Notation: m is the computed effective address
  (m) is the contents of location m

00 00 NOP no operation
01 06 FADD floating point add (m) to A
01 07 ORR inclusive-OR of (m) with A
01 L:R ADD add (m) to register A
02 06 FSUB floating point subtract (m) from A
02 07 XOR exclusive-OR of (m) with A
02 L:R SUB subtract (m) from A
03 06 FMUL floating point multiply of A by (m)
03 07 AND logical and (m) into A
03 L:R MUL multiply (m) by A giving AX
04 06 FDIV floating point divide of A by (m)
04 L:R DIV divide (m) into AX giving A (quotient) and X (remainder)
05 00 NUM 10-byte decimal in AX converted to binary in A
05 01 CHAR A is converted to 10-byte decimal characters in AX
05 02 HLT halt the MIX machine
05 03 OCT A is converted to 10-byte octal characters in AX
05 06 FLOT convert A from integer to floating point in A
06 00 SLA shift A m bytes left, end-off
06 01 SRA shift A m bytes right, end-off
06 02 SLAX shift AX m bytes left, end-off
06 03 SRAX shift AX m bytes right, end-off
06 04 SLC shift AX m bytes left, circular
06 05 SRC shift AX m bytes right, circular
06 06 SLB shift AX m bits left, end-off
06 07 SRB shift AX m bits right, end-off
07 N MOVE move N words starting from m to (I1), add N to I1
10 L:R LDA load A with (m)
11 L:R LD1 load I1 with (m)
12 L:R LD2 load I2 with (m)
13 L:R LD3 load I3 with (m)
14 L:R LD4 load I4 with (m)
15 L:R LD5 load I5 with (m)
16 L:R LD6 load I6 with (m)
17 L:R LDX load X with (m)
20 L:R LDAN load A with negative of (m)
21 L:R LD1N load I1 with negative of (m)
22 L:R LD2N load I2 with negative of (m)
23 L:R LD3N load I3 with negative of (m)
24 L:R LD4N load I4 with negative of (m)
25 L:R LD5N load I5 with negative of (m)
26 L:R LD6N load I6 with negative of (m)
27 L:R LDXN load X with negative of (m)
30 L:R STA store A into location m
31 L:R ST1 store I1 into location m
32 L:R ST2 store I2 into location m
33 L:R ST3 store I3 into location m
34 L:R ST4 store I4 into location m
35 L:R ST5 store I5 into location m
36 L:R ST6 store I6 into location m
37 L:R STX store X into location m
40 L:R STJ store J register into location m
41 L:R STZ store zero into location m
42 N JBUS jump to location m if unit N is busy
43 N IOC issue I/O control signal to unit N
44 N IN start input transfer from unit N
45 N OUT start output transfer from unit N
46 N JRED jump to location m if unit N is ready
47 00 JMP jump to m
47 01 JSJ jump to m (but do not change register J)
47 02 JOV jump to m if overflow on, turn overflow off
47 03 JNOV jump to m if overflow off, turn overflow off anyway
47 04 JL jump to m if comparison indicator is less
47 05 JE jump to m if comparison indicator is equal
47 06 JG jump to m if comparison indicator is greater
47 07 JGE jump to m if comparison indicator is greater or equal
47 10 JNE jump to m if comparison indicator is not equal
47 11 JLE jump to m if comparison indicator is less or equal
50 00 JAN jump to m if A is negative
50 01 JAZ jump to m if A is zero
50 02 JAP jump to m if A is positive
50 03 JANN jump to m if A is nonnegative
50 04 JANZ jump to m if A is nonzero
50 05 JANP jump to m if A is nonpositive
50 06 JAE jump to m if A is even
50 07 JAO jump to m if A is odd
51 00 J1N jump to m if I1 is negative
51 01 J1Z jump to m if I1 is zero
51 02 J1P jump to m if I1 is positive
51 03 J1NN jump to m if I1 is nonnegative
51 04 J1NZ jump to m if I1 is nonzero
51 05 J1NP jump to m if I1 is nonpositive
52 00 J2N jump to m if I2 is negative
52 01 J2Z jump to m if I2 is zero
52 02 J2P jump to m if I2 is positive
52 03 J2NN jump to m if I2 is nonnegative
52 04 J2NZ jump to m if I2 is nonzero
52 05 J2NP jump to m if I2 is nonpositive
53 00 J3N jump to m if I3 is negative
53 01 J3Z jump to m if I3 is zero
53 02 J3P jump to m if I3 is positive
53 03 J3NN jump to m if I3 is nonnegative
53 04 J3NZ jump to m if I3 is nonzero
53 05 J3NP jump to m if I3 is nonpositive
54 00 J4N jump to m if I4 is negative
54 01 J4Z jump to m if I4 is zero
54 02 J4P jump to m if I4 is positive
54 03 J4NN jump to m if I4 is nonnegative
54 04 J4NZ jump to m if I4 is nonzero
54 05 J4NP jump to m if I4 is nonpositive
55 00 J5N jump to m if I5 is negative
55 01 J5Z jump to m if I5 is zero
55 02 J5P jump to m if I5 is positive
55 03 J5NN jump to m if I5 is nonnegative
55 04 J5NZ jump to m if I5 is nonzero
55 05 J5NP jump to m if I5 is nonpositive
56 00 J6N jump to m if I6 is negative
56 01 J6Z jump to m if I6 is zero
56 02 J6P jump to m if I6 is positive
56 03 J6NN jump to m if I6 is nonnegative
56 04 J6NZ jump to m if I6 is nonzero
56 05 J6NP jump to m if I6 is nonpositive
57 00 JXN jump to m if X is negative
57 01 JXZ jump to m if X is zero
57 02 JXP jump to m if X is positive
57 03 JXNN jump to m if X is nonnegative
57 04 JXNZ jump to m if X is nonzero
57 05 JXNP jump to m if X is nonpositive
57 06 JXE jump to m if X is even
57 07 JXO jump to m if X is odd
60 00 INCA increment A by m
60 01 DECA decrement A by m
60 02 ENTA enter m into A
60 03 ENNA enter negative of m into A
61 00 INC1 increment I1 by m
61 01 DEC1 decrement I1 by m
61 02 ENT1 enter m into I1
61 03 ENN1 enter negative of m into I1
62 00 INC2 increment I2 by m
62 01 DEC2 decrement I2 by m
62 02 ENT2 enter m into I2
62 03 ENN2 enter negative of m into I2
63 00 INC3 increment I3 by m
63 01 DEC3 decrement I3 by m
63 02 ENT3 enter m into I3
63 03 ENN3 enter negative of m into I3
64 00 INC4 increment I4 by m
64 01 DEC4 decrement I4 by m
64 02 ENT4 enter m into I4
64 03 ENN4 enter negative of m into I4
65 00 INC5 increment I5 by m
65 01 DEC5 decrement I5 by m
65 02 ENT5 enter m into I5
65 03 ENN5 enter negative of m into I5
66 00 INC6 increment I6 by m
66 01 DEC6 decrement I6 by m
66 02 ENT6 enter m into I6
66 03 ENN6 enter negative of m into I6
67 00 INCX increment X by m
67 01 DECX decrement X by m
67 02 ENTX enter m into X
67 03 ENNX enter negative of m into X
70 06 FCMP floating point compare A and (m), set comparison indicator
70 L:R CMPA compare A and (m), set comparison indicator
71 L:R CMP1 compare I1 and (m), set comparison indicator
72 L:R CMP2 compare I2 and (m), set comparison indicator
73 L:R CMP3 compare I3 and (m), set comparison indicator
74 L:R CMP4 compare I4 and (m), set comparison indicator
75 L:R CMP5 compare I5 and (m), set comparison indicator
76 L:R CMP6 compare I6 and (m), set comparison indicator
77 L:R CMPX compare X and (m), set comparison indicator