The instruction set of the MIX computer is described below. The instructions are grouped by function. In describing the instructions, the following notation is used:
A the A register
X the X register
AX the 10-byte double-length register composed of the A and X register, with the A register being the upper 5 bytes and the X register being the lower 5 bytes.
I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6 the 6 index registers
J the J register
MEMORY[q] the memory word whose address is q (0 ≤ q < 4000)
REG[*] the *th register, where REG[0] is A, REG[1] is I1, REG[2] is I2, REG[3] is I3, …, REG[6] is I6, and REG[7] is X
qr the contents of register or memory word q, or the value of the expression q, is copied to the register or memory word r.
q(L:R) the L:R bytes of memory word or register q
m the effective address of the instruction being executed
P the program counter
I the instruction register; holds the instruction while it is being executed

The instruction execution cycle for the MIX computer is:

  1. (Fetch instruction) MEMORY[P]I.
  2. (Increment program counter) P + 1P.
  3. (Calculate effective address) effective address(I) → m.
  4. (Execute instruction) execute(I).
  5. (Repeat until HLT instruction.) If the instruction was not a HLT, return to step 1.

The effect of execute(I) depends upon bytes 5 and 4 of the instruction register I as follows. (All numbers are octal.)

For each instruction, the assembler mnemonic, octal numeric opcode and field specifications are given, along with a short description of the instruction. When the same instruction applies to the eight registers, A, X, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, and I6 in the same way, the symbol "*" is used to stand for the register to be used. For mnemonics, the * should be replaced by A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, X; for opcodes by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, as appropriate.

Loading Instructions

LD* 10+* L:R MEMORY[m](L:R) → REG[*]
LD*N 20+* L:R -MEMORY[m](L:R) → REG[*]

Storing Instructions

ST* 30+* L:R if L=0, then REG[*](0:0) → MEMORY[m](0:0) and REG[*](6-R:5) → MEMORY[m](1:R);
if L > 0, then REG[*](5-R+L:5) → MEMORY[m](L:R)
STJ 40 L:R if L=0, then "+" → MEMORY[m](0:0) and J(6-R:5) → MEMORY[m](1:R);
if L > 0, then J(5-R+L:5) → MEMORY[m](L:R)
STZ 41 L:R +0 → MEMORY[m](L:R)


ADD 01 L:R A + MEMORY[m](L:R) → A;
if the magnitude of this sum is too large, "ON" → Overflow toggle
SUB 02 L:R A - MEMORY[m](L:R) → A;
if the magnitude of this difference is too large, "ON" → Overflow toggle
MUL 03 L:R A × MEMORY[m](L:R) → AX
DIV 04 L:R the quotient of AX / MEMORY[m](L:R) → A;
the remainder → X;
if the magnitude of the quotient is too large, or MEMORY[m](L:R) = 0, then "ON" → Overflow toggle

Immediate Instructions

INC* 60+* 00 REG[*] + mREG[*]
DEC* 60+* 01 REG[*] - mREG[*]
ENT* 60+* 02 mREG[*]
ENN* 60+* 03 -mREG[*]

Comparison Instructions

CMP* 70+* L:R if REG[*](L:R) < MEMORY[m](L:R), then "LESS" → Comparison indicator;
if REG[*](L:R) = MEMORY[m](L:R), then "EQUAL" → Comparison indicator;
if REG[*](L:R) > MEMORY[m](L:R), then "GREATER" → Comparison indicator


JMP 47 00 PJ and mP
JSJ 47 01 mP
JOV 47 02 if Overflow toggle = "ON", then "OFF" Overflow toggle and PJ and mP
JNOV 47 03 if Overflow toggle = "OFF", then PJ and mP;
JL 47 04 if Comparison indicator = "LESS", then PJ and mP
JE 47 05 if Comparison indicator = "EQUAL", then PJ and mP
JG 47 06 if Comparison indicator = "GREATER", then PJ and mP
JGE 47 07 if Comparison indicator = "GREATER" or Comparison indicator = "EQUAL", then PJ and mP
JNE 47 10 if Comparison indicator = "GREATER" or Comparison indicator = "LESS", then PJ and mP
JLE 47 11 if Comparison indicator = "LESS" or Comparison indicator = "EQUAL", then PJ and mP
J*N 50+* 00 if REG[*] < 0, then PJ and mP
J*Z 50+* 01 if REG[*] = 0, then PJ and mP
J*P 50+* 02 if REG[*] > 0, then PJ and mP
J*NN 50+* 03 if REG[*] ≥ 0, then PJ and mP
J*NZ 50+* 04 if REG[*] ≠ 0, then PJ and mP
J*NP 50+* 05 if REG[*] ≤ 0, then PJ and mP
JBUS 42 N if unit N is busy, then PJ and mP
JRED 46 N if unit N is not busy, then PJ and mP

Input/Output Instructions

IN 44 N if unit N is busy, then wait until it is not busy;
then issue an input command to unit N with memory address m.
OUT 45 N if unit N is busy, then wait until it is not busy;
then issue an output command to unit N with memory address m.
IOC 43 N if unit N is busy, then wait until it is not busy;
then issue a control command to Unit N with parameter m.

Shift Instructions

SLA 06 00 shift A left m bytes, end-off, zero fill
SRA 06 01 shift A right m bytes, end-off, zero fill
SLAX 06 02 shift AX left m bytes, end-off, zero fill
SRAX 06 03 shift AX right m bytes, end-off, zero fill
SLC 06 04 shift AX left m bytes, circular
SRC 06 05 shift AX right m bytes, circular

Miscellaneous Instructions

NUM 05 00 convert from decimal character code in AX to binary numeric in A
CHAR 05 01 convert from binary numeric in A to decimal character code in AX
HLT 05 02 halt the computer
NOP 00 00 do nothing, simply continue with the next instruction
MOVE 07 N copy the N words at m, m+1, m+2, …, m+N-1 to I1, I1+1, I1+2, …, I1+N-1, one at a time, leaving I1 + NI1

Floating Point Instructions

FADD 01 06 A + MEMORY[m] → A
FSUB 02 06 A - MEMORY[m] → A
FMUL 03 06 A × MEMORY[m] → A
FDIV 04 06 A / MEMORY[m] → A
FCMP 70 06 if A < MEMORY[m] then "LESS" → Comparison indicator;
if A = MEMORY[m], then "EQUAL" → Comparison indicator;
if A > MEMORY[m], then "GREATER" → Comparison indicator
FLOT 05 06 convert the integer number in A to a floating point number of the same value, and leave the floating point representation in A

Binary Instructions

AND 05 03 A and MEMORY[m] → A
ORR 05 04 A or MEMORY[m] → A
XOR 05 05 A xor MEMORY[m] → A
SLB 06 06 shift AX left m bits
SRB 06 07 shift AX right m bits
JAE 50 06 if A is even, then PJ and mP
JAO 50 07 if A is odd, then PJ and mP
JXE 57 06 if X is even, then PJ and mP
JXO 57 07 if X is odd, then PJ and mP