S. Gross, 1982, Congdon & Weed, $11.95, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1982], (ISBN: 0312925409).
Dogs Dogs Dogs, S. Gross (Editor), 1985, Barnes & Noble, $5.98, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1985], (ISBN: 0760705445).
Love Me, Love My Teddy Bear, S. Gross, 1986, Perigee, $4.75, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1986a], (ISBN: 0399512306).
Cats Cats Cats, S. Gross (Editor), 1986, Barnes & Noble, $6.47, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1986b], (ISBN: 0760705399).
Golf, Golf, Golf, S. Gross (Editor), 1989, Barnes & Noble, $5.95, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1989], (ISBN: 076071181X).
Movies Movies Movies, S. Gross (Editor), 1989, Harper & Row, $8.95, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1989b], (ISBN: 0060920122).
Moms Moms Moms, S. Gross (Editor), 1990, Harper & Row, $14.95, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1990a], (ISBN: 0060162554).
Your Mother is a Remarkable Woman, S. Gross, 1992, Penguin Books, $10.00, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1992], (ISBN: 0140156089).
Lawyers! Lawyers! Lawyers!, S. Gross (Editor), 1994, Contemporary Books, $8.95, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1994], (ISBN: 0809237229).
Catss by Gross, S. Gross (Editor), 1995, Ballantine, $8.50, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1995a], (ISBN: 0345392779).
Teachers! Teachers! Teachers!, S. Gross (Editor), 1995, Contemporary Books, $9.95, Cartoons (Gross) [Gross1995b], (ISBN: 0809233479).
The Classic Cartoons, William Cole, Mike Thaler (Editors), 1966, The World Publishing Company, $10.00, Cartoons (Guild) [Guild1966].
The Art in Cartooning, Fisher, Gerberg, Wolin (Editors), 1975, Charles Scribner's Sons, $9.00, Cartoons (Guild) [Guild1975a], (ISBN: 0684143291).
The Art in Cartooning, Fisher, Gerberg, Wolin (Editors), 1975, Charles Scribner's Sons, $9.00, Cartoons (Guild) [Guild1975b], (ISBN: 0684163985).
Animals Animals Animals, George Booth, Gahan Wilson, Ron Wolin (Editors), 1979, Harper & Row (Harper Colophon), $8.95, Cartoons (Guild) [Guild1979], (ISBN: 006090853X).
Drawn Together, Nicole Hollander, Skip Morrow, Ron Wolin (Editors), 1983, Crown, $16.95, Cartoons (Guild) [Guild1983], (ISBN: 0517550555).
The 100 Best Comics of the Century, Ray Schwartz (Editors), 1995, Metropolis, $29.95, Cartoons (Guild) [Guild1995], (ISBN: 0964505703).
Man Bites Man: Two Decades of Satiric Art, Steven Heller (Editor), 1981, A & W Publishers, $35.00, Cartoons (Guild) [Heller1981], (ISBN: 0894790862).
Guindon, Richard Guindon, 1977, Minneapolis Tribune, $4.95, Cartoons (Guindon) [Guindon1977].
Cartoons by Guindon, Richard Guindon, 1980, Quick Fox, $5.95, Cartoons (Guindon) [Guindon1980], (ISBN: 0825631807).
Together Again, Richard Guindon, 1986, Andrews, McMeel & Parker, $6.95, Cartoons (Guindon) [Guindon1986], (ISBN: 0836220757).
H.M. Bateman, H. M. Bateman, 2002, Prion, $14.95, Cartoons (H.M. Bateman) [Bateman2002], (ISBN: 1853754587).
Husbands, Wives and Live-Togethers, Wm. Hamilton, 1976, G.P. Putnam's Sons, $7.95, Cartoons (Hamilton) [Hamilton1976].
Voodoo Economics, Wm. Hamilton, 1992, Chronicle Books, $9.95, Cartoons (Hamilton) [Hamilton1992], (ISBN: 0811802264).
Dark Laughter: The Satiric Art of Oliver W. Harrington, M. Thomas Inge (Editor), 1993, University Press of Mississippi, $12.95, Cartoons (Harrington) [Harrington1993], (ISBN: 0878056564).
They'll Do It Every Time, Jimmy Hatlo, 1943, David McKay Company, $12.00, Cartoons (Hatlo) [Hatlo1943].
They'll Do It Every Time Book No. 2, Jimmy Hatlo, 1945, David McKay Company, $15.50, Cartoons (Hatlo) [Hatlo1945].
Bento Box: Selected Comics From the Honolulu Advertiser 1996-2006, Deb Aoki, 2006, Bento Box Press, $13.95, Cartoons (Hawaii) [Aoki2006], (ISBN: 0615132529).
Hirschfeld's New York, Clare Bell, 2001, Harry N. Abrams, $15.95, Cartoons (Hirschfeld) [Hirschfeld2001], (ISBN: 0810929740).
I Feel I Should Warn You ..., Terry B. Morton (Editor), 1975, The Preservation Press, $5.00, Cartoons (Historic Preservation) [Morton1975], (ISBN: 0891330275).
Oops! Wrong Stateroom!, Syd Hoff, 1953, Ives Washburn, $4.50, Cartoons (Hoff) [Hoff1953].
Out of Gas!, Syd Hoff, 1954, Ives Washburn, $8.50, Cartoons (Hoff) [Hoff1954].
Okay -- You Can Look Now!, Syd Hoff, 1955, Little, Brown, $4.50, Cartoons (Hoff) [Hoff1955a].
When Were You Built?, Helen E. Hokinson, 1948, E.P. Dutton, $5.75, Cartoons (Hokinson) [Hokinson1948].
The Ladies, God Bless 'em!, Helen E. Hokinson, 1950, E.P. Dutton, $3.00, Cartoons (Hokinson) [Hokinson1950].
There Are Ladies Present, Helen E. Hokinson, 1952, E.P. Dutton, $9.00, Cartoons (Hokinson) [Hokinson1952].
Relax! This Book is Only a Phase You're Going Through, Charles Ortleb, Richard Fiala, 1978, St. Martin's Press, $4.95, Cartoons (Homosexuals) [Ortleb1978], (ISBN: 031267046X).
Life on the Edge, Judy Horacek, 1992, Spinifex, $8.95, Cartoons (Horacek) [Horacek1992], (ISBN: 1875559116).
Show is a Four Letter Word, Wiley, 1984, The Wiley Works, $7.50, Cartoons (Horses) [NonSequitur1984], (ISBN: 0930601009).
Bye! American: The Labor Cartoons of Huck & Konopacki, Gary Huck, Mike Konopacki, 1987, Charles H. Kerr Publishing, $5.95, Cartoons (Huck & Konopacki) [Huck1987], (ISBN: 0882861557).
Them: More Labor Cartoons by Huck & Konopacki, Gary Huck, Mike Konopacki, 1990, Charles H. Kerr Publishing, $6.50, Cartoons (Huck & Konopacki) [Huck1990], (ISBN: 0882862049).
The Pin-Up Art of Humorama, Alex Chun (Editor), Jacob Covey, 2011, Fantagraphics Books, $19.99, Cartoons (Humorama) [Humorama2011], (ISBN: 1560979593).
The Penguin Book of Indian Cartoons, Abu Abraham (Editor), 1988, Penguin Books, $9.95, Cartoons (India) [Abraham1988], (ISBN: 0140107851).
Slightly Underwritten, Thomas L. Stix, Thomas L. Stix Jr. (Editor), 1951, Simon & Schuster, $2.95, Cartoons (Insurance) [Stix1951].
Comic Japan: Best of Zero Gravity Cartoons From The Japan Times, Roger Dahl, 2015, Charles E. Tuttle Company, $15.95, Cartoons (Japan) [Dahl2015], (ISBN: 4805313374).
When We Get Back Home from Japan, Bill Hume, John Annarino, 1953, Pacific Stars and Stripes, $3.50, Cartoons (Japan) [Hume1953a].
Babysan A Private Look at the Japanese Occupation, Bill Hume, 1953, Kasuga Boeki, $3.50, Cartoons (Japan) [Hume1953b].
Babysan's World: The Hume'n Slant on Japan, Bill Hume, 1954, Charles E. Tuttle Company, $30.00, Cartoons (Japan) [Hume1954].
Gaijin II: After Shock, Tim Ernst, 1991, The Japan Times, $3.98, Cartoons (Japan) [Japan1991], (ISBN: 4789005879).
The Art of Laughing at Japan, Inc., Sen Arimura, 1993, $11.37, Cartoons (Japan) [Japan1993], (ISBN: 4889002464).
Survival in the Office: The Evolution of Japanese Working Women Volume 1, Risu Akizuki, 2000, Kodansha International, $12.00, Cartoons (Japan) [Japan1999a], (ISBN: 4770023901).
Survival in the Office: The Evolution of Japanese Working Women Volume 2, Risu Akizuki, 2000, Kodansha International, $12.00, Cartoons (Japan) [Japan1999b], (ISBN: 4770025017).
Survival in the Office: The Evolution of Japanese Working Women Volume 3, Risu Akizuki, 2000, Kodansha International, $12.00, Cartoons (Japan) [Japan1999c], (ISBN: 4770025025).
Survival in the Office: The Evolution of Japanese Working Women Volume 4, Risu Akizuki, 2000, Kodansha International, $12.00, Cartoons (Japan) [Japan2000a], (ISBN: 4770026951).
Survival in the Office: The Evolution of Japanese Working Women Volume 5, Risu Akizuki, 2000, Kodansha International, $12.00, Cartoons (Japan) [Japan2000b], (ISBN: 477002696X).
The Four Immigrants Manga, Henry (Yoshitaka) Kiyama, 1999, Stone Bridge Press, $12.95, Cartoons (Japan) [Kiyama1999], (ISBN: 1880656337).
Kamikaze, Zabo, 1966, John Weatherhill, $3.00, Cartoons (Japan) [Zabo1987].
Games Rednecks Play, Jeff Foxworthy, Vic Henley, 1995, LongStreet Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Jeff Foxworthy) [Foxworthy1995], (ISBN: 1563522543).
Have I Got A Cartoon For You!, Robert Mankoff (Editor), 2019, MomentBooks, $19.95, Cartoons (Jews) [Mankoff2019], (ISBN: 1942134592).
Reality Check, John Grimes, 1993, Ten Speed Press, $7.95, Cartoons (John Grimes) [Grimes1993], (ISBN: 0898155444).
The Wages of Sin and Other Victorian Joys & Sorrows, John Held Jr., 1964, Dover, $3.95, Cartoons (John Held Jr.) [Held1964], (ISBN: 0486228614).
No One You Know, Bruce Eric Kaplan, 1999, Simon & Schuster, $13.95, Cartoons (Kaplan) [Kaplan1999], (ISBN: 068485919X).
This Is A Bad Time, Bruce Eric Kaplan, 2004, Simon & Schuster, $16.00, Cartoons (Kaplan) [Kaplan2004], (ISBN: 0743252187).
I Love You, I Hate You, I'm Hungry, Bruce Eric Kaplan, 2010, Simon & Schuster, $12.99, Cartoons (Kaplan) [Kaplan2010], (ISBN: 141655694X).
Recess Time: The Best Cartoons from the Kappan, Kristin Herzog, 1983, Phi Delta Kappa, $6.30, Cartoons (Kappan) [Kappan1983], (ISBN: 0873677889).
Scholarship: More Great Cartoons from the Kappan, Kristin Herzog, Mary P. Miller, 1985, Phi Delta Kappa, $3.95, Cartoons (Kappan) [Kappan1985], (ISBN: 087367796X).
The Student Body: Great Cartoons from the Kappan, Carol Bucheri, Terri Hampton, Victoria Voelker (Editors), 1991, Phi Delta Kappa, $5.95, Cartoons (Kappan) [Kappan1991], (ISBN: 0873678028).
Head of the Class, Phi Delta Kappa, 2010, Solution Tree Press, $16.95, Cartoons (Kappan) [Kappan2010], (ISBN: 1935249363).
No Comment, Nurit Karlin, 1978, Charles Scribner's Sons, $4.00, Cartoons (Karlin) [Karlin1978], (ISBN: 0684157942).
Many Happy Returns, Ted Key, 1951, E.P. Dutton, $3.95, Cartoons (Key) [Hazel1951].
Fasten Your Seat Belts, Ted Key, 1956, E.P. Dutton, $10.00, Cartoons (Key) [Hazel1956].
Cat, B. Kliban, 1976, Workman Publishing, $6.95, Cartoons (Kliban) [Kliban1976], (ISBN: 0911104879).
Catcalendar Cats, B. Kliban, 1981, Workman Publishing, $9.95, Cartoons (Kliban) [Kliban1981], (ISBN: 0894802232).
Chat {French}, B. Kliban, 1984, Editions Vitamine, $6.95, Cartoons (Kliban) [Kliban1984], (ISBN: 2229012002).
Advanced Cartooning and Other Drawings, B. Kliban, 1993, Andrews & McMeel, $7.95, Cartoons (Kliban) [Kliban1993], (ISBN: 0836217101).
Are You Happy? And Other Questions Lovers Ask, Edward Koren, 1978, Pantheon Books, $3.95, Cartoons (Koren) [Koren1978], (ISBN: 039450271X).
Well, there's your problem, Edward Koren, 1980, Pantheon Books, $1.00, Cartoons (Koren) [Koren1980], (ISBN: 0140059679).
Quality Time, Edward Koren, 1995, Villard Books, $8.50, Cartoons (Koren) [Koren1995], (ISBN: 067944436X).
The Hard Work of Simple Living, Edward Koren, 1998, Chelsea Green Publishing, $16.95, Cartoons (Koren) [Koren1998], (ISBN: 1890132136).
The Possible Worlds of Fernando Krahn, Fernando Krahn, 1965, E.P. Dutton, $3.50, Cartoons (Krahn) [Krahn1965], (ISBN: 0224615300).
Harvey Kurtzman's Jungle Book, Harvey Kurtzman, 1988, Kitchen Sink Press, $14.95, Cartoons (Kurtzman) [Kurtzman1988], (ISBN: 0878160337).
Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman!, 1946, Dodd, Mead, $1.50, Cartoons (Ladies Home Journal) [Ladies1946].
The Alarms and Excursions of Lady Littlehampton, Osbert Lancaster, 1952, Houghton Mifflin, $5.00, Cartoons (Lancaster) [Lancaster1952].
Large Economy Man, Larry (Terence Parkes), 1967, Stephen Greene Press, $3.00, Cartoons (Larry) [Larry1967].
JP ... The Legal Cartoon: His First Term, David Carter, 1998, Hastings Press, $15.00, Cartoons (Law) [Carter1998], (ISBN: 0966688406).
Now, Endsville ... And Other Stories by Carol Lay, Carol Lay, 1993, Kitchen Sink Press, $9.95, Cartoons (Lay) [Lay1993], (ISBN: 0878162356).
Joy Ride, Carol Lay, 1996, Kitchen Sink Press, $11.95, Cartoons (Lay) [Lay1996], (ISBN: 0878163980).
Strip Joint, Carol Lay, 1998, Kitchen Sink Press, $11.95, Cartoons (Lay) [Lay1998], (ISBN: 0878165789).
Illiterature: Story Minutes Volume 1, Carol Lay, 2012, Boom! Town, $14.99, Cartoons (Lay) [Lay2012], (ISBN: 1608862828).
That's Ms. Bulldyke to You, Charlie!, Jane Caminos, 1992, Madwoman Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Lesbians) [Caminos1992], (ISBN: 0963082213).
The Night Audrey's Vibrator Spoke, Andrea Natalie, 1992, Cleis Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Lesbians) [Natalie1992], (ISBN: 0939416646).
Rubyfruit Mountain: A Stonewall Riots Collection, Andrea Natalie, 1993, Cleis Press, $4.98, Cartoons (Lesbians) [Natalie1993], (ISBN: 0939416743).
Interlibrary Loan Sharks and Seedy Roms, Benita Epstein, 1998, McFarland & Company, $5.69, Cartoons (Library) [Epstein1998], (ISBN: 0786404655).
Laugh Off the Pounds, Lo Linkert, 1980, Plainsman Publications Ltd, $2.98, Cartoons (Linkert) [Linkert1980], (ISBN: 0891490590).
Duffers, Hackers, and Other Golfers, Lo Linkert, 1981, Plainsman Publications Ltd, $3.98, Cartoons (Linkert) [Linkert1981], (ISBN: 0920882080).
Golf Epidemic, Lo Linkert, 1989, Lo-Boy Golftoons, $1.98, Cartoons (Linkert) [Linkert1989a], (ISBN: 0929097025).
Golf Nuts, Lo Linkert, 1989, Lo-Boy Golftoons, $9.95, Cartoons (Linkert) [Linkert1989b], (ISBN: 0929097009).
Letter From Lisa, Brian Platt, 2005, Accent Press, $12.00, Cartoons (Lisa) [Platt2005], (ISBN: 0954709241).
Looking Over Your Shoulder, Gurney Williams (Editor), 1965, E.P. Dutton, $6.00, Cartoons (Look) [Look1965].
Here it Comes, Lee Lorenz, 1968, Bobbs-Merrill Company, $8.00, Cartoons (Lorenz) [Lorenz1968].
Now Look What You've Done!, Lee Lorenz, 1977, Pantheon Books, $3.95, Cartoons (Lorenz) [Lorenz1977].
The Golden Age of Trash, Lee Lorenz, 1987, Chronicle Books, $8.95, Cartoons (Lorenz) [Lorenz1987], (ISBN: 0877014507).
Old Farts are Forever, Lee Lorenz, 2009, Andrews McMeel, $9.99, Cartoons (Lorenz) [Lorenz2009], (ISBN: 0740785028).
Kiss Me, You Fool, I'm in the Mood for Love, Andrew Vines, 1984, Clarkson N. Potter, $1.95, Cartoons (Love) [Vines1984], (ISBN: 0517554704).
The AM cartoon album, 1987, American Machinist & Automated Manufacturing, $9.95, Cartoons (Machines) [AM1987], (ISBN: 0076069753).
Quality Time and Other Quandaries, Gail Machlis, 1992, Chronicle Books, $7.95, Cartoons (Machlis) [Machlis1992], (ISBN: 0811800350).
Never Underestimate... The Life and Career of Margaret Chase Smith, Margaret Chase Smith Library, 1993, Northwood University, $7.50, Cartoons (Margaret Chase Smith) [Smith1993].
Husbands & Wives, Liza Donnelly, Michael Maslin, 1995, Ballantine, $8.00, Cartoons (Marriage) [Donnelly1995a], (ISBN: 0345390415).
Cartoon Marriage, Liza Donnelly, Michael Maslin, 2009, Random House, $24.00, Cartoons (Marriage) [Donnelly2009], (ISBN: 1400068088).
Marital Blitz, Jack Ziegler, 1987, Warner Books, $5.95, Cartoons (Marriage) [Ziegler1987a], (ISBN: 0446380768).
Yak! Yak! Yak! Blah! Blah! Blah!, Henry Martin, 1977, Scribners, $6.95, Cartoons (Martin) [Martin1977b], (ISBN: 068415126X).
The Crowd Goes Wild, Michael Maslin, 1989, Simon & Schuster (Fireside), $6.95, Cartoons (Maslin) [Maslin1989], (ISBN: 0671663372).
Mixed Company, Michael Maslin, 1990, Simon & Schuster (Fireside), $7.95, Cartoons (Maslin) [Maslin1990], (ISBN: 0671663380).
Daydreams & Nightmares: The Fantastic Visions of Winsor McCay, Richard Marschall (Editor), 1988, Fantagraphics Books, $19.95, Cartoons (McCay) [McCay1988], (ISBN: 0930193563).
The New Adventures of Abraham Lincoln, Scott McCloud, 1998, Homage Comics, $19.95, Cartoons (McCloud) [McCloud1998], (ISBN: 1887279873).
The Dog, Roy McKie, 1954, Fireside, $3.00, Cartoons (McKie) [McKie1954], (ISBN: 0671240021).
Just Be Patient, Angelo, 1958, John C. Winston Company, $1.00, Cartoons (Medical) [Angelo1951].
You've Got Me In Stitches, Lawrence Lariar, 1954, Dodd, Mead, $4.95, Cartoons (Medical) [Lariar1954a].
Call Me Doctor!, Robert A. McCleary, 1946, Student Book Store, $2.95, Cartoons (Medical) [McCleary1946].
Cartoon Classics from Medical Economics and More Cartoon Classics from Medical Economics (Boxed Set), 1966, Medical Economics Book Division, $17.00, Cartoons (Medical) [Medical1966].
Antidepressants: Third in a series of Cartoon Classics from Medical Economics, William N. Jeffers (Editor), 1972, Medical Economics Book Division, $4.98, Cartoons (Medical) [Medical1972].
Feeling No Pain, Bill O'Malley, 1955, Prentice-Hall, $4.95, Cartoons (Medical) [OMalley1955].
No Good Men, Genevieve Richardson, Rick Detorie, 1990, Lowell House/Contemporary Books, $6.95, Cartoons (Men & Women) [Richardson1990], (ISBN: 092992326X).
Men Are From Detroit, Women Are From Paris, Roz Warren (Editor), 1995, The Crossing Press, $6.95, Cartoons (Men & Women) [Warren1995a], (ISBN: 089594748X).
Fathers and Sons, Liza Donnelly, Michael Maslin (Editors), 1994, Ballantine, $8.00, Cartoons (Men) [Donnelly1994], (ISBN: 0345386760).
Weenie-toons, Roz Warren (Editor), 1992, Laugh Lines Press, $5.25, Cartoons (Men) [Warren1992b], (ISBN: 0963252607).
Merz and More Merz, Robert Merz, 1964, Corinth Books, $6.00, Cartoons (Merz) [Merz1964].
Prince and Mrs. Charming, W. Miller, 1970, Bobbs-Merrill Company, $9.00, Cartoons (Miller) [Miller1970].
A Child of Six Could Do It! Cartoons About Modern Art, George Melly, J. R. Glaves-Smith (Editor), 1973, Tate Gallery, $5.95, Cartoons (Modern Art) [Art1973], (ISBN: 0905005015).
Statues, George Molnar, 1955, E.P. Dutton, $5.00, Cartoons (Molnar) [Molnar1955].
Laugh With Your Investments, Regina Barnes (Editor), 1960, Argonaut Books, $5.00, Cartoons (Money) [Barnes1960].
Mordillo: Cartoons zum Verlieben {German}, Guillermo Mordillo, 1977, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, $2.98, Cartoons (Mordillo) [Mordillo1977], (ISBN: 3423012889).
Mom's the Word, Howie Schneider, 1968, World Publishing Company, $8.95, Cartoons (Mothers) [Schneider1968].
Mothers! Cartoons by Women, Roz Warren (Editor), 1993, The Crossing Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Mothers) [Warren1993a], (ISBN: 0895946114).
Cats and Dogs/Dogs and Cats, P.S. Mueller, 2006, Jones Books, $9.95, Cartoons (Mueller) [Mueller2006], (ISBN: 0976353970).
Notable Quotes, Leigh Rubin, 1981, Rubes Publications, $4.95, Cartoons (Music) [Rubin1981], (ISBN: 0943384001).
Days Like This, J. Torres, Scott Chantler, 2003, Oni Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Music) [Torres2003], (ISBN: 1929998481).
Call Me When You Reach Nirvana, Liza Donnelly, Michael Maslin, 1995, Andrews & McMeel, $8.95, Cartoons (New Age) [Donnelly1995b], (ISBN: 0836204204).
New Woman Presents Best Cartoons From New Woman, Margaret Harold (Editor), 1979, New Woman, $4.50, Cartoons (New Woman) [NewWoman1979], (ISBN: 0960243003).
If New York City Was the World, John Kershbaum, 1994, Citadel Press, $8.95, Cartoons (New York City) [Kershbaum1994], (ISBN: 0806515732).
Big Science, Nick Downes, 1992, AAAS Press, $10.95, Cartoons (Nick Downes) [Downes1992], (ISBN: 0871685027).
Whatever Happened to "Eureka"?: Cartoons on Science, Nick Downes, 1994, Rutgers University Press, $10.95, Cartoons (Nick Downes) [Downes1994], (ISBN: 0813521467).
Nicolas Bentley, Mark Bryant, 2002, Prion, $14.95, Cartoons (Nicolas Bentley) [Bentley2002], (ISBN: 1853754595).
The Art of Nursing: A Collection of Nursing Cartoons, Carl Elbing, 2001, Bandido Books, $16.95, Cartoons (Nursing) [Elbing2001], (ISBN: 1929693133).
Farewell to the Gipper, Dan O'Neill, 1988, Eclipse Books, $6.48, Cartoons (O'Neill) [ONeill1988], (ISBN: 0913035521).
You've Got Me From 9 to 5, Lawrence Lariar, 1956, Dodd, Mead, $2.00, Cartoons (Office Work) [Lariar1956b].
Orygone I, James Cloutier, 1984, Image West Press, $2.50, Cartoons (Oregon) [Cloutier-1], (ISBN: 0918966094).
Orygone, Too, James Cloutier, 1980, Image West Press, $4.95, Cartoons (Oregon) [Cloutier-2], (ISBN: 0918966051).
Orygone III, James Cloutier, 1977, Image West Press, $4.95, Cartoons (Oregon) [Cloutier-3], (ISBN: 0918966027).
Orygone IV, James Cloutier, 1978, Image West Press, $4.95, Cartoons (Oregon) [Cloutier-4], (ISBN: 0918966035).
The Best of Orygun, James Cloutier, 1986, Image West Press, $7.95, Cartoons (Oregon) [Cloutier-5], (ISBN: 0918966108).
The Unofficial Tourist Guide to California (North and South), James Cloutier, 1983, Image West Press, $2.50, Cartoons (Oregon) [Cloutier1983], (ISBN: 0918966086).
Forty Years of PEB: The Racing World in Sketch and Caricature, Pierre Bellocq, 1995, Daily Racing Form Press, Cartoons (Peb) [Peb1995].
The Calculating Cat Returns, Eric Gurney, 1978, Prentice-Hall, $10.00, Cartoons (Pets) [Gurney1978], (ISBN: 0131102133).
The Lovers' Pocketbook, Raymond Peynet, 1954, Perpetua Books, $16.84, Cartoons (Peynet) [Peynet1954].
The Lovers' Travelogue, Raymond Peynet, 1955, Perpetua Books, $6.00, Cartoons (Peynet) [Peynet1955].
The Lovers' Keepsake, Raymond Peynet, 1958, Perpetua Books, $19.13, Cartoons (Peynet) [Peynet1958].
The Lovers' Weekend Book, Raymond Peynet, 1959, Perpetua Books, $2.50, Cartoons (Peynet) [Peynet1959].
The Lovers, Raymond Peynet, 1962, Penguin Books, $1.00, Cartoons (Peynet) [Peynet1962].
The Lover's Bedside Book, Raymond Peynet, 1964, Grosset & Dunlap, $6.95, Cartoons (Peynet) [Peynet1964].
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not, Raymond Peynet, 1970, Michael Joseph, $19.26, Cartoons (Peynet) [Peynet1968].
The Cartoon Introduction to Philosophy, Michael F. Patton, Kevin Cannon, 2015, Hill and Wang, $17.95, Cartoons (Philosophy) [Patton2015], (ISBN: 0809033623).
Should I Wet My Lips?, Frank Adams, 1952, Vanguard Press, $15.00, Cartoons (Photography) [Adams1952].
Stand Back, I Think I'm Gonna Laugh, Rina Piccolo, 1994, Laugh Lines Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Piccolo) [Piccolo1994], (ISBN: 0963252631).
Rina's Big Book of Sex Cartoons, Rina Piccolo, 1997, Laugh Lines Press, $9.95, Cartoons (Piccolo) [Piccolo1997], (ISBN: 1889594024).
Men! Ha!, Stephanie Piro, 1993, Laugh Lines Press, $8.50, Cartoons (Piro) [Piro1993], (ISBN: 0963252623).
Caffeinated Cartoons: Cartoons about Coffee & Tea, Stephanie Piro, 1996, Laugh Lines Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Piro) [Piro1996], (ISBN: 0963252690).
My Cat Loves Me Naked, Stephanie Piro, 2006, Sourcebooks Hysteria, $9.95, Cartoons (Piro) [Piro2006], (ISBN: 1402207360).
The Playboy Cartoon Album, Hugh Hefner, 1959, Crown, $6.50, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1959b].
The Twelfth Anniversary Playboy Cartoon Album, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 1965, Playboy Press, $59.00, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1965].
Playboy's John Dempsey, 1970, Playboy Press, $21.00, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1970].
Playboy's Phil Interlandi, 1971, Playboy Press, $6.00, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1971a].
Playboy's Alden Erikson, 1972, Playboy Press, $2.00, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1972b].
Playboy's Gahan Wilson, Gahan Wilson, 1973, Playboy Press, $4.95, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1973b].
The Twentieth Anniversary Playboy Cartoon Album, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 1974, Playboy Press, $29.00, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1974], (ISBN: 0872234177).
Playboy's Kliban, B. Kliban, 1979, Wideview Books, $7.50, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1979], (ISBN: 0872235475).
Playboy's Buck Brown, Buck Brown, 1981, Playboy Press, $6.00, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1981b].
Australian Playboy Cartoon Collection, 1989, Mason Stewart, $24.01, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1989], (ISBN: 1862680159).
Playboy Presents Sex and Other Late-Night Laughs, Michelle Urry (Editor), 1990, Playboy Press, $7.95, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1990].
Fore Play: The Very Best of Playboy's Classic Golf Humor, Michelle Urry (Editor), 1995, General Publishing Group, $9.95, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy1995], (ISBN: 1881649814).
Playboy 50 Years The Cartoons, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 2004, Chronicle Books, $50.00, Cartoons (Playboy) [Playboy2004], (ISBN: 0811839761).
The Playboy Cartoon Album 1, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 1963, Playboy Press, $16.20, Cartoons (Playboy) [PlayboyCartoonAlbum-1].
The Playboy Cartoon Album 2, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 1968, Playboy Press, $6.00, Cartoons (Playboy) [PlayboyCartoonAlbum-2].
The Playboy Cartoon Album 3, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 1969, Playboy Press, $5.95, Cartoons (Playboy) [PlayboyCartoonAlbum-3].
The Playboy Cartoon Album 4, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 1971, Playboy Press, $20.00, Cartoons (Playboy) [PlayboyCartoonAlbum-4].
The Playboy Cartoon Album 5, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 1972, Playboy Press, $13.50, Cartoons (Playboy) [PlayboyCartoonAlbum-5].
The Playboy Cartoon Album 6, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 1973, Playboy Press, $10.50, Cartoons (Playboy) [PlayboyCartoonAlbum-6].
The Playboy Cartoon Album 7, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 1980, Playboy Press, $21.50, Cartoons (Playboy) [PlayboyCartoonAlbum-7].
The Playboy Cartoon Album 8, Hugh Hefner (Editor), 1981, Playboy Press, $20.00, Cartoons (Playboy) [PlayboyCartoonAlbum-8].
Playgirl's Best Cartoons, 1982, Ritter/Geller Communications, $8.00, Cartoons (Playgirl) [Playgirl1982].
The Penguin Book of Private Eye Cartoons, Richard Ingrams (Editor), 1983, Penguin Books, $3.98, Cartoons (Private Eye) [Private1983], (ISBN: 0140063919).
A Century of Punch Cartoons, R.E. Williams (Editor), 1955, Simon & Schuster, $4.98, Cartoons (Punch) [Punch1955].
The Reverend Mr. Punch, Michael Edwardes (Editor), 1960, A. R. Mowbray, $7.50, Cartoons (Punch) [Punch1960].
Freaky Fables, Handelsman, 1979, Price, Stern, Sloan, $3.95, Cartoons (Punch) [Punch1979a], (ISBN: 084310631X).
Cartoons From Punch, William Hewison, 1979, Robson Books, $8.00, Cartoons (Punch) [Punch1979b], (ISBN: 0860510891).
Punch in the Air: A Cartoon History of Flying, David Langdon, 1983, Robson Books, $8.00, Cartoons (Punch) [Punch1983b], (ISBN: 0860512517).
Punch Cartoons: Kid's Stuff, 1984, Octopus Books, $4.00, Cartoons (Punch) [Punch1984b], (ISBN: 0862731682).
The Best of Punch Cartoons, Helen Walasek (Editor), 2008, Prion, $60.00, Cartoons (Punch) [Punch2008], (ISBN: 1853756792).
The World of Quino, Quino, 1986, Henry Holt & Company, $8.95, Cartoons (Quino) [Quino1986], (ISBN: 0805000925).
Mafalda Inedita {Spanish}, Quino, 1988, Ediciones de la Flor, $9.00, Cartoons (Quino) [Quino1988], (ISBN: 9505156642).
Mafalda 2 {Spanish}, Quino, 1994, Promexa, $5.00, Cartoons (Quino) [Quino1994a], (ISBN: 9683902359).
Mafalda 2 {Spanish}, Quino, 1994, Talleres de Romanya Valls, $4.48, Cartoons (Quino) [Quino1994b], (ISBN: 8426445020).
Asi es la Cosa, Mafalda {Spanish}, Quino, 1997, Ediciones de la Flor, $3.00, Cartoons (Quino) [Quino1997], (ISBN: 9505156022).
Mafalda 3 {Spanish}, Quino, 2004, Ediciones de la Flor, $2.98, Cartoons (Quino) [Quino2004a], (ISBN: 9505156030).
Mafalda 4 {Spanish}, Quino, 2004, Ediciones de la Flor, $2.98, Cartoons (Quino) [Quino2004b], (ISBN: 9505156049).
Integration is a Bitch!, Thomas W. Floyd, 1969, Opinion News Syndicate, $0.98, Cartoons (Race) [Floyd1969].
If You Loved Me, You'd Think This Was Cute, Nick Galifianakis, 2010, Andrews McMeel, $12.99, Cartoons (Relationships) [Galifianakis2010], (ISBN: 0740799479).
Meet the Saints, Lloyd Baker, 1968, Essandess, $1.00, Cartoons (Religion) [Baker1968].
Clerical Errors, W. Bolte Gibson, Henry C. Beck, 1955, Gilbert Press, $3.98, Cartoons (Religion) [Gibson1955].
As the Church Turns, Ed Koehler, 1993, InterVarsity Press, $2.98, Cartoons (Religion) [Koehler1993], (ISBN: 0830818367).
Two Little Nuns, Bill O'Malley, 1950, Extension Magazine, $4.95, Cartoons (Religion) [OMalley1950].
O'Malley's Nuns, Bill O'Malley, 1956, Prentice-Hall, $2.50, Cartoons (Religion) [OMalley1956].
O'Malley's Nuns [PPB], Bill O'Malley, 1956, Prentice-Hall, $2.50, Cartoons (Religion) [OMalley1956p].
More O'Malley's Nuns, Bill O'Malley, 1962, Pocket Books, $2.95, Cartoons (Religion) [OMalley1962].
I See My Time is Up... and Other Cartoons, Howard Paris, 1968, Warner Press, $0.98, Cartoons (Religion) [Paris1968].
Kicking the Habit, Rina Piccolo, 1996, Laugh Lines Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Religion) [Piccolo1996], (ISBN: 0963252674).
The Adventures of Father Faber, Rob Portlock, 1984, Thomas Nelson Publishers, $4.95, Cartoons (Religion) [Porlock1984], (ISBN: 0840759053).
Zen Comics, Ioanna Salajan, 1974, Charles E. Tuttle Company, $1.95, Cartoons (Religion) [Salajan1974], (ISBN: 0804811202).
Zen Comics II, Ioanna Salajan, 1982, Charles E. Tuttle Company, $5.95, Cartoons (Religion) [Salajan1982], (ISBN: 0804814457).
Texas Lore: Volume 1,2,3,4, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1992, Red Rose Studio, $6.00, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds-04], (ISBN: 0932514278).
Texas Lore: Volume 5, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1992, Red Rose Studio, $6.00, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds-05], (ISBN: 0932514154).
Texas Lore: Volume 6, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1992, Red Rose Studio, $6.00, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds-06], (ISBN: 0932514189).
Texas Lore: Volume 7, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1992, Red Rose Studio, $6.00, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds-07], (ISBN: 0932514219).
Texas Lore: Volume 8, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1992, Red Rose Studio, $6.00, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds-08], (ISBN: 0932514235).
Texas Lore: Volume 9, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1992, Red Rose Studio, $6.00, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds-09], (ISBN: 093251426X).
Texas Lore: Volume 10, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1992, Red Rose Studio, $6.00, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds-10], (ISBN: 0932514286).
Texas Lore: Volume 11 & 12, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1992, Red Rose Studio, $6.00, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds-12], (ISBN: 0932514308).
Big Apple Almanac 1, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1989, Red Rose Studio, $14.95, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds1989], (ISBN: 0932514197).
Big Apple Almanac 2, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1991, Red Rose Studio, $14.95, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds1991], (ISBN: 0932514243).
Big Apple Almanac 3, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1994, Red Rose Studio, $14.95, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds1994], (ISBN: 0932514294).
A Cartoon History of the District of Columbia, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1995, Red Rose Studio, $14.95, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds1995], (ISBN: 0932514316).
District of Columbia Neighborhoods, Patrick M. Reynolds, 1997, Red Rose Studio, $14.95, Cartoons (Reynolds) [Reynolds1997], (ISBN: 0932514332).
This One's On Me!, Mischa Richter, 1945, Whittlesey House|McGraw-Hill, $4.50, Cartoons (Richter) [Richter1945].
All Out For The Sack Race!, Robt. Day, 1945, Random House, $16.50, Cartoons (Robt Day) [DayR1945].
Total Harmonic Distortion: Cartoons from Stereo Review, Charles Rodrigues, 1988, Perfectbound Press, $7.95, Cartoons (Rodrigues) [Rodrigues1988].
The Last Cream Bun Drawing by Roger Pettiward, Ruari McLean, 1984, Chatto & Windus The Hogarth Press, $18.00, Cartoons (Roger Pettiward) [Pettiward1984], (ISBN: 0701129077).
This Could be the Start of Something Stupid, The Cartoon Bank, 1995, Fireside, $8.95, Cartoons (Romance) [CartoonBank1995], (ISBN: 067187957X).
Truer Than True Romance, Jeanne Martinet, 2001, Watson-Guptill Publications, $19.95, Cartoons (Romance) [Martinet2001], (ISBN: 0823084388).
Poor Arnold's Almanac, Arnold Roth, 1998, Fantagraphics Books, $14.95, Cartoons (Roth) [Roth1998], (ISBN: 1560973226).
So Far, So Good, S. Harris, 1971, Playboy Press, $2.00, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1971].
What's So Funny about Science?, S. Harris, 1977, William Kaufmann, $4.48, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1977], (ISBN: 0913232394).
Chicken Soup and Other Medical Matters, S. Harris, 1979, William Kaufmann, $4.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1979], (ISBN: 0913232742).
All Ends Up, S. Harris, 1980, William Kaufmann, $4.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1980], (ISBN: 0865760004).
Science Goes to the Dogs, S. Harris, 1985, ISI Press, $3.98, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1985], (ISBN: 0894950436).
What's So Funny about Business?, S. Harris, 1986, William Kaufmann, $9.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1986], (ISBN: 0865761000).
Einstein Simplified: Cartoons on Science, S. Harris, 1989, Rutgers University Press, $9.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1989], (ISBN: 081351410X).
You Want Proof? I'll Give You Proof!, S. Harris, 1991, W.H. Freeman and Company, $10.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1991a], (ISBN: 0716721597).
Can't You Guys Read?, S. Harris, 1991, Rutgers University Press, $9.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1991b], (ISBN: 0813517338).
From Personal Ads to Cloning Labs, S. Harris, 1992, W.H. Freeman and Company, $10.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1992], (ISBN: 0716723514).
So Sue Me!, S. Harris, 1993, Rutgers University Press, $9.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1993a], (ISBN: 0813519640).
There Goes Archimedes, S. Harris, 1993, Unigraphics, $5.00, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1993b], (ISBN: 9556190007).
Stress Test: Cartoons on Medicine, S. Harris, 1994, Rutgers University Press, $10.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1994], (ISBN: 0813520657).
Chalk Up Another One, S. Harris, 1995, AAAS Press, $10.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1995], (ISBN: 0813522609).
Einstein Atomized, S. Harris, 1996, Copernicus, $14.00, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1996a], (ISBN: 0387946659).
There Goes the Neighborhood, S. Harris, 1996, University of Georgia Press, $11.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1996b], (ISBN: 0820318051).
The Interactive Toaster, S. Harris, 1996, Crisp, $12.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1996c], (ISBN: 1560524081).
Freudian Slips: Cartoons on Psychology, Sidney Harris, 1997, Rutgers University Press, $12.00, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1997], (ISBN: 0813524784).
49 Dogs, 36 Cats & a Platypus: Animal Cartoons, Sidney Harris, 1999, Rutgers University Press, $14.00, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris1999], (ISBN: 0813527430).
101 Funny Things About Global Warming, Sidney Harris, Colleagues, 2008, Bloomsbury, $13.95, Cartoons (S.Harris) [Harris2008], (ISBN: 1596914823).
Laugh it Off, Marione Derrickson, 1944, Whittlesey House|McGraw-Hill, $5.00, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1944].
Funny Business, Marione Derrickson, John Bailey, 1945, Whittlesey House, $3.75, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1945a].
Post Yarns, Vol 5, No. 4, Ben Hibbs, 1945, Curtis Publishing Co., $8.00, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1945b].
Post Yarns, Vol VII, No. 4, Ben Hibbs, 1945, Curtis Publishing Co., $5.00, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1945c].
Honey, I'm Home, Marione R. Nickles (Editor), 1954, E.P. Dutton, $5.00, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1954].
One Moment, Sir!, Marione R. Nickles (Editor), 1957, E.P. Dutton, $10.00, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1957].
The Saturday Evening Post Cartoon Festival, Marione R. Nickles (Editor), 1958, E.P. Dutton, $3.98, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1958].
After Hours, Marione R. Nickles (Editor), 1960, E.P. Dutton, $4.98, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1960].
The Nine To Fivers, Marione R. Nickles (Editor), 1962, E.P. Dutton, $4.00, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1962].
A Lighthearted Look at Life From Post Scripts, Tina Hacker (Editor), 1975, Hallmark Books, $2.00, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1975], (ISBN: 0875294383).
The Best Cartoons from The Saturday Evening Post, Steven Pettinga (Editor), 1993, Zondervan Publishing House, $7.95, Cartoons (Saturday Evening Post) [Saturday1993], (ISBN: 0310595215).
Laughs from The Saturday Review of Literature, Bennett Cerf (Editor), 1946, Vanguard Press, $3.00, Cartoons (Saturday Review of Literature) [SaturdayReview1946].
One Man's Fancy, Charles Saxon, 1977, Dodd, Mead, $5.25, Cartoons (Saxon) [Saxon1977], (ISBN: 0396075096).
Cable on Academe, Carole Cable, 1994, University of Texas Press, $3.00, Cartoons (School) [Cable1994], (ISBN: 0292711700).
What's New in Science, Bo Grace, 2018, Squid, $12.99, Cartoons (Science) [Ernie2018], (ISBN: 1727275268).
The Best of Quincy Scott, Quincy Scott, 1980, Oregon Historical Society, $3.75, Cartoons (Scott) [Scott1980], (ISBN: 0875950876).
Hurrah for St. Trinians, Ronald Searle, 1948, Macdonald, $12.50, Cartoons (Searle) [Searle1948a].
The Terror of St. Trinian's and Other Drawings, Ronald Searle, 2000, Penguin Books, $19.98, Cartoons (Searle) [Searle1948b], (ISBN: 0141188685).
The Female Approach, Ronald Searle, 1954, Alfred A. Knopf, $16.24, Cartoons (Searle) [Searle1954].
Merry England, etc., Ronald Searle, 1956, Perpetua Books, $7.48, Cartoons (Searle) [Searle1956].
The Penguin Ronald Searle, Ronald Searle, 1960, Penguin Books, $8.00, Cartoons (Searle) [Searle1960].
From Frozen North to Filthy Lucre, Ronald Searle, 1964, Viking Press, $7.50, Cartoons (Searle) [Searle1964].
The Situation is Hopeless, Ronald Searle, 1980, Viking Press, $7.95, Cartoons (Searle) [Searle1980], (ISBN: 0670647314).
Ronald Searle's Golden Oldies 1941-1961, Ronald Searle, 1985, Pavilion, $16.95, Cartoons (Searle) [Searle1985], (ISBN: 1851451021).
Slightly Foxed -- But Still Desirable, Ronald Searle, 1989, Souvenir Press, $30.00, Cartoons (Searle) [Searle1989], (ISBN: 028562945X).
In France Nothing is Simple, J.-J. Sempe, 1964, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, $1.00, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe1964].
The Musicians, J.-J. Sempe, 1980, Workman Publishing, $9.95, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe1980], (ISBN: 0894805088).
Displays of Affection, J.-J. Sempe, 1981, Workman Publishing, $3.95, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe1981], (ISBN: 0894801945).
The World According to Sempe, J.-J. Sempe, 2001, Harvill Press, $25.00, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe2001a], (ISBN: 1860468845).
A Little Bit of Paris, J.-J. Sempe, 2007, Universe Publishing, $24.95, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe2001b], (ISBN: 0789315718).
Nothing is Simple, J.-J. Sempe, 2006, Phaidon Press, $24.95, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe2006a], (ISBN: 0714844837).
Everything is Complicated, J.-J. Sempe, 2006, Phaidon Press, $24.95, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe2006b], (ISBN: 0714845426).
Mixed Messages, J.-J. Sempe, 2006, Phaidon Press, $24.95, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe2006c], (ISBN: 0714845434).
Sunny Spells, J.-J. Sempe, 2006, Phaidon Press, $24.95, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe2006d], (ISBN: 0714845442).
Monsieur Lambert, J.-J. Sempe, 2006, Phaidon Press, $14.95, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe2006e], (ISBN: 0714846236).
A Little Bit of France, J.-J. Sempe, 2008, Universe Publishing, $24.95, Cartoons (Sempe) [Sempe2008], (ISBN: 0789315858).
Love Me or Go to Hell, Donna Barstow, 2005, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Cartoons (Sex) [Barstow2005], (ISBN: 0740756982).
Sex and Sensibility, Liza Donnelly (Editor), 2008, Twelve, $27.99, Cartoons (Sex) [Donnelly2008], (ISBN: 0446198153).
Man's Best Friend, Gray Jolliffe, Peter Mayle, 1984, Punchline Book, $5.95, Cartoons (Sex) [Jolliffe1984], (ISBN: 0517557924).
Wicked Willie's Guide to Women: The Further Adventures of Man's Best Friend, Gray Jolliffe, Peter Mayle, 1986, Harmony Books, $8.95, Cartoons (Sex) [Jolliffe1986], (ISBN: 0517566524).
Up & Running: The Adventures of Chloe & Co, Gray Jolliffe, Michael Shackleton, 1998, John Blake, $4.77, Cartoons (Sex) [Jolliffe1998], (ISBN: 1900512505).
Chloe and Co, Gray Jolliffe, Michael Shackleton, 2010, Hamlyn, $14.15, Cartoons (Sex) [Jolliffe2010], (ISBN: 0600621189).
How Green Was My Sex Life, Lawrence Lariar, 1955, Pippin Press, $7.95, Cartoons (Sex) [Lariar1955].
A Time for Innocence (Sex and the Single Child), Sam Levenson, 1969, Simon & Schuster, $4.00, Cartoons (Sex) [Levenson1969], (ISBN: 0671204041).
In Search of the G Spot, Stan Mack, Thom Roberts, 1982, Plume, $3.95, Cartoons (Sex) [Mack1982], (ISBN: 0452253942).
The Sexperts Ride Again, William McIntyre (Editor), 1971, Dell, $4.95, Cartoons (Sex) [McIntyre1971].
Lassie! Get Help!!, Danny Shanahan, 1990, Pantheon Books, $8.95, Cartoons (Shanahan) [Shanahan1990], (ISBN: 0679730176).
Innocent, Your Honor, Danny Shanahan, 2005, Harry N. Abrams, $19.95, Cartoons (Shanahan) [Shanahan2005a], (ISBN: 081095902X).
I'm No Quack, Danny Shanahan, 2005, Harry N. Abrams, $19.95, Cartoons (Shanahan) [Shanahan2005b], (ISBN: 081095799X).
Bad Sex!, Danny Shanahan, 2007, Abrams Image, $12.95, Cartoons (Shanahan) [Shanahan2007], (ISBN: 0810992884).
Take Ten, Shel Silverstein, 1955, Pacific Stars and Stripes, $15.00, Cartoons (Silverstein) [Silverstein1955].
Now Here's My Plan, Shel Silverstein, 1960, Simon & Schuster, $25.00, Cartoons (Silverstein) [Silverstein1960], (ISBN: 0671222805).
Wishful Thinking, David Sipress, 1987, Perennial Library, $2.00, Cartoons (Sipress) [Sipress1987], (ISBN: 0060960825).
It's a Mom's Life!, David Sipress, 1988, Plume, $4.95, Cartoons (Sipress) [Sipress1988], (ISBN: 0452260671).
The Secret Life of Dogs, David Sipress, 1990, Plume, $5.95, Cartoons (Sipress) [Sipress1990], (ISBN: 0452264944).
Sex, Love, and Other Problems, David Sipress, 1991, Plume, $5.95, Cartoons (Sipress) [Sipress1991], (ISBN: 0452266149).
It's a Cat's Life, David Sipress, 1992, Plume, $5.95, Cartoons (Sipress) [Sipress1992], (ISBN: 0452267587).
It's Still a Mom's Life, David Sipress, 1993, Plume, $6.00, Cartoons (Sipress) [Sipress1993], (ISBN: 0452268672).
The Crazy World of Skiing, Craig Peterson, Jerry Emerson, 1981, Exley, $4.95, Cartoons (Skiing) [Crazy1981], (ISBN: 0905521595).
The Wacky World of Skiing, Craig Peterson, Jerry Emerson, 1980, Stone Wall Press, $4.98, Cartoons (Skiing) [Peterson1980], (ISBN: 0913276316).
Hits, Runs and Social Errors, Charles Preston, 1956, Random House, $10.00, Cartoons (Sports Illustrated) [Preston1956].
Jockularity: Lower Level of Thought: The Sports Cartoons of Brad Kirkland Volume 1, Brad Kirkland, 1998, Addax Publishing, $10.95, Cartoons (Sports) [Kirkland1998], (ISBN: 1886110441).
The Stag at Eve, 1931, Farrar & Rinehart, $9.50, Cartoons (Stag) [Stag1931].
Chaparral's Album of Cartoons, Bruce McClelland (Editor), 1939, Hammer and Coffin Society, Cartoons (Stanford) [Stanford1939].
Blushing Deep and Paling, Jim Conner, Jean Crowell, Mary Hough, Bob Lehmann, Bob McKim, Beth Van Hoesen, Roger Tilton, 1947, Drofnats Press, $8.50, Cartoons (Stanford) [Stanford1947].
Starke and Unashamed, Leslie Starke, 1953, Reinhardt, $3.00, Cartoons (Starke) [Starke1953].
Thank Goodness It Isn't a Hate Crime!, Wayne Stayskal, 1995, Baker Book House, $4.50, Cartoons (Stayskal) [Stayskal1995], (ISBN: 080105060X).
Man About Town, William Steig, 1932, Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, $25.00, Cartoons (Steig) [Steig1932].
Dreams of Glory, William Steig, 1953, Alfred A. Knopf, $7.50, Cartoons (Steig) [Steig1953].
C D B!, William Steig, 1968, Aladdin Paperbacks, $3.95, Cartoons (Steig) [Steig1968], (ISBN: 0671666894).
C D C?, William Steig, 1984, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $2.95, Cartoons (Steig) [Steig1984].
Denver Square: We Need a Bigger House!, Ed Stein, 2003, Pelican, $10.95, Cartoons (Stein) [Stein2003], (ISBN: 1589801156).
Let's Boogie!, James Stevenson, 1978, Dodd, Mead, $3.98, Cartoons (Stevenson) [Stevenson1978], (ISBN: 0396076335).
Lovingly Yours, Henry Syverson, 1957, E.P. Dutton, $5.25, Cartoons (Syverson) [Syverson1957].
The Better Taylors, R. Taylor, 1944, Random House, $12.50, Cartoons (Taylor) [Taylor1944].
The Great State of Texas, Tony Bell, 1979, Great State Publishing, $5.95, Cartoons (Texas) [Texas1979].
Cartooning Texas: One Hundred Years of Cartoon Art in the Lone Star State, Maury Forman, Robert A. Calvert, 1993, Texas A&M University Press, $14.95, Cartoons (Texas) [Texas1993], (ISBN: 0890965609).
The New Yorker Album, 1928, Doubleday, Doran & Company, $16.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1928].
The Second New Yorker Album, 1929, Doubleday, Doran & Company, $49.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1929].
The Third New Yorker Album, 1930, Doubleday, Doran & Company, $5.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1930].
The Fourth New Yorker Album, 1931, Doubleday, Doran & Company, $84.55, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1931a].
Ho Hum Newsbreaks From "The New Yorker", 1931, Farrar & Rinehart, $4.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1931b].
The Fifth New Yorker Album, 1932, Harper & Brothers, $22.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1932].
The Sixth New Yorker Album, 1933, Harper & Brothers, $11.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1933].
The Seventh New Yorker Album, 1935, Random House, $16.24, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1935].
The 1937 New Yorker Album, 1937, Random House, $12.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1937].
The 1940 New Yorker Album, 1939, Random House, $10.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1939].
The 1942 New Yorker Album, 1941, Random House, $12.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1941].
From Our Regular Stock Volume I, 1941, New Yorker, $58.38, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1941z].
The New Yorker War Album, 1942, Random House, $7.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1942].
From Our Regular Stock Volume III, 1944, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1944z].
The New Yorker Cartoons with The Talk of the Town, 1945, Special Edition for the Armed Forces, $13.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1945].
From Our Regular Stock Volume IV, 1945, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1945z].
From Our Regular Stock Volume V, 1946, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1946z].
From Our Regular Stock Volume VI, 1947, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1947z].
From Our Regular Stock Volume VII, 1948, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1948z].
From Our Regular Stock Volume VIII, 1949, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1949z].
The New Yorker 25th Anniversary Album 1925-1950, 1977, Harper & Row (Harper Colophon), $7.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1950], (ISBN: 0060905530).
From Our Regular Stock Volume IX, 1950, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1950z].
From Our Regular Stock Volume X, 1951, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1951z].
From Our Regular Stock Volume XI, 1952, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1952z].
From Our Regular Stock Volume XII, 1953, New Yorker, $37.89, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1953z].
Come On In and Browse Around, 1954, New Yorker, $9.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1954].
From Our Regular Stock Volume XIII, 1954, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1954z].
The New Yorker 1950-1955 Album, 1955, Harper & Brothers, $6.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1955].
A Collection From the New Yorker of Particular Interest to Those Who Are Taxed, 1956, New Yorker, $13.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1956].
From Our Regular Stock Volume XV, 1956, New Yorker, $16.77, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1956z].
The New Yorker Album of Sports & Games, 1957, Harper & Brothers, $12.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1957].
A Collection of Drawings From the New Yorker of Interest to the Advertising Profession, 1958, New Yorker, $13.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1958].
From Our Regular Stock Volume XVII, 1958, New Yorker, $13.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1958z].
From Our Regular Stock Volume XIX, 1960, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1960z].
From Our Regular Stock Volume XXI, 1962, New Yorker, $17.85, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1962z].
The New Yorker 1955-1965 Album, 1965, Harper & Row, $10.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1965].
Youth and the Struggle Between Generations, 1969, New Yorker, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1969].
The New Yorker Album of Art & Artists, 1970, New York Graphic Society, $15.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1970], (ISBN: 0821202235).
The New Yorker Album of Drawings 1925-1975, 1975, Viking Press, $15.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1975], (ISBN: 0670509272).
Fresh Air and Exercise, 1977, New Yorker, $15.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1977].
Straight up, very dry, with an olive, please, 1981, New Yorker, $14.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1981].
Seasons at the New Yorker: Six Decades of Cover Art, National Academy of Design, 1984, United Technologies Corporation, $4.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1984].
The New Yorker Cartoon Album 1975-1985, 1985, Viking Press, $10.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1985a], (ISBN: 0670806773).
The New Yorker: A Cartoon Sampler, 1985, New Yorker, $0.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1985b].
The New Yorker: A Cartoon Collection for the Classroom, 1987, New Yorker, $2.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1987].
The New Yorker Book of Cat Cartoons, 1990, Alfred A. Knopf, $16.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1990], (ISBN: 0394587952).
The New Yorker Cartoon Collection, 1990, New Yorker, $2.48, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1990b].
The New Yorker Book of Cat Cartoons (small), 1992, Alfred A. Knopf, $8.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1992a], (ISBN: 067974276X).
The New Yorker Book of Dog Cartoons, 1992, Alfred A. Knopf, $18.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1992b], (ISBN: 0679416803).
The New Yorker Book of Lawyer Cartoons, 1993, Alfred A. Knopf, $18.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1993a], (ISBN: 0679430687).
The New Yorker Book of Doctor Cartoons, 1993, Alfred A. Knopf, $18.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1993b], (ISBN: 0679430695).
The New Yorker Book of Doctor Cartoons (small), 1993, Alfred A. Knopf, $10.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1993c], (ISBN: 0679765735).
Television-Related Cartoons in The New Yorker Magazine, Ronald L. Jacobson, 1993, McFarland, $42.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1993d], (ISBN: 0899507778).
The Art of The New Yorker 1925-1995, Lee Lorenz, 1995, Alfred A. Knopf, $40.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1995a], (ISBN: 0679436790).
The Art of The New Yorker 1925-1995, Lee Lorenz, 1995, Alfred A. Knopf, $40.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1995b], (ISBN: 0679765956).
Comically Correct: The New Yorker Cartoon Collection, 1995, New Yorker, $19.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1995c].
The New Yorker Book of Dog Cartoons (small), 1992, Alfred A. Knopf, $9.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1995d], (ISBN: 0679765425).
The New Yorker Book of Lawyer Cartoons (small), 1996, Alfred A. Knopf, $10.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1996a], (ISBN: 0679765743).
The New Yorker Book of All-New Cat Cartoons, 1997, Alfred A. Knopf, $20.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1997], (ISBN: 0375401083).
The New Yorker Book of Business Cartoons, 1998, Bloomberg Press, $21.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1998a], (ISBN: 1576600564).
The New Yorker Book of Dog Cartoons (paperback), 1998, Hutchinson, $3.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1998b], (ISBN: 0091734606).
The New Yorker Book of True Love Cartoons, 1999, Alfred A. Knopf, $20.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1999a], (ISBN: 0375403132).
The New Yorker Book of Money Cartoons, 1999, Bloomberg Press, $21.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1999b], (ISBN: 1576600335).
The New Yorker 75th Anniversary Cartoon Collection, Bob Mankoff, 1999, Pocket Books, $40.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker1999c], (ISBN: 067103555X).
The New Yorker Book of Political Cartoons, Bob Mankoff, 2000, Bloomberg Press, $21.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2000a], (ISBN: 1576600807).
The New Yorker Book of Literary Cartoons, Bob Mankoff, 2000, Pocket Books, $19.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2000b], (ISBN: 0671035576).
The New Yorker Book of Technology Cartoons, Bob Mankoff, 2000, Bloomberg Press, $24.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2000c], (ISBN: 1576600750).
Covering the New Yorker, Francoise Mouly, 2000, Abbeville Press, $50.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2000d], (ISBN: 0789206579).
The New Yorker Book of Kids Cartoons, 2001, Bloomberg Press, $21.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2001a], (ISBN: 1576600971).
The New Yorker Court TV Crime and Justice Cartoon Book, 2001, Cartoon Bank Press, $5.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2001b].
The New Yorker Book of Golf Cartoons, 2002, Bloomberg Press, $21.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2002a], (ISBN: 1576601196).
The New Yorker Southwest Airlines Book of Travel Cartoons, 2002, Cartoon Bank Press, $3.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2002b].
The New Yorker Aronson + Johnson + Ortiz Book of Cartoons, 2002, Cartoon Bank Press, $14.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2002c].
The New Yorker Book of Baseball Cartoons, 2003, Bloomberg Press, $21.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2003a], (ISBN: 1576601277).
Mother Goose on the Loose, Bobbye S. Goldstein (Editor), 2003, Harry N. Abrams, $18.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2003b], (ISBN: 0810942399).
The New Yorker Yahoo! Book of Cartoons, 2003, Cartoon Bank Press, $5.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2003c].
The New Yorker Jefferies Book of Cartoons, 2003, Cartoon Bank Press, $22.49, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2003d].
The New Yorker Thirteen WNET New York A Public Television Cartoon Book, 2003, Cartoon Bank Press, $9.70, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2003e].
The New Yorker Book of New York Cartoons, 2004, Bloomberg Press, $21.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004a], (ISBN: 1576601285).
The Complete Cartoons of The New Yorker, Robert Mankoff (Editor), 2004, Black Dog & Leventhal, $60.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004b], (ISBN: 1579123228).
The New Yorker NPR Book of Cartoons, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $25.90, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004c].
The New Yorker Book of Christmas Cartoons, Restoration Hardware, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $19.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004d], (ISBN: 0975573810).
The New Yorker Book of Wine Cartoons, Restoration Hardware, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $19.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004e], (ISBN: 0975573802).
The New Yorker American Lung Association Book of Cartoons, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $4.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004f].
The New Yorker ADA Book of Cartoons, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $13.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004g].
The New Yorker Planetree Book of Cartoons, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $23.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004h].
The New Yorker American Sociological Association The Sociologist's Book of Cartoons, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $9.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004i].
The New Yorker Book of Workplace Cartoons, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $4.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004j].
The New Yorker Top 100 Cartoons, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $6.79, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004k].
The New Yorker The Fragrance Foundation Book of Cartoons, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $15.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004l].
The New Yorker Oil and Gas Industry Book of Cartoons, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $18.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004m].
The New Yorker and The Pharmaceutical Institute Present: Laughing at Pharma, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $12.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004n].
The New Yorker Custom Cartoon Book, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $15.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004o].
The New Yorker Fancy Food Show 50th Anniversary Book of Cartoons, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $5.24, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004p].
The New Yorker Yahoo! Book of Cartoons Volume II, 2004, Cartoon Bank Press, $25.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2004q].
The New Yorker Visits the Guggenheim, 2005, Guggenheim Museum, $1.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005a], (ISBN: 0892073187).
Ice Breakers: A New Yorker Book of Cartoons, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005b].
The New Yorker Book of Art Cartoons, 2005, Bloomberg Press, $21.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005d], (ISBN: 1576601293).
The New Yorker CNN Book of Cartoons, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $5.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005e].
The New Yorker Collection of Sleep & Health Cartoons, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $6.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005f].
The New Yorker Book of Cartoons, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $5.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005g].
Marriott International, Inc. Book of New Yorker Cartoons, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $7.75, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005h].
The New Yorker A Cartoon Book For Real Estate Development, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $15.84, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005i].
The New Yorker KCET Community Television of Southern California Book of Cartoons, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $6.14, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005j].
The New Yorker OptionsXpress Book of Cartoons, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $8.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005k].
Art And Artists: New Yorker Cartoons From the Melvin R. Seiden Collection, Peter Sutton, Nancy Hall-Duncan, 2005, Bruce Museeum of Arts and Science, $17.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005l], (ISBN: 0976638118).
The Lighter Side of Business Travel Book of New Yorker Cartoons, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $14.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005m].
The Wonderful World of Hotel Humor (Westin Hotels & Resorts), 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $12.89, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005n].
The New Yorker Transactions Book of Cartoons (Ernst & Young), 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $3.48, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005o].
The New Yorker Stratton Book of Cartoons, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $19.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005p].
The New Yorker Book of Office Cartoons, 2005, Cartoon Bank Press, $10.26, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2005q].
The New Yorker Book of Teacher Cartoons, 2006, Bloomberg Press, $21.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2006a], (ISBN: 1576601307).
The Rejection Collection, Matthew Diffee, 2006, Simon Spotlight Entertainment, $22.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2006b], (ISBN: 1416933395).
The Brookings Institution Book of New Yorker Cartoons, 2006, Cartoon Bank Press, $6.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2006c].
The Museum of Modern Art Book of Cartoons, 2006, The Museum of Modern Art, $14.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2006d], (ISBN: 0870707442).
Write Me a Letter! The Wit and Wisdom of Stephen Joel Trachtenberg President of The George Washington University, 2006, Cartoon Bank Press, $4.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2006e].
WFUV Public Radio from Fordham University A Book of New Yorker Cartoons, 2006, Cartoon Bank Press, $11.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2006f].
The Private Bank Custom Cartoon Collection Featuring Cartoons From The New Yorker, 2006, Cartoon Bank Press, $7.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2006g].
A Masterpiece The Museum Cartoon Collection Featuring Cartoons From The New Yorker, 2006, Cartoon Bank Press, $11.90, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2006h].
Die Besten Cartoons Die Der New Yorker Nie Druckte {German}, Matthew Diffee, 2011, Liebeskind, $2.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2006i], (ISBN: 3935890842).
The Rejection Collection, Volume 2, Matthew Diffee, 2007, Simon Spotlight Entertainment, $22.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2007a], (ISBN: 1416934014).
The New Yorker Cartoon Yearbook, Robert Mankoff (Editor), 2007, Cartoon Bank Press, $34.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2007c].
Book of Moms, 2007, Cartoon Bank Press, $20.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2007d].
Book of Dads, 2007, Cartoon Bank Press, $20.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2007e].
Harvard University Book of Cartoons Featuring Cartoons From The New Yorker, 2007, Cartoon Bank Press, $21.52, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2007f].
PETA Book of Cartoons Featuring Cartoons From The New Yorker, 2007, Cartoon Bank Press, $12.48, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2007g].
National Staff Development Council Cartoons About Learning, 2007, Cartoon Bank Press, $15.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2007h].
Newseum Book of Cartoons: Extra Laughs, 2007, Cartoon Bank Press, $15.98, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2007n].
Will You Be Mine?, 2008, Cartoon Bank Press, $25.67, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2008a].
On the Couch: A Book of Psychoanalysis Cartoons, 2008, Cartoon Bank Press, $25.67, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2008b].
The Graduation Collection, 2008, Cartoon Bank Press, $29.95, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2008c].
The New Yorker Cartoon Yearbook, 2008, Cartoon Bank Press, $43.24, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2008d].
The New Yorker Book of Mom Cartoons, 2008, Andrews McMeel, $12.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2008e], (ISBN: 0740776037).
The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest Book, Robert Mankoff (Editor), 2008, Andrews McMeel, $24.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2008f], (ISBN: 0740777505).
Google Book of Cartoons, 2008, Cartoon Bank Press, $4.00, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2008g].
On the Money: The Economy in Cartoons, 1925-2009, Robert Mankoff (Editor), 2009, Andrews McMeel, $24.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2009a], (ISBN: 0740784900).
The New Yorker Cartoon Yearbook, 2009, Cartoon Bank Press, $46.44, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2009b].
School Days Cartoons From The New Yorker, Robert Mankoff (Editor), 2010, Andrews McMeel, $9.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2010a], (ISBN: 0740792024).
The New Yorker - Cartoons of the Year 2010, 2010, Conde Nast, $10.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2010b].
The New Yorker - Cartoons of the Year 2011, 2011, Conde Nast, $10.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2011a].
Beaulieu Vineyard Book of Wine Cartoons, 2011, Cartoon Bank Press, $16.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2011b].
Sterling Vineyards Book of Wine Cartoons, 2011, Cartoon Bank Press, $8.50, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2011c].
The New Yorker - Cartoons of the Year 2012, 2012, Conde Nast, $10.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2012].
The New Yorker - Cartoons of the Year 2013, 2013, Conde Nast, $11.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2013].
The New Yorker - Cartoons of the Year 2014, 2014, Conde Nast, $11.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2014].
The New Yorker - Cartoons of the Year 2015, 2015, Conde Nast, $12.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2015].
The New Yorker - 90th Anniversary Book of Cartoons, 2015, Conde Nast, $14.06, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2015a].
The New Yorker - Cartoons of the Year 2016, 2016, Conde Nast, $12.99, Cartoons (The New Yorker) [NewYorker2016].
The Spectator Cartoon Book, Austin, Garland, Heath, Woodcock, 1987, Andre Deutsch, $7.95, Cartoons (The Spectator) [Spectator1987], (ISBN: 0233981721).
The Spectator Cartoon Book, Michael Heath (Editor), 1994, John Murray, $4.98, Cartoons (The Spectator) [Spectator1994], (ISBN: 0719557038).
The Spectator Cartoon Book, Michael Heath (Editor), 2004, Profile Books, $8.00, Cartoons (The Spectator) [Spectator2004], (ISBN: 1861977735).
Angels on Horseback, Norman Thelwell, 1987, Methuen, $2.50, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1957], (ISBN: 0417010702).
A Leg at Each Corner, Norman Thelwell, 1962, E.P. Dutton, $4.50, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1962].
The Penguin Thelwell, Norman Thelwell, 2006, Penguin Books, $2.95, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1963].
Top Dog: Thelwell's Complete Canine Compendium, Norman Thelwell, 1964, E.P. Dutton, $5.39, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1964].
Thelwell's Riding Academy, Norman Thelwell, 1965, E.P. Dutton, $10.00, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1965].
Up the Garden Path: Thelwell's Guide to Gardening, Norman Thelwell, 1967, E.P. Dutton, $1.00, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1967].
Thelwell's Book of Leisure, Norman Thelwell, 1969, E.P. Dutton, $4.50, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1969].
Thelwell's This Desirable Plot, Norman Thelwell, 1970, Mandarin, $2.98, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1970], (ISBN: 0749303948).
Thelwell's Horse Box Containing Angels, Country, Leg, Riding (Boxed Set), Norman Thelwell, 1971, E.P. Dutton, $4.98, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1971a], (ISBN: 0525215808).
This Desirable Plot, Norman Thelwell, 1971, E.P. Dutton, $4.00, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1971b], (ISBN: 0525217754).
Penelope, Norman Thelwell, 1973, E.P. Dutton, $6.95, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1973].
Thelwell's Belt Up, Norman Thelwell, 1974, Methuen, $2.98, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1974], (ISBN: 0417010907).
Brat Race, Norman Thelwell, 1977, Charles Scribner's Sons, $5.95, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1977], (ISBN: 0684156385).
Thelwell Annual, Norman Thelwell, 1979, World Distributors, $9.95, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1979], (ISBN: 072356566X).
Some Damn Fool's Signed the Rubens Again, Norman Thelwell, 1982, Methuen, $5.98, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1982], (ISBN: 0413501906).
Thelwell's Magnificat, Norman Thelwell, 2002, Methuen, $12.95, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1983], (ISBN: 0413762203).
Thelwell's Sporting Prints, Norman Thelwell, 1984, Methuen, $2.48, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1984], (ISBN: 0413619001).
Thelwell's Pony Panorama: Gymkhana, Thelwell Goes West, Penelope, Norman Thelwell, 1988, Methuen, $4.98, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell1988], (ISBN: 041318000X).
Thelwell's Compleat Tangler, Norman Thelwell, 1967, Methuen, $15.95, Cartoons (Thelwell) [Thelwell2004], (ISBN: 0413774627).
Ben, John Troy, 1984, Willow Creek, $12.50, Cartoons (Troy) [Troy1984], (ISBN: 0932558224).
Ben Again!, John Troy, 1986, Willow Creek, $6.95, Cartoons (Troy) [Troy1986], (ISBN: 0932558453).
Ben Unleashed, John Troy, 1988, Willow Creek, $7.50, Cartoons (Troy) [Troy1988], (ISBN: 0932558461).
The Authorized Ben Treasury, John Troy, 1994, Willow Creek, $14.95, Cartoons (Troy) [Troy1994], (ISBN: 157223010X).
You Should Have Been Here Yesterday, John Troy, 1995, Lyons & Burford, $10.00, Cartoons (Troy) [Troy1995], (ISBN: 1558213600).
Lunkers!, John Troy, 2000, The Lyons Press, $6.95, Cartoons (Troy) [Troy2000], (ISBN: 1585741531).
Cartoon Fun [PPB], 1954, Fawcett, $0.35, Cartoons (True) [True1954].
The True Album of Cartoons, 1960, Crown, $8.50, Cartoons (True) [True1960a].
The True Album of Cartoons (Abridged) [PPB], 1960, Fawcett, $0.40, Cartoons (True) [True1960b].
True Cartoon Treasury [PPB], 1968, Fawcett, $0.50, Cartoons (True) [True1968].
Twin Toons, Nancy Bea Miller, 1996, Laugh Lines Press, $8.95, Cartoons (Twins) [Miller1996], (ISBN: 0963252682).
The Road to Revolution! (The Cartoon Chronicles of America), Stan Mack, Susan Champlin, 2009, Bloomsbury, $10.99, Cartoons (US History) [Mack2009], (ISBN: 1599903717).
The Story of America in Cartoons, 1976, Museum of Cartoon Art, $5.00, Cartoons (US History) [Museum1976].
The USA Today Cartoon Book, Barsotti, Cochran, Vietor, 1986, Andrews, McMeel & Parker, $7.00, Cartoons (USA Today) [USA1986], (ISBN: 0836220773).
Utah & All That Jazz, Calvin Grondahl, 1989, Signature Books, $6.95, Cartoons (Utah) [Grondahl1989], (ISBN: 0941214869).
This Literary Life, Peter Van Straaten, 1991, Coffee House, $7.50, Cartoons (Van Straaten) [VanStraaten1991], (ISBN: 0918273927).
Vassar: A Second Glance, Anne Cleveland, Jean Anderson, 1942, Vassar Cooperative Bookshop, $2.95, Cartoons (Vassar) [Vassar1942].
The Educated Woman, Anne Cleveland, Jean Anderson, 1960, E.P. Dutton, $4.95, Cartoons (Vassar) [Vassar1960].
The Joy of Soy, Vance Lehmkuhl, 1997, Laugh Lines Press, $9.95, Cartoons (Vegetarian) [Lehmkuhl1997], (ISBN: 1889594032).
But What Do You Need Me For?, Vertes, 1959, G.P. Putnam's Sons, $4.50, Cartoons (Vertes) [Vertes1959].
Water on the Brain, Virgil Partch, 1945, Robert M. McBride & Company, $3.00, Cartoons (VIP) [VIP1945].
Here We Go Again, Virgil Partch, 1951, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, $1.50, Cartoons (VIP) [VIP1951b].
Funny Cartoons by VIP, Virgil Partch, 1955, Fawcett, $0.75, Cartoons (VIP) [VIP1955].
New Faces on the Barroom Floor, Virgil Partch, 1961, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, $6.00, Cartoons (VIP) [VIP1961].
Big George, Virgil Partch, 1962, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, $25.00, Cartoons (VIP) [VIP1962].
The Jokeswagen Book, Charles Preston, 1966, Bernard Geis|Random House, $3.50, Cartoons (Volkswagen) [Preston1966b].
Jiggers, Fellows. Here Comes Hodgekiss with another Volkswagen Joke, Virgil Partch, 1968, $8.95, Cartoons (Volkswagen) [VIP1968].
This Is as Bad as It Gets, Voutch, 2007, Andrews McMeel, $16.95, Cartoons (Voutch) [Voutch2007], (ISBN: 0740746723).
The Coffee Break, Charles Preston, 1955, E.P. Dutton, $3.00, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1955].
Fore!, Charles Preston (Editor), 1962, E.P. Dutton, $9.95, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1962].
How's Business, 1964, Allied Publications, $1.98, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1964a].
Here's Looking at You, Charles Preston, 1964, E.P. Dutton, $1.00, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1964b].
All in a Day's Work, Charles Preston (Editor), 1966, E.P. Dutton, $3.98, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1966].
Modern Times, Charles Preston, 1968, E.P. Dutton, $4.50, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1968].
Up Three Points, Please!, Charles Preston, 1970, Trident Press, $3.00, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1970].
Cartoon Portfolio from The Wall Street Journal, Charles Preston, 1972, Westport Corp, $4.00, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1972].
Can Board Chairmen Get Measles?, Charles Preston, 1982, Crown, $9.95, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1982], (ISBN: 0517548984).
Pepper and Salt, Charles Preston, 1984, Franklin Watts, $3.98, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1984], (ISBN: 0531097501).
The Wall Street Journal's Pepper ... and Salt Cartoons: CEOs and Other Kings, Charles Preston, 1986, Plume, $5.95, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1986], (ISBN: 0452258634).
The Wall Street Journal Portfolio of Business Cartoons, Charles Preston, 1999, Dow Jones, $22.95, Cartoons (Wall Street Journal) [WSJ1999], (ISBN: 1881944190).
To Hell With Fishing, H.T. Webster, Ed Zern, 1945, D. Appleton-Century Company, $7.50, Cartoons (Webster) [Webster1945].
Rhoads' West, Fred Rhoads, 1972, Northland Press, $10.00, Cartoons (Western) [Rhoads1972], (ISBN: 0873581024).
Screw Heaven, When I Die I'm Going to Mars, Shannon Wheeler, 2007, Dark Horse, $12.95, Cartoons (Wheeler) [Wheeler2007], (ISBN: 159307820X).
I Thought You Would Be Funnier, Shannon Wheeler, 2010, Boom! Town, $17.99, Cartoons (Wheeler) [Wheeler2010], (ISBN: 1608860949).
You're Sitting on my Eyelashes, Whitney Darrow Jr., 1943, World Publishing Company, $2.69, Cartoons (Whitney Darrow) [Darrow1943].
Please Pass the Hostess, Whitney Darrow Jr., 1949, Random House, $5.00, Cartoons (Whitney Darrow) [Darrow1949].
Among the Folks in History, Gaar Williams, 1935, The Book and Print Guild, $10.00, Cartoons (Williams) [Williams1935].
How to Keep From Growing Old, Gaar Williams, 1948, Rand McNally, $4.95, Cartoons (Williams) [Williams1948].
Redrawn By Request: The Great Cartoons of J.R.Williams, J.R. Williams, 1955, Hanover House, $9.95, Cartoons (Williams) [Williams1955].
The Bull of the Woods, J.R. Williams, 2002, Algrove Publishing, $5.95, Cartoons (Williams) [Williams2002], (ISBN: 1894572610).
The Bull of the Woods: Volume III, J.R. Williams, 2004, Algrove Publishing, $5.95, Cartoons (Williams) [Williams2004], (ISBN: 1897030142).
Cowboy Country Cartoons, Jim Willoughby, 1988, Golden West, $4.50, Cartoons (Willoughby) [Willoughby1988], (ISBN: 091484637X).
Cowboy Cartoons: Quick on the Draw, Jim Willoughby, 1996, Pelican, $4.95, Cartoons (Willoughby) [Willoughby1996], (ISBN: 1565541413).
The Whites of Their Eyes, Rowland B. Wilson, 1962, E.P. Dutton, $6.00, Cartoons (Wilson) [WilsonG1962].
Cartoon Countdown, Bernard Wiseman, 1959, Ballantine, $0.35, Cartoons (Wiseman) [Wiseman1959].
The Conformers, Jack Wohl, 1960, Price, Stern, Sloan, $1.50, Cartoons (Wohl) [Wohl1960].
Women Are Wonderful, William Cole, Florett Robinson (Editors), 1956, Houghton Mifflin, $2.00, Cartoons (Women) [Cole1956].
Mothers and Daughters, Liza Donnelly (Editor), 1993, Ballantine, $8.00, Cartoons (Women) [Donnelly1993], (ISBN: 0345383613).
Funny Ladies, Liza Donnelly, 2005, Prometheus Books, $32.00, Cartoons (Women) [Donnelly2005], (ISBN: 1591023440).
What is This Thing Called Sex? Cartoons by Women, Roz Warren (Editor), 1993, The Crossing Press, $12.95, Cartoons (Women) [Warren1993b], (ISBN: 0895946319).
The Best Contemporary Women's Humor, Roz Warren (Editor), 1994, The Crossing Press, $12.95, Cartoons (Women) [Warren1994], (ISBN: 0895946947).
Best Cartoons of the World II, 1978, Atlas World Press Review, $0.50, Cartoons (World) [Atlas1978].
Ty Hits the Mat, Randy Simpson, 1993, Cylinder Publishing, $6.95, Cartoons (Wrestling) [Simpson1993], (ISBN: 0963521527).
Zhuangzi Speaks: The Music of Nature, Tsai Chih Chung, 1992, Princeton University Press, $18.95, Cartoons (Zen) [Tsai1992], (ISBN: 0691008825).
Sunzi: The Art of War, Tsai Chih Chung, 2018, Princeton University Press, $22.95, Cartoons (Zen) [Tsai2018], (ISBN: 0691179786).
Hamburger Madness, Jack Ziegler, 1978, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, $2.98, Cartoons (Ziegler) [Ziegler1978], (ISBN: 0156381745).
Filthy Little Things, Jack Ziegler, 1981, Dolphin, $4.50, Cartoons (Ziegler) [Ziegler1981], (ISBN: 0385175175).
Celebrity Cartoons of the Rich and Famous, Jack Ziegler, 1987, Warner Books, $5.95, Cartoons (Ziegler) [Ziegler1987b], (ISBN: 0446385247).
Worst Case Scenarios, Jack Ziegler, 1990, Warner Books, $7.95, Cartoons (Ziegler) [Ziegler1990], (ISBN: 0671679287).
The Essential Jack Ziegler, Lee Lorenz (Editor), 2000, Workman Publishing, $12.95, Cartoons (Ziegler) [Ziegler2000], (ISBN: 076111758X).
How's the Squid?, Jack Ziegler, 2004, Harry N. Abrams, $19.95, Cartoons (Ziegler) [Ziegler2004a], (ISBN: 0810956020).
Olive or Twist?, Jack Ziegler, 2004, Harry N. Abrams, $19.95, Cartoons (Ziegler) [Ziegler2004b], (ISBN: 0810958872).
You Had Me at Bow Wow, Jack Ziegler, 2006, Vendome Press, $19.95, Cartoons (Ziegler) [Ziegler2006], (ISBN: 0865651779).
A Wealth of Pigeons, Harry Bliss, Steve Martin, 2020, Celadon Books, $28.00, Cartoons [Bliss2020], (ISBN: 1250262895).
The Laugh Round-up, 1946, Grosset & Dunlap, $3.00, Cartoons [Cartoons1946].
Words Fail Me!, Brant House (Editor), 1954, A. A. Wyn, $1.98, Cartoons [Cartoons1954].
Cartoon Classics, Christian Strich (Editor), 1977, Diogenes Verlag, $9.95, Cartoons [Cartoons1977], (ISBN: 325700964X).
The Funniest Cartoons Of All Time, Geoff Tibballs (Editor), 2006, Carroll & Graf, $13.95, Cartoons [Cartoons2006], (ISBN: 0786718315).
Best Cartoons From Abroad 1955, Lawrence Lariar, Ben Roth, 1955, Crown, $5.98, Cartoons [LariarAB1955].
Best Cartoons From Abroad 1956, Lawrence Lariar, Ben Roth, 1956, Crown, $13.44, Cartoons [LariarAB1956].
Best Cartoons From Abroad 1957, Lawrence Lariar, Ben Roth, 1957, Crown, $13.94, Cartoons [LariarAB1957].
Best Cartoons From Abroad 1958, Lawrence Lariar, Ben Roth, 1958, Crown, $15.00, Cartoons [LariarAB1958].
Best Cartoons From Abroad 1959, Lawrence Lariar, Ben Roth, 1959, Crown, $10.00, Cartoons [LariarAB1959].
Cartoons, James Peterson, 2016, Shutterfly, $8.65, Cartoons [Shutterfly2016].
The Ultimate Casper Comics Collection, Sid Jacobson (Editor), 2005, iBooks, $14.95, Casper [Casper2005], (ISBN: 1596878231).
Castle Waiting, Volume 1: The Lucky Road, Linda Medley, 2000, Cartoon Books, $16.95, Castle [Castle2000], (ISBN: 1888963077).
Castle, Richard Castle's Storm Season, Brian Michael Bendis, Kelly Sue Deconnick, Emanuela Lupacchino, 2012, Marvel, $19.99, Castle [Castle2012], (ISBN: 0785164820).
Castle: Richard Castle's Deadly Storm, Brian Michael Bendis, Kelly Sue Deconnick, Lan Medina, 2013, Marvel, $14.99, Castle [Castle2013], (ISBN: 0785153292).
Castle: Richard Castle's A Calm Before Storm, Peter David, Robert Atkins, Scott Elmer, Andy Owens, Chris Sotomayor, 2014, Marvel, $15.99, Castle [Castle2014], (ISBN: 0785168192).
The Collected Cathy, Cathy Guisewite, 1983, Andrews & McMeel, $4.98, Cathy [Cathy1983].
The New Collected Cathy, Cathy Guisewite, 1986, Andrews & McMeel, $4.98, Cathy [Cathy1986b].
The Newest Collected Cathy, Cathy Guisewite, 1990, Andrews & McMeel, $4.98, Cathy [Cathy1990].
Cathy Twentieth Anniversary Collection, Cathy Guisewite, 1996, Andrews & McMeel, $12.95, Cathy [Cathy1996], (ISBN: 0836225236).
Scenes from Isolation, Cathy Guisewite, 2021, Andrews McMeel, $14.99, Cathy [Cathy2021], (ISBN: 1524871044).
Cats With Hands, Joe Martin, 2006, Neatly Chiseled Features, $15.00, Cats With Hands [Boffo2006], (ISBN: 0974596728).
The Girl Who Married a Skull And Other African Stories, C. Spike Trotman, Kate Ashwin, Kel McDonald, Taneka Stotts (Editors), 2018, Iron Circus Comics, $17.49, Cautionary Fables [Cautionary2018a], (ISBN: 1945820241).
The Nixie of the Mill Pond And Other European Stories, Kel McDonald, Kate Ashwin (Editors), 2020, Iron Circus Comics, $17.49, Cautionary Fables [Cautionary2020a], (ISBN: 1945820543).
Cavewoman: The Complete Rain Saga, Budd Root, 1999, Caliber Comics, $19.95, Cavewoman [Cavewoman1999], (ISBN: 0941613488).
Everything's Great in '78: Further Adventures of Cecil C. Addle and Dipstick Duck, Ray Collins, 1978, Madrona, $2.00, Cecil C. Addle [Addle1978], (ISBN: 0914842307).
Charlie Chan (30 Oct 1938 - 19 Nov 1939), Earl Derr Bigger, Alfred Andriola, 2001, Pacific Comics Club, $9.50, Charlie Chan [Chan2001].
Charlie Chan: The Return of Keeno (20 Nov 1939 - 14 Jan 1940), Alfred Andriola, 2002, Pacific Comics Club, $9.50, Charlie Chan [Chan2002].
Charlie Chan: Drama at the Crown Circus (15 Jan 1940 - 20 Mar 1940), Alfred Andriola, 2003, Pacific Comics Club, $9.50, Charlie Chan [Chan2003].
Chemical Pressure and Its Applications to the Tsai-type Quasicrystal, Or... Atomic Size Matters, Veronica M. Berns, 2014, Veronica Berns, $25.00, Chemistry Ph.D. [Berns2014].
Chemtoons, Gustav J. Martin, 1955, Chemtoons Publishing, $5.00, Chemtoons [Martin1955].
A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens, 1987, Marvel Comics, $5.95, A Christmas Carol [ChristmasCarol1987], (ISBN: 1854002376).
A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens, 1991, Pendulum Press, $4.95, A Christmas Carol [ChristmasCarol1991], (ISBN: 0872320049).
A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, A Christmas Carol [ChristmasCarol1997], (ISBN: 1578400554).
A Christmas Carol: The Graphic Novel, Charles Dickens, 2008, Classical Comics, $7.98, A Christmas Carol [ChristmasCarol2008a], (ISBN: 1906332177).
A Christmas Carol: The Graphic Novel, Charles Dickens, Sean Michael Wilson, 2008, Classical Comics, $10.38, A Christmas Carol [ChristmasCarol2008b], (ISBN: 1906332177).
Scrooge:: A Christmas Carol and A Remembrance of Mugby, Charles Dickens, Rodolphe, Estelle Meyrand, 2012, Papercutz, $11.99, A Christmas Carol [ChristmasCarol2012], (ISBN: 1597073458).
A Christmas Carol: A Ghost Story, Charles Dickens, Jose-Luis Munuera, 2022, Cinebook, $18.95, A Christmas Carol [ChristmasCarol2022], (ISBN: 180044107X).
Citizen Dog, Mark O'Hare, 1998, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Citizen Dog [CitizenDog1998], (ISBN: 0836251865).
Dog's Best Friend: More Citizen Dog Reflections, Mark O'Hare, 1999, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Citizen Dog [CitizenDog1999], (ISBN: 0836267516).
D is for Dog, Mark O'Hare, 2000, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Citizen Dog [CitizenDog2000], (ISBN: 0740704575).
The Best of Jordi Bernet's Clara, Jordi Bernet, Carlos Trillo, Eduardo Maicas, 2006, Big Wow Art and Auad Publishing, $24.95, Clara [Clara2006], (ISBN: 0966938151).
Masterpiece Comics, R. Sikoryak, 2009, Drawn & Quarterly, $19.95, Classics (Parody) [Sikoryak2009], (ISBN: 1897299842).
The Three Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas, 1997, Acclaim Books, $2.48, Classics Illustrated [Classics-001], (ISBN: 1578400295).
The Three Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas, 2007, Jack Lake Productions, $9.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-001a], (ISBN: 1894998863).
The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas, 1997, Acclaim Books, $2.48, Classics Illustrated [Classics-003], (ISBN: 1578400570).
The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas, 2010, Papercutz, $9.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-003a], (ISBN: 1597071773).
Moby Dick, Herman Melville, 1997, Acclaim Books, $2.48, Classics Illustrated [Classics-005], (ISBN: 1578400139).
A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens, 1996, Acclaim Books, $2.48, Classics Illustrated [Classics-006], (ISBN: 1578400031).
A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens, 2008, Jack Lake Productions, $9.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-006a], (ISBN: 1894998669).
A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-006b], (ISBN: 1911238116).
Les Miserables, Victor Hugo, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-009], (ISBN: 1578400171).
Les Miserables, Victor Hugo, 2009, Jack Lake Productions, $9.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-009a], (ISBN: 1894998251).
Les Miserables, Victor Hugo, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-009b], (ISBN: 191061985X).
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Washington Irving, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-012], (ISBN: 1578400473).
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-013], (ISBN: 1910619787).
The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Victor Hugo, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-018], (ISBN: 1578400678).
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, Victor Hugo, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-018b], (ISBN: 1911238183).
Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens, 1997, Acclaim Books, $2.48, Classics Illustrated [Classics-023], (ISBN: 1578400155).
Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-023b], (ISBN: 1910619736).
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Mark Twain, 1997, Acclaim Books, $2.48, Classics Illustrated [Classics-024], (ISBN: 1578400163).
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, 2007, Papercutz, $13.95, Classics Illustrated [Classics-026], (ISBN: 1597071315).
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-026b], (ISBN: 191061971X).
Typee, Herman Melville, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-036], (ISBN: 1578400619).
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, 1996, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-039], (ISBN: 1578400058).
Great Expectations, Charles Dickens, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-043], (ISBN: 1578400112).
Great Expectations, Charles Dickens, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-043b], (ISBN: 1911238051).
Kidnapped, Robert Louis Stevenson, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-046], (ISBN: 1578400589).
Kidnapped, Robert Louis Stevenson, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-046b], (ISBN: 1911238221).
Alice In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-049], (ISBN: 1910619817).
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-064], (ISBN: 1910619779).
The Odyssey, Homer, 1997, Acclaim Books, $2.48, Classics Illustrated [Classics-081], (ISBN: 1578400074).
The Jungle Book, Rudyard Kipling, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-083], (ISBN: 1910619841).
A Midsummer Night's Dream, William Shakespeare, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-087], (ISBN: 1578400104).
A Midsummer Night's Dream, William Shakespeare, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-087b], (ISBN: 1911238132).
Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-089], (ISBN: 1578400090).
Pudd'nhead Wilson, Mark Twain, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-093], (ISBN: 1578400651).
Around the World in 80 Days, Jules Verne, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-104], (ISBN: 1911238078).
From the Earth to the Moon, Jules Verne, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-105], (ISBN: 157840035X).
The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-124a], (ISBN: 1578401887).
The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells, 2005, Jack Lake Productions, $9.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-124b], (ISBN: 1894998812).
The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells, 2006, Dark Horse, $14.95, Classics Illustrated [Classics-124c], (ISBN: 1593074743).
The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells, 2011, Campfire, $9.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-124d], (ISBN: 9380028601).
The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells, 2018, Insight Comics, $24.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-124e], (ISBN: 1683832000).
Macbeth, William Shakespeare, 1997, Acclaim Books, $2.48, Classics Illustrated [Classics-128], (ISBN: 1578400147).
Macbeth, William Shakespeare, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-128b], (ISBN: 1911238086).
Kim, Rudyard Kipling, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-143], (ISBN: 1578401852).
First Men In The Moon, H.G. Wells, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-144], (ISBN: 1911238019).
Off On A Comet, Jules Verne, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-149], (ISBN: 1911238027).
The Invisible Man, H.G. Wells, 1997, Acclaim Books, $2.48, Classics Illustrated [Classics-153a], (ISBN: 1578400465).
The Invisible Man, H.G. Wells, 2018, Insight Comics, $24.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-153b], (ISBN: 1683832027).
The Invisible Man, H.G. Wells, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-153c], (ISBN: 1910619744).
Cleopatra, H. Rider Haggard, 2011, Jack Lake Productions, $9.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-161], (ISBN: 192681455X).
Faust, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1997, Acclaim Books, $4.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-167a], (ISBN: 1578401860).
Faust, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 2012, Jack Lake Productions, $9.99, Classics Illustrated [Classics-167b], (ISBN: 1926814878).
The 39 Steps, John Buchan, 2017, CCS Books, $12.75, Classics Illustrated [Classics-200], (ISBN: 1910619868).
Moby Dick, Lew Sayre Schwartz, Dick Giordano, 2001, Houghton Mifflin, $16.00, Classics [Classics-005a], (ISBN: 0618265716).
Moby Dick, Herman Melville, 2008, Marvel, $19.99, Classics [Classics-005b], (ISBN: 0785123849).
The Prince & The Pauper, Mark Twain, 2008, YKids, $14.95, Classics [Classics-029a], (ISBN: 981057553X).
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain, 2007, Stone Arch Books, $9.00, Classics [Classics-050a], (ISBN: 1598892207).
The Man in the Iron Mask, Alexandre Dumas, 2008, Marvel, $19.99, Classics [Classics-054a], (ISBN: 0785125922).
The Man in the Iron Mask, Alexandre Dumas, 2008, Marvel, $19.99, Classics [Classics-054b], (ISBN: 0785125930).
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson, 2005, Puffin Books, $3.98, Classics [Classics-064a], (ISBN: 0142404705).
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson, 2007, YKids, $14.95, Classics [Classics-064b], (ISBN: 9810549423).
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson, 2007, Stone Arch Books, $9.00, Classics [Classics-064c], (ISBN: 1598892223).
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson, 2008, Marvel, $19.99, Classics [Classics-064d], (ISBN: 0785125949).
The Monkey God, Wu Cheng'en, Morvan, Jian Yi, Le Gal, 2014, Papercutz, $13.99, Classics [Classics2014], (ISBN: 1629910600).
Marvel Classics Comics Omnibus: Issues 13 to 36, 2020, Marvel, $150.00, Classics [Classics2020], (ISBN: 1302925261).
Classics Desecrated, Doug Wheeler, 1995, (NBM) Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine, $8.95, Classics [ClassicsD1995], (ISBN: 1561631310).
She, H. Rider Haggard, 1988, Eclipse Classics, $5.95, Classics [She1988], (ISBN: 0913035475).
Cleats: Who Tracked Soccer Through the House?, Bill Hinds, 2004, Andrews & McMeel, $10.95, Cleats [Cleats2004], (ISBN: 0740741381).
Clementine Cherie: The Rage of Paris, Jean Bellus, 1955, Grayson Publishing, $10.50, Clementine [Clementine1955].
Clementine and Her Family, Jean Bellus, 1959, Panther, $10.00, Clementine [Clementine1959].
Clementine and Her World, Jean Bellus, 1960, Arthur Barker, $23.50, Clementine [Clementine1960].
Clementine and L'Amour, Jean Bellus, 1961, Panther, $10.25, Clementine [Clementine1961].
Clementine and The Boys, Jean Bellus, 1962, Arthur Barker, $22.00, Clementine [Clementine1962].
Oh! Clementine, Jean Bellus, 1963, Fayard, $20.00, Clementine [Clementine1963].
Cleopatra in Space: Book One Target Practice, Mike Maihack, 2014, Scholastic, $12.99, Cleopatra in Space [Cleopatra2014], (ISBN: 0545528437).
Cleopatra in Space: Book Two The Thief and the Sword, Mike Maihack, 2015, Scholastic, $12.99, Cleopatra in Space [Cleopatra2015], (ISBN: 0545528453).
Cleopatra in Space: Book Three Secret of the Time Tablets, Mike Maihack, 2016, Scholastic, $12.99, Cleopatra in Space [Cleopatra2016], (ISBN: 0545838673).
Cleopatra in Space: Book Four The Golden Lion, Mike Maihack, 2017, Scholastic, $12.99, Cleopatra in Space [Cleopatra2017], (ISBN: 054583872X).
Cleopatra in Space: Book Five Fallen Empires, Mike Maihack, 2019, Scholastic, $14.99, Cleopatra in Space [Cleopatra2019], (ISBN: 1338204122).
Cleopatra in Space: Book Six Queen of the Nile, Mike Maihack, 2020, Scholastic, $14.99, Cleopatra in Space [Cleopatra2020], (ISBN: 1338204157).
Cracks in the Cloister, Brother Choleric, 1954, Sheed & Ward, $15.24, Cloisters [Cloisters1954].
Clover Honey, Richard Tommaso, 1995, Fantagraphics Books, $12.95, Clover Honey [Tommaso1995], (ISBN: 1560971967).
The Collage Review, Donny Jansen, 1986, Blackbird Comics, $1.48, Collage Review [Collage1986a].
The Collage Revue, Donny Jansen, 1986, Blackbird Comics, $2.68, Collage Review [Collage1986b].
What I Want To Be When They Grow Up, Michael Fry, 1996, Andrews & McMeel, $9.95, Committed [Committed1996], (ISBN: 0836213084).
Send in the Stunt Mom, Michael Fry, 1997, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Committed [Committed1997], (ISBN: 0836236637).
Condorito: The Adventure Begins, Rayo, 2005, HarperCollins, $14.95, Condorito [Condorito2005], (ISBN: 0060776021).
Connie: The Unseen Avenger, The Kimberly Curse, Race to Yucatan, Death in Stone (Series M,N,O,Q), Frank Godwin, 2010, Pacific Comics Club, $14.95, Connie [Connie1937], (ISBN: 0615387969).
Connie: The Menace of Mo Tung (Series R), Frank Godwin, 2010, Pacific Comics Club, $14.95, Connie [Connie1938a], (ISBN: 0615387950).
Connie: The Space Pirates (21 Dec 1938 - 30 May 1939), Frank Godwin, 2010, Pacific Comics Club, $11.95, Connie [Connie1938b], (ISBN: 061531533X).
Connie: Battle for Titan (31 May 1939 - 30 Sep 1939), Frank Godwin, 2009, Pacific Comics Club, $11.95, Connie [Connie1939], (ISBN: 0615315321).
Short, Green and Conrad, Bill Schorr, 1985, Pocket Books, $2.95, Conrad [Conrad1985b], (ISBN: 0671508253).
Copper, Kazu Kibuishi, 2010, Scholastic, $12.99, Copper [Copper2010], (ISBN: 0545098939).
One Day, This Will All Be Your Fault: Business Cartoons, Volume 3, Mike Baldwin, 2005, Lulu.com, $12.96, Cornered [Cornered2005].
Definitely Fake, Mike Baldwin, 2013, Baldwin, $19.99, Cornered [Cornered2013], (ISBN: 0988032449).
Corto Maltese, Vol 8: Fable of Venice, Hugo Pratt, 1981, (NBM) Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine, $10.95, Corto Maltese [Corto1981], (ISBN: 091834896X).
The Celts, Hugo Pratt, 1996, Harvill, $20.00, Corto Maltese [Corto1996a], (ISBN: 1860462715).
Ballad of The Salt Sea, Hugo Pratt, 1996, Harvill, $20.00, Corto Maltese [Corto1996b], (ISBN: 1860462707).
Corto Maltese: In Siberia, Hugo Pratt, 2017, IDW Publishing, $29.99, Corto Maltese [Corto2017], (ISBN: 1631408488).
Cotton Woods, Ray Gotto, 1991, Kitchen Sink Press, $14.95, Cotton woods [Cottonwoods1991], (ISBN: 0878161457).
The Courageous Princess 3: The Kingdom of Leptia, Rod Espinosa, 2002, Antarctic Press, $12.95, Courageous Princess [Courageous2002], (ISBN: 0966358848).
The Courageous Princess, Rod Espinosa, 2004, Antarctic Press, $15.95, Courageous Princess [Courageous2004], (ISBN: 1932453369).
Cow & Boy, Mark Leiknes, 2008, Andrews McMeel, $12.99, Cow and Boy [CowAndBoy2008], (ISBN: 0740770985).
The Cowboy Wally Show, Kyle Baker, 1996, Marlowe & Company, $14.95, Cowboy Wally [Baker1988], (ISBN: 1569248346).
COWL Volume 1: Principles of Power, Kyle Higgins, Alec Siegel, Rod Reis, 2014, Image Comics, $9.99, COWL [COWL2014], (ISBN: 1632151111).
Crabgrass Comic Adventures, Tauhid Bondia, 2022, Andrews McMeel, $11.99, Crabgrass [Crabgrass2022], (ISBN: 1524875554).
Unsupervised: A Crabgrass Comic Adventures, Tauhid Bondia, 2023, Andrews McMeel, $12.99, Crabgrass [Crabgrass2023], (ISBN: 1524884952).
He is a Good Boy, K.C. Green, 2019, K.C. Green, $35.00, Crange [Green2019], (ISBN: 1936561573).
Crankshaft, Tom Batiuk, Chuck Ayers, 1992, Andrews and McMeel, $8.95, Crankshaft [Funky1992b], (ISBN: 0836218892).
And One Slice with Anchovies!, Tom Batiuk, Chuck Ayers, 1993, Andrews McMeel, $8.95, Crankshaft [Funky1993], (ISBN: 0836217071).
I've Still Got It!, Tom Batiuk, Chuck Ayers, 1995, Andrews McMeel, $9.95, Crankshaft [Funky1995], (ISBN: 0836204190).
Safe Return Home, Tom Batiuk, Chuck Ayers, 1998, Andrews McMeel, $12.95, Crankshaft [Funky1998], (ISBN: 0836269136).
Your Favorite... Crab Cakes!, Tom Batiuk, Chuck Ayers, 2002, Andrews McMeel, $10.95, Crankshaft [Funky2002], (ISBN: 0740726668).
Strike Four!, Tom Batiuk, Chuck Ayers, 2014, Black Squirrel Books, $24.95, Crankshaft [Funky2014], (ISBN: 1606351923).
Roses in December: A Story of Love and Alzheimer's, Tom Batiuk, Chuck Ayers, 2015, Kent State University Press, $27.95, Crankshaft [Funky2015], (ISBN: 1606352342).
The Crusades: Book I Knight, Steven T. Seagle, Kelley Jones, 2010, Image Comics, $29.99, The Crusades [Seagle2010], (ISBN: 1607062887).
The Crusades: Book II Dei, Steven T. Seagle, Kelley Jones, 2011, Image Comics, $29.99, The Crusades [Seagle2011], (ISBN: 1607063026).
Cul De Sac This Exit, Richard Thompson, 2008, Andrews McMeel, $12.99, Cul de Sac [CulDeSac2008], (ISBN: 0740776517).
Children at Play, Richard Thompson, 2009, Andrews McMeel, $12.99, Cul de Sac [CulDeSac2009], (ISBN: 0740789872).
Curious Avenue, Tom Toles, 1993, Andrews & McMeel, $8.95, Curious Avenue [Curious1993], (ISBN: 0836217330).
A Boy Named Curtis, Ray Billingsley, 2009, Ray Billingsley, $19.28, Curtis [Curtis2000], (ISBN: 0984194606).
Living on Sponge Cake, Ray Billingsley, 2010, Ray Billingsley, $19.28, Curtis [Curtis2001], (ISBN: 0984194614).
Friends, Family & Other Catastrophes, Ray Billingsley, 2014, Ray Billingsley, $20.94, Curtis [Curtis2002], (ISBN: 0984194622).
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